
USPA and the canopy issue

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but to me, that is not the real problem. I'm sure that it will help, but the main problem this year is the actions below 1,000 feet and in the so called landing pattern

That is part of canopy training.

I disagree ... If multiple groups are boarding an Otter and one group "decides" to land into the wind and it changes for the second load and one person "heard" that they should follow the first person down, and "most" people know that the landing direction is N-S, they are all right and we have a real cluster in the LZ. How is that taught in the SIM?

Everyone is right and we have kaos. There needs to be a drop zone rule that everyone follows. Not something determined at the loading area.

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I disagree ... If multiple groups are boarding an Otter and one group "decides" to land into the wind and it changes for the second load and one person "heard" that they should follow the first person down, and "most" people know that the landing direction is N-S, they are all right and we have a real cluster in the LZ. How is that taught in the SIM?

Simple... You are supposed to land in the direction as the first person down on your load. You are taught that training. The people that didn't get the memo didn't ask and they failed in their prep.

If there is a doubt which is the landing direction, you discuss this before you take off... Again taught in training.


Everyone is right and we have kaos.

Not everyone is right. This is where you are missing the point.


There needs to be a drop zone rule that everyone follows. Not something determined at the loading area.

There are rules:

1. Land in the direction as the first person down.
2. Discuss the landing direction before loading.

If you don't follow the rules, that is an individual problem, not a rules problem.

It is like you claiming that a guy running a red light is cause for creating a new rule... The answer is to punish the red light runner, not make another rule he will ignore.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I'm sure that it will help, but the main problem this year is the actions below 1,000 feet and in the so called landing pattern.

The pattern and the importance of flying it predictably are part of the basic canopy skills course outlined in the SIM. Teaching it helps a lot - I've seen improvement in the pattern at the dz I used to jump at after teaching 4 courses using the outline in the SIM.

See, this is what I meant when I demolished DSE's straw man on this point a few posts back: Everything we need is, in fact, already in the system -- it's just in the WRONG ORDER.

We need to stop with the freefall training from first-jump on, and focus on the parachute training until beginning parachutists "graduate" with their basic parachute skills dialed in.

Then they commence with freefall training.

It isn't revolutionary, it isn't going back to the past, and it sure isn't rocket science; it's just rearranging the existing system to eliminate the freefall-focused bias of its progenitors in favor of the common sense imperative that we teach the survival skills before the fun skills.

SCR-6933 / SCS-3463 / D-5533 / BASE 44 / CCS-37 / 82d Airborne (Ret.)

"The beginning of wisdom is to first call things by their right names."

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See, this is what I meant when I demolished DSE's straw man on this point a few posts back: Everything we need is, in fact, already in the system -- it's just in the WRONG ORDER.

Demolished? Wow. How did I miss it?

I just don't agree with your opinion. I don't believe the order matters. In fact, I think it would make things worse to focus entirely on canopy training first. I've explained my reasons earlier in this thread. Can I take credit for demolishing anything now?


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See, this is what I meant when I demolished DSE's straw man on this point a few posts back: Everything we need is, in fact, already in the system -- it's just in the WRONG ORDER.


Lemme guess...you carry a special shrink to fit ruler, too?:D:D
What you're agreeing to now is what I said earlier. The basics are already there.
How they're implemented is a different story.
You failed to explain why advanced training post AFF is a bad thing.
Do you often disagree with yourself?

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I disagree ... If multiple groups are boarding an Otter and one group "decides" to land into the wind and it changes for the second load and one person "heard" that they should follow the first person down, and "most" people know that the landing direction is N-S, they are all right and we have a real cluster in the LZ. How is that taught in the SIM?

Simple... You are supposed to land in the direction as the first person down on your load. You are taught that training. The people that didn't get the memo didn't ask and they failed in their prep.


Was at a big way event at Elsinore earlier this year when, in light and variable winds, two people each thought they would be 1st down and set up in opposite directions. Mass confusion followed. F'in stupid rule IMO.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Was at a big way event at Elsinore earlier this year when, in light and variable winds, two people each thought they would be 1st down and set up in opposite directions. Mass confusion followed. F'in stupid rule IMO.

You ignored rule #2 then. That's YOUR fault.... One rule normally does not cover every situation.

