
Neptune & Paralog issues

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I have download the evaluation version of Paralog and I am trying to download a few jumps off my neptune with it. It starts downloading the jumps then after a few seconds it gives an error saying that the neptune is not registered. Ive been told its doing this because its the evalution version and that it should work but I just can't save the jumps, but after its giving that message the softare crashes ad makes my pc hang. I have tried this on 2 different pc's now and its doing it on both.

Anyone have this problem before? I have installed the IRCOMM2K driver as per the instructions from Alti2.


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The thing is, if it is an older jump the profile will be gone. So there's not that much to see, no graph anyway. The Neptune only saves the last couple profiles, about ten I think but it depends on what you've been doing: it can save less birdman jumps than low hop&pops. I'd have liked the one jump to be the LAST but that would not help sell the software I suppose...

The software is okay, a couple things I'd like to see ironed out, but it is workable...

The graphs are really nice since it saves a bit from the plane and also the entire canopy ride, so if I jumped the neptune you see 2 peaks under canopy which is me flying my circuit, and for a swooper you get the one high peak. Neat... I can easily tell if it was Henny or me jumping it :)
Unfortunately for some jumps we'd like to see the profiles were gone already, like the vigil fire Henny had after a cutaway, it wasn't noticed the cutter had fired until later that weekend and Henny had been jumping other rigs since then, bye bye profile [:/] Might have been interesting... It did show 2 jumps for that though ;)

ciel bleu,

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Ye that sucks a bit, It would be nice to have all the info for all the jumps. I wouldn't do 10 jumps in a weekend here in the UK so I suppose that will give me a chance to download the info at the end of the weekend.

Vidiot just sent me a temporary license file to try with and that seemed to work, well sort off.. I thinks the jumps are in the furure because the neptunes dates in in an american format.. Its not hanging my pc now though..

Edited: Sorry I asked if its possible to change the date format but I forgot I asked that question a week or 2 back :$

Thanks for the feedback..


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