
How does one go about finding head hunters?

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I did a quick search but could not find anything pertaining to my question so any help would be appreiated.
From what I can tell IT people are actively sought out by head hunters due to their various certifications and experience level.

I on the other hand am at a loss as to where to start.

Partially I'm not sure what industry I would be the best fit. Through out my short 9 year career I've been everything from physical auditer to engineer to project manager and I've done well in all my positions.

Yet now, in perhaps the worst economic conditions in recent history, I'm looking for a career change. Yet due to the very insulative nature of my current field of employement I've had very little ability to network and with recent actions by our administration networking is actually discouraged. Thus why I'm leaning strongly towards finding a head hunter to help.

Have any of you in the past utilized the services of a head hunter and better question where do you find them? Are they industry specific? Company specific? If I were to inform one that I'm looking for a 180 heading change from engineering to ANYTHING BUT ENGINEERING would they understand?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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From what I can tell IT people are actively sought out by head hunters due to their various certifications and experience level.

Maybe you shouldn't piss off the IT people, we're everywhere. ;)

I posted my resume on a few sites, and had several head hunters contact me, landed me a job that while isn't very challenging, pays well and I get lots of 'on the clock' free time.
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Yeah well, I can't say much but much of what I have done isn't exactly public knowledge. Not all industries are, how shall I put it, open and public.

Thus why I'm asking "How does one go about finding one?"

Yes I have friends who are in the IT field and yes as I clearly stated in the initial post yes it is easier for IT folks to be quantified due to the certifications for given products. However for those who are not in the IT field what is one to do?
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What kind of searching have you done online? The term head hunter is usually another work for recruitment agent or something similar.

If your looking for a career change, you might as well just start applying for jobs and see if you can find something that fits
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You don't find head hunters. Head hunters find YOU!

As stated earlier, no one can find me or what I do.
As I stated I work in a VERY isolative industry. Let's put it this way, I had to have my public resume scrubbed before I was able to post it.
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Oh brother....I asked a few questions and I get shit for the peanut gallery.
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Oh brother....I asked a few questions and I get shit for the peanut gallery.

So, let me get this straight... I actually GIVE you a valid answer, and you get your panties in a wad?

Note taken!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Have any of you in the past utilized the services of a head hunter and better question where do you find them? Are they industry specific? Company specific? If I were to inform one that I'm looking for a 180 heading change from engineering to ANYTHING BUT ENGINEERING would they understand?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Headhunting, at least in the aerospace industry, is when you call someone you've worked with at another company unsolicited and try to get them to take a job you know about. A lot of the time it's done for a referral bonus and not by a career recruiter, just someone else in your field or in a related field. Recruiters and HR people usually aren't eligible for referral bonuses.

If you call around or post your resume online and get called back that's not headhunting, that's called "looking for a job."

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Thank you for the google search, but put on your reading glasses.

1) Have any of you in the past utilized the services of a head hunter and better question where do you find them?

2A) Are they industry specific?
2B) Company specific?

3) If I were to inform one that I'm looking for a 180 heading change from engineering to ANYTHING BUT ENGINEERING would they understand?

S&E's....can't live with them....have to make things easy for them to understand.
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I've dealt with recruitment agencies on both sides of the job market and without exception, they've all been a complete waste of time. All they want is your resume on file to make their portfolio look better. They don't have half the jobs they say they do and if there is a real job on their books, it will be advertised elsewhere. If you want a job they say they've got, dig out your resourcefulness and self-reliance, find out who the employer is, find their advert on the companies website and apply through that. If you can't do that, your first aptitude test will be graded with an F.

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1) Never used a head hunter but get calls about twice a week from them.

2A) All the calls I get are industry specific (finance)
2B) Sometimes they say they are looking to recruit to a specific firm. Other times it seems that they are interested more in having a stable of talent. (Why they call me I do not know)

3) There are large executive search firms that might cover multiple fields. I think though if a headhunter calls you because you are an excellent engineer they would be looking to place you with another engineering firm.

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Oh brother....I asked a few questions and I get shit for the peanut gallery.

I used to be a head hunter. Try this: Ask your colleagues for the names of any that they have used. Tell your colleagues to feel free to give them your name when they talk to one.

If there are any Linked In groups specific to your industry that you can join, you can post the same question there.

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Thank you for the relevant answers. I greatly appreciate it.
As I stated I work in a very insulative industry. There are potential offers on the table as it stands but they are in the very same field I am in, engineering project management. And as it stands I no longer care for the field.

I'm looking to take what I've learned as a project manager in the engineering world and as an executive MBA student and transfer it to any other field other than engineering or science.

Finance would be nice or pharmaceuticals. So basically a career change.

Thus far from what I can tell just sending your resume into a company web page is the equivalent of taking your resume and placing it into the shredder due to the economy.

And so, the idea of contacting a recruiter who has better visibility than I.
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Didn't we have this exact same discussion with the same players, like, a few months ago????

The good headhunters work through networking.

You say your industry is very "isolated"... Well, if that was the case, it would be an ideal realm for a headhunter to operate, so I don't quite buy the "they can't find me" argument.

So back to networking. What have you done to grow and nurture your network?

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.... All they want is your resume on file to make their portfolio look better. ...

Nonsense. Nobody gets paid for having resumes on file. They get paid for placing people in jobs.

I never said they did. You can't fill a job if you have no candidates.

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I recall a few people last time indicated that Ladders was a scam.
Does my memory serve me correctly?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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