
Aerodyne icon question/problem

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I just got my new icon :)but...take a look at these two pictures.
I see a lot of wrinkles...the closing flap doesn't fit properly at the top...the closingflap at the bottom looks skew. I can put my finger in the left hole above the reserveflap and I don't really feel the reserve is packed very neatly or is that just me?

I would like some advice...I have my doubts if this rig is ok. It just doesn't look right to me. It is an icon I5 with a pilot 168 and a smart 175. The rig is assembled and packed by Aerodyne...



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The closing flap at the top looks fine. I don't see any issue with it. If you're refering to the gaps to the right and left of where it attaches, that's normal. See some other rigs for the same sort of thing, especialy larger Talon 2's and Javelins.

Edit: If you're refering to the fact one side is larger than the other, I'd say that's a small packing issue. Too much bulk on one side, or a lump of P/C material to that side at a guess.

As for the wrinkles, the Main is probably packed to narrow, and the closing loop may be a bit to tight. The main grommets probably shouldn't stack on top of one another.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I've never seen an Icon that looked that bad. Bummer, I was thinking about buying one.

Your container is sized for a 168 main/175 reserve
but it looks big enough to hold a 210 main/reserve.

Geez! I don't blame you for questioning the appearance.

How big are you? Maybe you have extreamly wide shoulders and need the harness to extend wider around that area, this would explain the gaps.

The reserve pack job looks very sloopy. If my rig looked like that, I'd ask them to repack it.

Lets see some pics of you wearing the rig.

edited to add: I just looked at your pic again... Is your main packed in there? It looks a bit loose down there.

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hee kbone,

I'm not really that big....1.85 meter. normal posture. Yep..my main is packed.

I'll post pictures of me wearing the rig tomorrow..(have to get camera).

I think/hope it's just a crappy packjob though but I"m not sure.

i have seen lots of icon and they are really nice rigs..the other rigs all looked ok :)


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My first reaction to your pics is that your reserve closing loop may be way too loose. Just a guess though, as I'm only going by the pics. I am a rigger though and have seen other rigs look like this. Try a different rigger and BTW, those wrinkles, if left there long enough, tend to become permanent even if it is packed properly.

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here it is...

I'm beginning to believe more and more that a reserve repack and changing closingloop lengths will solve my problems...hope to get my rig to a rigger tomorrow..

The rigs fits perfect though....:)


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