I'm sorry but I can provide no rebuttal to your post that you won't take personally.
Please look up hazing and what it entails.
Basically that's what happened. You were placed under extreme physical and psychological pressure and you morphed into what you are today.
You love the field, and more power to you. That's great.
Nothing I can say will alter your view of the field. But that is also a bad sales pitch.
And that's the problem at hand, the field of engineering and science is lacking a sales pitch. Thus it either has to change to attract new members or become a field of study which will be dominated by immigrants or those who are truly into it.
Sadly, that is not enough. We need more engineers and scientists to meet our ever increasing reliance on technology.
Well, you don't know me, so you certainly won't hurt my feelings. I would really appreciate you defining the "physical and psychological pressure" I was put under.
What sales pitch do you have in mind? What kind of sales pitch is going to magically make young students in jr. high and high school suddenly think that differential equations, statics, structures, thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, etc. are really cool, fun and easy to learn? Guess what, they're not. And only a certain type of personality is going to enjoy it and learn it.
I honestly think you are living in some fantasy world. What is your solution? How would you change the engineering program at a University, such that the engineering student learns all of the basic required skills in a 4 or 5 year program, but not have to carry such a heavy unit load per semester? You're trying to pour 100 gallons of water into a 20 gallon bucket without spilling any water. You can't do it.
pyrotech 0
QuoteOn average as I understand it things have not changed.
50% of the students are lost the first semester.
50% the second all the way up to the last day.
Sound like hazing? It does to me.
I think your definition of hazing is a little loose. Sorta like claiming "terrorism" from having a bag of dog poop on your doorstep.
People drop out because they are not smart enough to keep up with the work. If they were smart enough to keep up with the work, an 18-hour courseload wouldn't be as big of a deal. They're not being abused or harassed to the point that they quit; they are just overwhelmed because they just aren't smart enough to cut it. Hell, some people can't read, write, or do math. Should they be obtaining degrees, or would you consider it 'hazing' if they were flunked out of a college for not being able to keep up?
billvon 3,031
>50% the second all the way up to the last day.
>Sound like hazing? It does to me.
75% of AFF first jumps and 99% of tandems leave before they get their A license. Are we hazing skydiving students?
>What I can tell you is this, if you are an immigrant odds are you will graduate with an
>engineering degree.
Agreed, primarily because they are more motivated. They have to jump through hoops to get a visa, and if they drop out, they lose it - so they really want to succeed.
pyrotech 0
QuoteWhat sales pitch do you have in mind? What kind of sales pitch is going to magically make young students in jr. high and high school suddenly think that differential equations, statics, structures, thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, etc. are really cool, fun and easy to learn?
I'm thinking a commercial showing a pool party. Girls taking their tops off, hookers walking around with trays of blow, and guys with baggy jeans and backwards ball caps doing keg stands while they formulate equations on graphing calculators. The hookers can walk up to some muscle-bound jock playing on their iPhone and say, "I just can't figure out why an object wouldn't reach a terminal velocity in a vacuum. Why would there be no drag?" The guy on the iPhone says "WTF are you talking about? I'm a business major." Suddenly our hero appears from the pool, pasty white and skin that shows the formation of his endoskeleton. "Listen, baby, you need to talk to an engineer. Why don't we go back to my place and I'll show you a thing or two about the laws of motion?" Aaaaand, scene.
Engineering FTW!!
shah269 0
I'm thinking a commercial showing a pool party. Girls taking their tops off, hookers walking around with trays of blow, and guys with baggy jeans and backwards ball caps doing keg stands while they formulate equations on graphing calculators. The hookers can walk up to some muscle-bound jock playing on their iPhone and say, "I just can't figure out why an object wouldn't reach a terminal velocity in a vacuum. Why would there be no drag?" The guy on the iPhone says "WTF are you talking about? I'm a business major." Suddenly our hero appears from the pool, pasty white and skin that shows the formation of his endoskeleton. "Listen, baby, you need to talk to an engineer. Why don't we go back to my place and I'll show you a thing or two about the laws of motion?" Aaaaand, scene.
Engineering FTW!!
Yeah sure why not!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
champu 1
QuoteSuch as Sanitation Engineer? Or Waste Disposal Engineer?
Already done.
I was thinking more about the term "financial engineering" that sounds like a euphemism for money laundering.
QuoteI was on a date a few months back and the girl asked "Are you really an engineer engineer?" now telling a good looking girl you are an engineer is akin to telling her you have some sort of horrible STD so I was not sure what to say. I asked her what she meant and she indicated her last date was with a "internal combustion engineer" which she found out translated to he worked at a mechanics shop. I stated no I had gone to university and was actually an engineer but that she should note that though I am an engineer by education that I in no way embody the "typical" characteristics associated with those in the field. ... The last I knew the girl was dating the mechanic. I guess they are considered a bigger catch in the dating pool.
The moral of the story is that it's better to have a fancy title for an ordinary job that you aren't embarrased about (or hell maybe even enjoy) than it is to immediately append defensive and/or apologetic language when asked what you do.
You could be a "cash tester" where all you do is take cash and spend it on whatever you want day in and day out and report back to your boss on how well it worked as money, and if you answered the question of what you did like you did above you'd start losing the interest of the woman you were talking to.
pyrotech 0
QuoteYou could be a "cash tester" where all you do is take cash and spend it on whatever you want day in and day out and report back to your boss on how well it worked as money
Sounds like a financial engineer to me.
champu 1
QuoteQuoteYou could be a "cash tester" where all you do is take cash and spend it on whatever you want day in and day out and report back to your boss on how well it worked as money
Sounds like a financial engineer to me.
Yes, that was part of the joke.
QuoteI would love to see you guys arguing the geometry of a perfect set of tits
Could this help Shah? Implicitly, it could say a lot about nice pair of tits inside :-)
shah269 0
QuoteQuoteYou could be a "cash tester" where all you do is take cash and spend it on whatever you want day in and day out and report back to your boss on how well it worked as money
Sounds like a financial engineer to me.
And those SOB's not only make great money!
But you should see the girls/women who work in the field!
Dressed to kill and know just how to do it!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
I'm sorry but I can provide no rebuttal to your post that you won't take personally.
Please look up hazing and what it entails.
Basically that's what happened. You were placed under extreme physical and psychological pressure and you morphed into what you are today.
You love the field, and more power to you. That's great.
Nothing I can say will alter your view of the field. But that is also a bad sales pitch.
And that's the problem at hand, the field of engineering and science is lacking a sales pitch. Thus it either has to change to attract new members or become a field of study which will be dominated by immigrants or those who are truly into it.
Sadly, that is not enough. We need more engineers and scientists to meet our ever increasing reliance on technology.
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
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