
Would you turn in your child??

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Just reading an article on the BBC about the dilemma some parents are facing about turning their chidren into the police following the rioting/looting going on last week all over the UK...

Some parents answered yes, they would (or did) denounce their offspring so they would learn the consequences of their actions... Others said no, mindful of the negative impact of a police record on their future careers... Some said it depended on the severity of the crime but would prefer to deal with it privately/anonymously...

I'm in a bad position to judge, as I haven't reproduced (!) but I certainly hope that any children of mine would have solid values and not get swept up in the moment and/or involved in criminal activity in the first place...

So... Would you turn in your child???
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Tough one. I probably wouldn't turn him in, but I certainly think I'd make sure he saw the error of his ways in a way he wouldn't forget in a hurry.

He might prefer the police route!!.

Part of that would be making sure the little scrote did some voluntary community work to put something back into the society he's shat on.

Most children who behave that way, sadly, are a reflection of their parents and lack of skills thereof.
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where's the option for
Arrest the parent for doing a shite job controlling their offspring :|


As a few others have said, the wrath of my parents was far worse than anything a cop could do. ;) Which is what I thought the job of parents was, keep kids in line? :S
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This weekend some kids tag our building. On Sunday morning a young man came in (rather nervous) and apologized for painting the wall. Was there anything he could do to make up for it? His mother was there watching. So today the same said young man was washing and painting the wall he sprayed. And wanted to do more so pulled some weeds as well. His mother didn't turn him in to the police, but a very good lesson was learned today.
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where's the option for
Arrest the parent for doing a shite job controlling their offspring :|


As a few others have said, the wrath of my parents was far worse than anything a cop could do. ;) Which is what I thought the job of parents was, keep kids in line? :S

That's one of the responsibilities that parents are supposed to keep up with. Back in the 50's, 60's, God help you if you did something you weren't supposed to, you'd get an ass-whipping. Fast forward to the 90's and on, you see kids running amok and their parents protecting them from police or school authorities with the "not my kids mentality". :|

I'm hard on my 2 girls, and so far, they are real good kids. :)
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He might prefer the police route!!.

I always said this about my father if I was ever caught doing wrong. I would have been safer in jail.

Sounds like our dads had the same schooling on raising kids. Way back when, my elementary school sent out permission slips so that we could be paddled as corporal punishment. Dad signed the slip with a large signature and added a note that he would provide the whip.

The point was not lost on me. :|
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Here is how a mother handled in in my city:


After learning that her son had killed 13-year-old Broomfield girl Kelsey Shannon last year, Alex Pacheco's mother advised him not to tell others, according to an arrest warrant unsealed Tuesday.

Ref: http://www.broomfieldenterprise.com/ongoing-coverage/broomfield-kelsey-shannon-missing-investigation/ci_12797218
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where's the option for
Arrest the parent for doing a shite job controlling their offspring :|


As a few others have said, the wrath of my parents was far worse than anything a cop could do. ;) Which is what I thought the job of parents was, keep kids in line? :S

That's one of the responsibilities that parents are supposed to keep up with. Back in the 50's, 60's, God help you if you did something you weren't supposed to, you'd get an ass-whipping. Fast forward to the 90's and on, you see kids running amok and their parents protecting them from police or school authorities with the "not my kids mentality". :|

I'm hard on my 2 girls, and so far, they are real good kids. :)

Back in the 70's when I was a kid, it wasn't just MY parents I had to worry about disciplining me ... there were my FRIEND'S parents too.

Gone are the days of the "it takes a village to raise a child" ... :(:(

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where's the option for
Arrest the parent for doing a shite job controlling their offspring :|


As a few others have said, the wrath of my parents was far worse than anything a cop could do. ;) Which is what I thought the job of parents was, keep kids in line? :S

That's one of the responsibilities that parents are supposed to keep up with. Back in the 50's, 60's, God help you if you did something you weren't supposed to, you'd get an ass-whipping. Fast forward to the 90's and on, you see kids running amok and their parents protecting them from police or school authorities with the "not my kids mentality". :|

I'm hard on my 2 girls, and so far, they are real good kids. :)

Back in the 70's when I was a kid, it wasn't just MY parents I had to worry about disciplining me ... there were my FRIEND'S parents too.

Gone are the days of the "it takes a village to raise a child" ... :(:(

Thats a great point.
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Depends. More than likely not as I'd do a better job of getting the point through to them. I'd also like to retain some of their trust. However if I am at a point where I cannot get through to them I'd probably throw that outside influence in as well by turning them in. All depends on the specifics though as there is no one solution to fit all situations.

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

Ding. A voice of mature, non-posturing clarity.

These "raising kids" threads appear here with semi-regularity. My unscientific observation of such threads over the years is that 87.2%* of posters who take the toughest, most hard-assed (and most simplistic) views on (a) raising kids and (b) being a parent either don't have kids of their own or have not yet raised kids through their teens and into adulthood.

(*margin of error, +/- 3.2%)

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Gone are the days of the "it takes a village to raise a child" ... :(:(

Well, the 'village' you are talking about is where the adults all had a sense of right and wrong and they all knew each other. And they all took responsibility.

The 'village' that squirrelface wrote about wasn't anything like that. It's about no responsibility.

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

That is a very poorly worded question as it deliberately pushes people in one direction... I think the examples I gave (including one about the effect of a police record on future employment opportunities) was sufficient to highlight the dilema.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

That is a very poorly worded question as it deliberately pushes people in one direction... I think the examples I gave (including one about the effect of a police record on future employment opportunities) was sufficient to highlight the dilema.

It must be a poorly worded question if one of the answers can't be "boobies."
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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

It would entirely depend on the crime committed.

Your diatribe does not include anything about any sort of restitution or possibility of recidivism
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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

It would entirely depend on the crime committed.

Your diatribe does not include anything about any sort of restitution or possibility of recidivism

Dis you miss the part about "financially" libel?
As to recidivism... that might depend on how much it costs the parents and the beatings that ensue.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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