wildblue 7 #76 September 11, 2001 wheew... talk about bad timing...I'm sitting here and the whole house rumbles... I go outside and a bunch of neighbors are outside and I see a jet streaking across the sky.... sonic boom... someone's in a hurry..Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #77 September 11, 2001 Quoteslappie and wildblue understood what i posted and followed up... thanks guys.Sorry Lew....I didn't have time earlier to read the whole thread. I just saw that first one and I knew what was going on, so I thought it was a little uncalled for. However, I didn't know that you had written more.I apologize for this. --------------Boogie pics coming!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyhawk 2 #78 September 12, 2001 my condolances i was watching the news last night at about 10:30 and i have seen everything live up to 2:30 this morning then i woke up this morning and watched some more i think we should all remember to stay strong and support your loved ones and friends Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #79 September 12, 2001 Lew apology accepted....My best friend was on rescue 5. that would be the busted hulk of a truck stationed right out in front of the WTC. He is missing and his company has not been heard from since two minutes prior to building 1 collapse. they were on the 58th floor. My life is in slow motion right now as I pack to fly north in the morning. pray for all of those firefighters,medics,emts, and police. they were just doing there job trying to rescue people and payed the ultimate price for it...at times I hate my job..........MarcBecause I fly, I envy no man on earth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PalmettoTiger 1 #80 September 12, 2001 A factoid I learned this afternoon from a mechanical engineer who is (was?) employed at (not by) the WTC: the building is supported at least as much, if not more, by its outer skin (concrete and steel load-bearing walls) than its central core. That's why the truck bomb in '93 didn't bring it down, and why a fuel-heavy airliner is about the only thing that could.Also, some people I talked to are wondering why the plane's passengers didn't overwhelm the hijackers, given that the terrorists only had knives. Consider that until today, hijackings were done to get ransom money, or to gain the release of political prisoners. They were never done with the intent of a suicide bombing. The prevailing theory taught to airline crews has been "cooperate, and eventually we will all make it off this plane alive." If the terrorists go so far as to kill a passenger or crew member, that not only demonstrates their resolve, but also scares the passengers and crew into inaction - they're still thinking that they can make it out alive as long as they don't further provoke the hijackers.I'm horrified that anyone could think to gain advantage by killing so many people, and at such prominent targets. I'm saddened by the loss that so many families must feel right now. I'm relieved that my father is okay (I knew he was flying today, but wasn't positive which airport, airline, or time) and that my closest friend's father is okay (he works on one of the floors of WTC 1 that was struck directly, but by comission of some miracle he was not in the office today). After worrying about Dad and Jenn's dad all day, I'm too exhausted to do anything but sleep tonight. Take care everyone.DanPS Clay, I was pissed this morning and for no particular reason I vented in your direction. I'm sorry for that. But - what you wrote is pretty reactionary, and I hope it was just a troll. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #81 September 12, 2001 "But - what you wrote is discouraging, and I hope it was just a troll."Not a troll at all. Just the truth. I know most "Americans" dont share my ideals. I see things in Black and white. Not skewed by CNN or what the US government would have you believe. If you are from any western country Islamic militants want you dead. I quote "and It is Jihad until either victory or martyrdom." If you dont believe me read it for yourself at this sight. http://www.palestine-info.com/hamas/ or try http://www.Kavkaz.orgIf you believe peaceful coexistance is possible you are sadly mistaken. It seems this country will have to learn the lessons of World War II all over again. I'm not ignorant. I'm informed."We must kill them. We must exterminate them. Pig by Pig, Cow by Cow" -Apocolypse NowClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 #82 September 12, 2001 Marc,We're with you in spirit. Good luck. I have a lot of friends in Manhattan through work. Some at the WTC. Take care.Mark Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Billy 0 #83 September 12, 2001 Marc,,Sorry ta hear of your Bud,, I was lucky enough ta hear my family is safe,, tho way too close and one on the phone with his Mom when the 2bd tower went down,, this sucks,, and I hope we kick ass,, aren't ya glad we live in a country where this isn't something that happens daily,, makes ya think of the folks in Tibet, and Ireland,, where shit sucks daily,, My Prayers again with those less fortunate... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #84 September 12, 2001 Shark,My deepest sympathies. I am sorry you are going through this. Kelly, please, keep the faith, and hang on. This is a rough time, and you will make it through. Thank you for being there for everyone who needed it today, and all the todays to come.Marc,Please, please know that you are in our hearts, and that you will be joined in spirit on your trip north tomorrow. It will be not be easy. And you will not be alone.Ciels and prayers-Michele"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky". ~e e cummings~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NathanL100 0 #85 September 12, 2001 Marc~My thoughts and prayers go out to you and to all those involved, or who know someone who was involved in this terrible act. Clay may have an extreme point of view which I don't agree with, but it is one that should be heard and considered. What would the world be like if we all loved each other just a little more? