
Looking for info -- cloud data storage

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Thoughts? I'm looking for something I can put scans of deeds, etc. onto, so that there's an automatic backup.

I'm taking a financial planning class, and the teacher suggested online aggregators as well; mint.com was suggested, but dang -- that just gives me the willies. I'd much rather pay for something like that, rather than have it be someone who's out hustling for a buck.

Anyone got any suggestions, more for file storage? I have access to a dropbox account, but that's not the only one out there.

Wendy P.
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Mint.com has actually been given good reviews on many reputable sites. I've used Dropbox and am happy with it so far. Our company also has a Carbonite account, but I've never actually tried to retrieve the data yet, but it's also a company that gets good reviews.
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My understanding is that Carbonite encrypts your data and Dropbox does not.

Very important, IMO...

All of my sensitive paperwork gets truecrypted before it's backed up.

Never know who will end up with your data on their desk.
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Mint.com is owned by Intuit the makers of Quicken financial software. Their goal is to get people more interested in the control of their money and want tools that Quicken offers so they want to get you started on Mint and then sell you Quicken. I love Mint and use it everyday on my phone and my PC. Via using the data from there I discovered a lot more control over my finances since I could see everything at one glance instead of needing to log into 8 websites to know the status of every loan, 401k, savings, etc. Its helped me to actually pay down a lot of debt just since I could see what my total loan balances were instead of just seeing a monthly payment leaving the checking account every month.
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