You would think having been involved in a collision you would have done a better job of following rule #2 this time.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Oh ho ho ho hoooo!
Another FMD proponent!

Another DZ to avoid!

"One rule normally does not cover every situation."
Sure thing! Designated landing pattern does it.
Oh...you're worried about downwind landings...well, learn that skill! Simple as that!

Show us where the SIM teaches FMD, please.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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At Elsinore, the rule is pretty simple, and issues are fairly rare.
Light/variable winds; land towards the lake.
If you do not want to land towards the lake, go to the student landing area, to the pond area (look out for swoopers), or to the open fields to the west or north. Worst case, head for the empty field (private property) to the west

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Oh ho ho ho hoooo!
Another FMD proponent!

You need to read the whole thing and not jump to accusations.

Work on that.


Another DZ to avoid!

Please do. I don't need people who only read half the rules creating a dangerous situation.


Oh...you're worried about downwind landings...well, learn that skill! Simple as that!

I'll put my canopy control skills up against yours any day of the week.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You need to read the whole thing and not jump to accusations.

"You need to read the whole thing......"
Typical lame comeback.

You stated 2 rules. One was the FMD, one was
discuss it:

(From post #127 was it?)
There are rules:

1. Land in the direction as the first person down.
2. Discuss the landing direction before loading.

I believe, unless my eyes are deceiving me, that there's a mention of FMD in there somewhere.


Another DZ to avoid!


Please do. I don't need people who only read half the rules creating a dangerous situation.

Comeback based on typical lameness as before.

And you're safe with your FMD stuff creating the dangerous situations. Have fun.


Oh...you're worried about downwind landings...well, learn that skill! Simple as that!


I'll put my canopy control skills up against yours any day of the week.

OK, the "you're" was 2nd person plural intended for all FMD proponents, not 2nd personal singular. No need to puff up your chest on piloting skills. I should have been more specific.


You are supposed to land in the direction as the first person down on your load. You are taught that training.

Does this mean that at your DZ, the FJC teaches FMD as standard or is it specified that it is DZ specific?


If you don't follow the rules, that is an individual problem, not a rules problem.

I can certainly agree with that.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Way too many delusional people. This is not in direct response to anyone, so unless the shoe fits, please ignore!

The FOD (First One Down) does not work for several reasons, unless you are doing 4-way out of a small Cessna! Please try to face REALITY as it IS and not as you'd like it to be. This thought process will will continue to keep getting people under a good working canopy killed.

Can't think of any reason to not land a parachute like an airplane. Even gliders must enter the pattern and cannot do hook turns or swoop a pond in the LZ.

Have a set, agreed upon pattern for the LZ and enforce it. You might have to enter the pattern late or downwind, but in the words of some organizers, "Suck it up cupcake."

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Typical lame comeback.

Typical lame attack from you. You ignore half of a post and act like the half you read was the *only* part. To acknowledge the whole post makes your rant moot and silly.... So you only pay attention to one sentence.


OK, the "you're" was 2nd person plural intended for all FMD proponents, not 2nd personal singular. No need to puff up your chest on piloting skills. I should have been more specific.

Typical... You run your mouth then when asked to put up, you run away. Name the event or quit running your mouth.

I don't know what's up your butt. But you ignore half a post just to start a fight and make accusations you are unwilling to back while throwing childish insults.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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USPA Executive Director Ed Scott used his “Gearing Up” editorial in the October 2010 Parachutist magazine to discuss the high percentage of skydiving fatalities in the US in 2010 attributed to canopy issues…

I’m pleased to see that someone reads Gearing Up! :)Read my blog about the issue, and that will lead you to our new web page where you can monitor and participate in the discussion.

Ed Scott

Read the USPA blog!

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The irrational fear of landing downwind has led to hook turns too close to the ground and caused needless deaths to canopy pilots and innocent bystanders.

Maybe landing down wind should be, if it isn't already, part of the introductory canopy course that is being discussed.

This won't solve all of the landing issues, but will go a long way in helping, along with initiating at all DZ's, a fixed landing pattern.

Eliminating hook turns below 1,000 feet, except in a designated area will also play a major part in preventing landing deaths.

