
Would you turn in your child??

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

It would entirely depend on the crime committed.

Your diatribe does not include anything about any sort of restitution or possibility of recidivism

Dis you miss the part about "financially" libel?
As to recidivism... that might depend on how much it costs the parents and the beatings that ensue.

No i didnt, but you are talking about what the PARENT is liable for, I am talking about restituion from the criminal.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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where's the option for
Arrest the parent for doing a shite job controlling their offspring :|


As a few others have said, the wrath of my parents was far worse than anything a cop could do. ;) Which is what I thought the job of parents was, keep kids in line? :S

That's one of the responsibilities that parents are supposed to keep up with. Back in the 50's, 60's, God help you if you did something you weren't supposed to, you'd get an ass-whipping. Fast forward to the 90's and on, you see kids running amok and their parents protecting them from police or school authorities with the "not my kids mentality". :|

I'm hard on my 2 girls, and so far, they are real good kids. :)

yep, the words ... "just wait till your father gets home" put the fear of god into me. and i don't even believe in god. :o

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

Ding. A voice of mature, non-posturing clarity.

These "raising kids" threads appear here with semi-regularity. My unscientific observation of such threads over the years is that 87.2%* of posters who take the toughest, most hard-assed (and most simplistic) views on (a) raising kids and (b) being a parent either don't have kids of their own or have not yet raised kids through their teens and into adulthood.

(*margin of error, +/- 3.2%)

You forgot c. Made a conscious decision to not have kids but still feel those that have them should be responsible for them until at least 18. :|
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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

Ding. A voice of mature, non-posturing clarity.

These "raising kids" threads appear here with semi-regularity. My unscientific observation of such threads over the years is that 87.2%* of posters who take the toughest, most hard-assed (and most simplistic) views on (a) raising kids and (b) being a parent either don't have kids of their own or have not yet raised kids through their teens and into adulthood.

(*margin of error, +/- 3.2%)

You forgot c. Made a conscious decision to not have kids but still feel those that have them should be responsible for them until at least 18. :|

That has little-to-nothing to do with my point.

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I wonder if the results would be the same if the question had been worded as:

Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially liable for restitution?

It would entirely depend on the crime committed.

Your diatribe does not include anything about any sort of restitution or possibility of recidivism

Dis you miss the part about "financially" libel?
As to recidivism... that might depend on how much it costs the parents and the beatings that ensue.

No i didnt, but you are talking about what the PARENT is liable for, I am talking about restituion from the criminal.

Maybe I'm missing your point, Squeak. Her question was about "your child" for which the parent can be held financially liable. If one reaches the age of majority and is a criminal, then; you're right, I didn't address that because it wasn't part of the question.
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I voted No.
Wouldn't do it for any reason.

I'm basically in this category. I've seen the legal/judicial system, up-close, from the inside. As bad as the adult system is, the juvenile system is usually worse. No, I wouldn't entrust it to make my kid a better person, even through tough-love.

The only exception is maybe to literally save my kid's life. We have these friends (a married couple) who really did do a good job raising all their kids; but one of their daughters fell-in with a boyfriend who got her hooked on heroin. She was arrested & convicted for possession, and sentenced to probation with a strict "no drug use" condition. When she relapsed & started using again, winding up in the hospital on an OD, they turned her in to her probation officer; and off to jail she went. Tough love, but it probably saved the kid's life. (For now. :( )

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I voted No.
Wouldn't do it for any reason.

I'm basically in this category. I've seen the legal/judicial system, up-close, from the inside. As bad as the adult system is, the juvenile system is usually worse. No, I wouldn't entrust it to make my kid a better person, even through tough-love.

The only exception is maybe to literally save my kid's life. We have these friends (a married couple) who really did do a good job raising all their kids; but one of their daughters fell-in with a boyfriend who got her hooked on heroin. She was arrested & convicted for possession, and sentenced to probation with a strict "no drug use" condition. When she relapsed & started using again, winding up in the hospital on an OD, they turned her in to her probation officer; and off to jail she went. Tough love, but it probably saved the kid's life. (For now. :( )

What I would do if I notice my girls behaving in ways that would lead them down the wrong path is take them down to the women's state prison and have them meet a few prisoners who can put the fear of God in them! "Don't be like me! Look where I ended up!"

