
Can't life just be simple?

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If a guy likes a girl or vice versa, why not just say "I like you?" That's simple enough. And if the other person likes them back, they can say "I like you too." Or if they don't like them, they can say "I don't like you." (and if that hurts your feelings, too bad, the truth hurts! :D)

If they like each other, one can ask the other out on a date. A simple "yes" or "no" will do. No need to go into explanations why or why not, just 'yes'...or 'no.' If it's a 'no' accept it and move along! Easy enough right?

If they really like each other A LOT, then say "i want to just date you and noone else. What do you think?" And then other person can say "yes" or "no, and i am not ready to be in a committed relationship." Easy as that...and once again, no need for lengthy drawn-out and full of bullshit explanations.

Is that really too much to ask? Simple is good and it doesn't take much effort. And most importantly it eliminates DRAMA, which I know all of us love so much. ;)

So whaddaaya say? Can't we all just get a long in a nice, simple & respectable manner? :P:D

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Listen here... and take some notes.
If you are over 15.. 20 of age - in order to survive this funny life form you're in, you will witness personality splits. Older you are - more you'll meet.

Some of those like something at some times, some don't.
The opposite pole has similar dilemmas!
You better know when to pull out your PC. Not too high!
What goes around, comes later.

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I totally agree.

I have to dumb it down for myself, because men like to think xyz, when it really was efg.

So I like to make my message clear, especially when it comes to relationships.

My experience has been that men think xyz so they say xyz. Women hear xyz but take it to mean efg. Then when women say pqr they really mean some other letters that are really symbols and are read from right to left.

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Rap is to music what etch-a-sketch is to art.

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I have to dumb it down for myself, because men like to think xyz, when it really was efg.

Au contraire. I think it's that men want xyz and women want efg.

I agree.

Case in point:

Man: Honey, I would like to
Wife: Sure, dear. Go ahead and have a good time.

Wife: Where were you yesterday? All you do is . You KNOW I don't want you doing that.
Man: *sigh*

...and that's when the fight started.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I think u need to ask shah269! :S jejej

Zing. :D

It is Ba-zing-ga!!!:P

Slightly hung over, making dinner and working on my very last homework project....can't answer to the depth I would like to and then spend an evening defending my position.

Sort answer? We are wired differently.
For a good time go watch lesbians argue.....it's a great bit of fun.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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