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Maybe landing down wind should be, if it isn't already, part of the introductory canopy course that is being discussed.

Or possibly requiring a couple (under controlled circumstances) for your a-license under canopy work.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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The FOD (First One Down) does not work for several reasons, unless you are doing 4-way out of a small Cessna

I don't think the FOD rule works at small DZ's either.

FOD may be OK for a few very unique DZ's that have stong and fast variations in wind speed / direction, but how many DZ's are actually like that? How often do these conditions really mandate the use of the FOD rule -- or eliminate the possibility of using a pre-determined landing pattern and landing direction?

Those are honest questions for anyone at a DZ that uses the FOD rule. If it works at your DZ, that's cool. I'm perfectly happy following the local rules at any DZ and landing in the direction of the FOD even if it means changing my flight pattern or landing downwind.

But for most DZ's, establishing a pre-determined landing pattern and landing direction is more appropriate.

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>Maybe landing down wind should be, if it isn't already, part of
>the introductory canopy course that is being discussed.

Definitely. There are times when landing downwind can be deadly (i.e. 15kt winds) but being able to land in light downwinds is a critical skill - since light and variable winds are common at many DZ's.

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Read my blog about the issue, and that will lead you to our new web page where you can monitor and participate in the discussion.

Don't take this personally, but how about you read this web page? This discussion has been going on here for years. Literally years.

Several posters on this board, myself included, have made attempts to bring the thoughts and ideas exchanged here to the USPA, and we have all consistantly been told, 'Thanks, but no thanks' by the fine folks on the BOD.

Go check out your blog? How about you spend a few hours and read what we've all been 'blogging' about here for years, and finally get off your duff and do something about it. I think I can safely say that any idea worth considering has been hashed and rehashed ad-nauseum on these very boards.

Read up, take your pick, and make something happen already. You wanted to be the man in charge, well congratulations, you got it. Now do something with it.

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FOD may be OK for a few very unique DZ's that have stong and fast variations in wind speed / direction, but how many DZ's are actually like that? How often do these conditions really mandate the use of the FOD rule -- or eliminate the possibility of using a pre-determined landing pattern and landing direction?

And what if while in your pattern you see that everyone else is landing 90* off what you thought was discussed.... Are you going to follow your plan come hell or high water, or follow the people below you and blend into the pattern?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>Maybe landing down wind should be, if it isn't already, part of
>the introductory canopy course that is being discussed.

Definitely. There are times when landing downwind can be deadly (i.e. 15kt winds) but being able to land in light downwinds is a critical skill - since light and variable winds are common at many DZ's.

Just to clarify - landing downwind in a 15kt wind can be accomplished perfectly safely as I and countless others have proved.
"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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>Maybe landing down wind should be, if it isn't already, part of
>the introductory canopy course that is being discussed.

Definitely. There are times when landing downwind can be deadly (i.e. 15kt winds) but being able to land in light downwinds is a critical skill - since light and variable winds are common at many DZ's.

Just to clarify - landing downwind in a 15kt wind can be accomplished perfectly safely as I and countless others have proved.

You really think he doesnt know that? 15 kt plus the speed of a canopy could be fatal if you flew into something.
BASE 1384

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As I said in my prior post ...


I'm perfectly happy following the local rules at any DZ and landing in the direction of the FOD even if it means changing my flight pattern or landing downwind.

Again, if it works for your DZ, that's cool.

Most other DZ's -- and many people -- will get better results using a pre-determined landing pattern and landing direction.

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You ignore half of a post and act like the half you read was the *only* part.

Count 'em Ron. Only two parts.


OK, the "you're" was 2nd person plural intended for all FMD proponents, not 2nd personal singular. No need to puff up your chest on piloting skills. I should have been more specific.


Typical... You run your mouth then when asked to put up, you run away. Name the event or quit running your mouth.

Sorry you see it that way even after the clarification. You choose your own colored glasses.


quit running your mouth.

So, as usual, the chest puffing is your normal SOP, eh? Can't handle discussion without it?


... just to start a fight

You can read into it anything you want. Choose your own viewpoint. Your posts seem to indicate an angry young man. Float your own boat.

Bottom line: Your FMD rule causes more problems than it solves. Take it or leave it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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