If that doesn't work, I've failed as a father. :|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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>Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from
>pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially
>liable for restitution?

You'd probably get more "nos." Now, if you worded it:

"Would you turn in your child knowing that if you didn't, they stood a good chance of being injured or killed?"

you'd probably get a lot more "yeses."

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I voted No.
Wouldn't do it for any reason.

I'm basically in this category. I've seen the legal/judicial system, up-close, from the inside. As bad as the adult system is, the juvenile system is usually worse. No, I wouldn't entrust it to make my kid a better person, even through tough-love.

The only exception is maybe to literally save my kid's life. We have these friends (a married couple) who really did do a good job raising all their kids; but one of their daughters fell-in with a boyfriend who got her hooked on heroin. She was arrested & convicted for possession, and sentenced to probation with a strict "no drug use" condition. When she relapsed & started using again, winding up in the hospital on an OD, they turned her in to her probation officer; and off to jail she went. Tough love, but it probably saved the kid's life. (For now. :( )

What I would do if I notice my girls behaving in ways that would lead them down the wrong path is take them down to the women's state prison and have them meet a few prisoners who can put the fear of God in them! "Don't be like me! Look where I ended up!"

If that doesn't work, I've failed as a father. :|

Nah. In the alternative, if it doesn't work, sometimes your teen or young adult kids will go down the wrong path no matter how good a dad you've been. My friends' daughter's situation is one example of just that. Sometimes, no matter how good and diligent a parent you are, Billy, it just happens that way. You may be able to control upbringing, but you can't control (a) innate personality, nor can you totally control (b) outside influence.

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>Would you turn in your child knowing that any record would prevent them from
>pursuing academic, military or employment opportunities and you were found financially
>liable for restitution?

You'd probably get more "nos." Now, if you worded it:

"Would you turn in your child knowing that if you didn't, they stood a good chance of being injured or killed?"

you'd probably get a lot more "yeses."

I'm a little confused:

If I don't turn in my child; they stand a good chance of being injured or killed?

Therefore, if I DO turn in my child; they stand a good chance of NOT being injured or killed?
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>If I don't turn in my child; they stand a good chance of being injured or killed?

Right. If you don't turn in your child, they stand a good chance of being injured or killed in the riots. If you do turn them in, they will be safely in jail.

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I voted No.
Wouldn't do it for any reason.

I'm basically in this category. I've seen the legal/judicial system, up-close, from the inside. As bad as the adult system is, the juvenile system is usually worse. No, I wouldn't entrust it to make my kid a better person, even through tough-love.

The only exception is maybe to literally save my kid's life. We have these friends (a married couple) who really did do a good job raising all their kids; but one of their daughters fell-in with a boyfriend who got her hooked on heroin. She was arrested & convicted for possession, and sentenced to probation with a strict "no drug use" condition. When she relapsed & started using again, winding up in the hospital on an OD, they turned her in to her probation officer; and off to jail she went. Tough love, but it probably saved the kid's life. (For now. :( )

What I would do if I notice my girls behaving in ways that would lead them down the wrong path is take them down to the women's state prison and have them meet a few prisoners who can put the fear of God in them! "Don't be like me! Look where I ended up!"

If that doesn't work, I've failed as a father. :|

Nah. In the alternative, if it doesn't work, sometimes your teen or young adult kids will go down the wrong path no matter how good a dad you've been. My friends' daughter's situation is one example of just that. Sometimes, no matter how good and diligent a parent you are, Billy, it just happens that way. You may be able to control upbringing, but you can't control (a) innate personality, nor can you totally control (b) outside influence.

