
Hell, if bungee-jumping is deemed risky, then...

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i think it depends a lot how you sell it. they will always ask about skydiving if you mention it, then you can talk about necessary training and risk-management, quick decision-making etc. depending on the job, that is EXACTLY the person they're looking for!

if it's for a job at a beauty-salon, that probably wont matter! ;)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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I haven't been fired yet. My boss even sent me one of those Experience Human Flight videos when he found out.

However, I don't think it'll ever make my resume.

I interviewed a guy who listed "skydiving" as a hobby while I was working on my A and very excited to talk to anyone and everyone about skydiving. Turns out he did a tandem once. Made me wonder what else he had exaggerated on his resume. Guess who didn't get hired?

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