There's always something that could possibly be done differently in hindsight. Doesn't necessarily make them bad parents either.
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Maybe I'm missing your point, Squeak. Her question was about "your child" for which the parent can be held financially liable. If one reaches the age of majority and is a criminal, then; you're right, I didn't address that because it wasn't part of the question.

so in your system you don’t attribute the crime to the minor, ergo the criminal?

this thread was brought about due to the kids in the UK (mostly middle to late teens) being turned into the cops by their folks for committing crimes.

my comment was in relation to your post where you seemed to fail to address the repercussions (consequences) of those crimes, nothing about societal redress for crimes against society. more about the poor innocent crim, who might not get a job or mom and dad have to pay some money.

Cue Barretta Theme song here.....Dont do the crime if you cant do the time......
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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>If I don't turn in my child; they stand a good chance of being injured or killed?

Right. If you don't turn in your child, they stand a good chance of being injured or killed in the riots. If you do turn them in, they will be safely in jail.

...making new friends named Bubba.
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Maybe I'm missing your point, Squeak. Her question was about "your child" for which the parent can be held financially liable. If one reaches the age of majority and is a criminal, then; you're right, I didn't address that because it wasn't part of the question.

so in your system you don’t attribute the crime to the minor, ergo the criminal?

this thread was brought about due to the kids in the UK (mostly middle to late teens) being turned into the cops by their folks for committing crimes.

my comment was in relation to your post where you seemed to fail to address the repercussions (consequences) of those crimes, nothing about societal redress for crimes against society. more about the poor innocent crim, who might not get a job or mom and dad have to pay some money.

Cue Barretta Theme song here.....Dont do the crime if you cant do the time......

OK. I see where we went sideways on this. In no way was I focusing on the act/result as much as I was on the question's results if asked another way since there were a number of "Yes' Votes" at the time I posted.

Sure its easy for folks to say they'd turn their kid in... now re-read my question to see how that might give people pause and reason to respond differently. You and I both know that being faced with one's child being prosecuted that could jeopardize their future AND cost the parent's tens of thousands of dollars in either restitution and/or legal fees... might just sit at home and wait to see if Little Johnny got caught on camera.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Cue Barretta Theme song here.....Dont do the crime if you cant do the time......

OK. I see where we went sideways on this. In no way was I focusing on the act/result as much as I was on the question's results if asked another way since there were a number of "Yes' Votes" at the time I posted.

Sure its easy for folks to say they'd turn their kid in... now re-read my question to see how that might give people pause and reason to respond differently. You and I both know that being faced with one's child being prosecuted that could jeopardize their future AND cost the parent's tens of thousands of dollars in either restitution and/or legal fees... might just sit at home and wait to see if Little Johnny got caught on camera.

I’m sorry but I have a differing view, if I KNOW little Johnny intentionally broke the law, little Johnny gets held accountable, period.
now as in one of my previous posts, "how accountable" will largely depend on what has been committed, property crimes he'll be making restitution, crimes of violence, well little Johnny is going to the cops
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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now as in one of my previous posts, "how accountable" will largely depend on what has been committed, property crimes he'll be making restitution, crimes of violence, well little Johnny is going to the cops

So, Little Johnny does have a little wiggle room.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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now as in one of my previous posts, "how accountable" will largely depend on what has been committed, property crimes he'll be making restitution, crimes of violence, well little Johnny is going to the cops

So, Little Johnny does have a little wiggle room.
not a lot:ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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Interestingly, the UK media are exploring the same issue, in a way:



England riots: What is the impact of a criminal record?

As the courts deal with some of the hundreds of people charged in connection with the riots, igniting a row over whether the sentences being handed out are too harsh, the BBC asks what is the real cost of a criminal conviction?

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Interestingly, the UK media are exploring the same issue, in a way:



England riots: What is the impact of a criminal record?

As the courts deal with some of the hundreds of people charged in connection with the riots, igniting a row over whether the sentences being handed out are too harsh, the BBC asks what is the real cost of a criminal conviction?

Well, given I started this thread in response to a BBC article, I'm not surprised they're piking up on the same issues being discussed here as a result!! :D

I think I read somewhere that ridiculous sentences were being handed out (or at least considered) for things like "inciting people to riot via FB or Twitter"... Obviously this sparks new debates as to the hyppocricy of "blaming social media" when the news is looping 24/7 info/footage derived from the same sources and that is simply being considered as "news"... Hmmm...
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