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trent 0 #86 September 12, 2001 It's great to hear all of your concerns about the tragedies in NY and DC. I'm speaking as a NY area resident when I say that all your thouights and support are needed. This is a tough town, but it does need some moral support. I can't believe what has happened. I keep thinking that I will wake up and look over the river and see the two towers in one piece.I thank God that most of my acquaintances are accounted for.Trent Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nimbus 0 #87 September 12, 2001 Just thought I'd add my post from the "Reaction" thread.......Despite all the horror of what's happened I am proud (and I don't even know you) of the people in these threads who have urged others not to respond with racism.Thinking of those who have died and who have lost loved ones and who are frightened and in shock and helping them and yourselves through this is the first thing to do.Here in Australia people are shocked and saddened. I saw footage of people hanging from windows and cried. My best friends are in New York right now, living in Brooklyn, I haven't been able to contact them but assume they're okay. To everyone in here, whether you have a direct connection to someone killed or not, to everyone who must be horrified and upset, god to everyone in the US, my thoughts are with you. It feels bad enough from the other side of the world, I can't comprehend how I might feel if it happened in my city or country. I don't belive in god as such, but may the thoughts and threads of love that run through the universe wind round everyone in the world today and help us all....I didn't want to continue the "jihad" thread. Although I can't comprehend the reaction of the Palestinians to this, I think it's a pretty culturally specific to their particular situation and shouldn't be used to justify anti-Arab/Middle East/Muslim sentiments. Also, to all those who are helping in a practical way medically or whatever, may the thoughts of everyone who is horrified by this support you. None of my friends at work can concentrate. It's just too shocking.love, peace, tolerance and humanity in the face of mayhem and destruction, Larissa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #88 September 12, 2001 Yeah, I'm being lazy & adding my thread also from the Give Blood thread because I feel it's more appropriate here:They interviewed the former Deputy Secretary of State (under Clinton) on the radio & he had some good points. He said that the terrorists want us to either crawl into our shell in fear (not bloody likely), or lash out in a ruthless military strike which would exacerbate the international tension that they (the terrorists) thrive on. We should do neither one. He also pointed out that clearly, the terrorists spent a lot of time & effort planning this, and we should do the same in deciding how to respond. Such as get the full cooperation of other countries, including modern Arab countries, together to hunt down these scumbags. (OK, he didn't actually use the term "scumbags")I'd also like to point out that as far as I know at this point, we aren't even completely sure that it's Islamic terrorists that are to blame for this, though that's the way most of the suspicion is running.If it turns out that it was Islamic terrorists, it still doesn't necessarily follow that we should take it out on a whole country, unless its obvious that the country's government is harboring them deliberately. (If that were the case, then and only then would it be time to even consider the creation of the world's largest Walmart parking lot.)Speed Racer"Come up to my lab,And see what's on the slab!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
apoil 0 #89 September 12, 2001 QuoteWhat a phone call to wake up too.All I will say is if you are arab,you had better hide.I am coming to get you.There will be hell to pay.I'll just chime in and point out that this goes against everything America stands for.America's strength is its diversity. Arab immigrants included.They are going to be going through a really difficult time in the next few years especially with people like you around.This crime was perpetrated by evil inhuman bastards. That they happen to have a certain skin color or claim allegiance to a certain faith is irrelevant.And remember, there are white folks and christians that are far worse. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
apoil 0 #90 September 12, 2001 QuoteI can't imagine celebrating the death of thousands of innocent people, even if you don't like their government.You can't imagine it?I seem to recall quite a bit of it in the US during the gulf war.Celebrating the tragedies of your enemy is a very human tendency. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drosenberg 0 #91 September 12, 2001 I live in Israel, and unfortunately we deal with this king terrorist attacks on a daily basis (not at this scale but a life is a life), I think we should all wait to see who is behind all this and at the moment our thoughts should be with the families of the dead and injured.This is not over, it will take days to know the extent of loss of life and even longer to comprehend it. Having lived in NYC, in lower Manhattan I am truly fearful of the information we will receive in the upcoming days on the huge amount of casualties.In any case this is a time to be strong and try to keep it together, life goes on, but I hope that the lessons will be learned – there is no defense from fanatic terrorism and it has to be countered every where and cut down constantly and not just after the shock of this kind of attack.My sincere condolences to all of you who may have lost loved ones, be strong.DavidSee my photos and video Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutchboy 0 #92 September 12, 2001 I still can't believe it either. I don't live in NY, but a few years ago I spent over three months working in Jersey City across the water. I can't imagine looking across the water and not seeing the WTC.I'm concerned for many of my friends who still work for that company (as does HH), because they would often work in the financial district across the river.The Dutchboyhttp://www.geocities.com/ppolstra Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildblue 7 #93 September 12, 2001 QuoteYou can't imagine it?I seem to recall quite a bit of it in the US during the gulf war.Celebrating the tragedies of your enemy is a very human tendency.I don't remember ever seeing anyone in the US dancing in the streets over killing people in the Gulf War. I *do* remember a number of people protesting in the streets that we shouldn't even be there.And we sure as hell wouldn't be jumping for joy over the death of thousands of innocent people.Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #94 September 12, 2001 I still can't believe this. I have spent the past two days trying to explain this to my students when I don't even understand it. I think of my friends from American Airlines and pray that none of the flight crew were close friends. I think of the children at the school a few blocks away who returned home hurt. I think of the children who returned home to find no parent there to greet them. How do we deal emotionally and physically with this?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pammi 0 #95 September 12, 2001 I thought of that too Mouth. The children. I watched where this girl thought her dad had been in the building, as he would have had he not decided to go jogging that morning at a spur of the moment before work. She didn't know this and thought he'd been in it. Then I watched this morning a mother talking about her son calling her from the plane, things he said and showed pictures of his wife and child. I've had to start turning off the news and let the kids watch cartoons instead because it upsets me to the point of crying so frequently that I just can't stand to watch it more then every so often to hear any new information. I tried explaining to the kids last night what was going on and my son pretty well doesn't grasp the situation, for which I'm actually glad. He's 6 in another week or so. My daughter, however, gets upset like I do if she thinks about it too much and I don't even tell her everything. She wonders how we can know they aren't going to hurt us too. I reassure her that they won't, we are safe...but I too have my doubts sometimes. I don't think any of us feel very safe right now.Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikefarmer 0 #96 September 12, 2001 A) Clay is correct.B) Apoil is severely misinformed over WHO was killed in the Gulf "War"C) I am going to quit wasting my time on this thread and do something constructive.It's unbelievable how easy it is for the politically correct to make sheep out of everyone who wants to escape responsibility. I am the farthest thing from a racist. I will never attack another American of any race or religion. But patriotism takes over when foreigners wage war on my home, and they must pay, and have the fear put in them to stay away!"It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool."-Marlboro Man Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouth 0 #97 September 12, 2001 Pammi....I sit here at lunch pondering over the most prominent question I have heard today....How do we know they won't come after us?? This from middle school kids. I try to explain they were after large targets that got the most attention so it is unlikely they will hit small town America, but how can I prove that?? I try and reassure those kids whose fathers or mothers were called in to military service last evening that all will be ok, and they will return shortly, but how can I promise that? I try not to compare this to the beginning of WWII but the signs are there and the kids recognize and question it. Problem is I see it too and don't know how to react either.For those of you serving in the military thank you and PLEASE be careful. Everyone be alert as we don't know if or when or where they will attack again. Obviously human life means nothing to them be it theirs or someone elses. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDBoston 0 #98 September 12, 2001 Gulf "war" aside, I think it is a good idea to remember that our own government has carried out some of the most massive slaughters of civilians in the history of modern war. Especially in Japan during WWII - 100,000 civilians when we firebombed Tokyo, to say nothing of nuking two other peaceful cities just to make a point. We can talk (or write) till we're blue in the face about why that was different/justified/whatever, and sure we won the war and it may have saved many more lives in the long run, but let's not forget that killing civilians is still killing civilians - people, like an earlier post put it, "whose only crime was waking up and going to work." And though I wasn't even alive back then, I'm pretty sure there was some amount of excitement in the streets here in the US when people heard about those strikes.... So while this event is horrific, and tragic, and disgusting, and all the rest of it (especially to me since I lived in Manhattan for 2 years and have a lot of friends there), we need to admit to ourselves that this is what we tend to call war when we're doing it to other people. The only difference is that the American people didn't consider themselves to be at war right now, and whoever was responsible for this shit DID. Now, the most practical and effective response to all this may in fact turn out to be carpet-bombing the hell out of some far-away place, for all I know. I'm no military strategist. But that would be a sad and shameful day in American history. I strongly hope that we can figure out a better way to prevent future attacks on our cities and our people without having to resort to the mass murder of noncombatants like the one that has just been inflicted on us.Just my $0.02,Joe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chickenhawk420 0 #99 September 12, 2001 My thoughts are still with all yall, alot of respect to the people on the ground doing all they can do- especially the medics and rescurers who lost their lives when the first tower collapsed. Pointing the blame is not going to help, start looking forward to how you can help rather than slander the whole islamic community. All they want is to disrupt, don't let them, do what you can. Calling out for all out war on the countries involved is understandable (even though we don't know who they are yet) especially when you see palenstinians rejoicing in the streets (sick fucks but to be fair most were shocked and horrified in their houses as it said on the news, these celebraters are a minority) as are the terrorists them selves. Its definitley time to beat down hard on the states that finance and harbour them ( and to exterminate the responsible terrorists) but this will mean innocent lives lost on both sides- the one thing thats horrified everyone - innocent. But you can't kill them all, attacking them may just fan the flames then what. And if you manage to successfully attack tham you will just drive this hatred underground and in years to come it will surfice again. We need to beat down but we also need to communicate and publicise arround the world, only way forward. Jihad- remember the crusades? But for now lets just stop the blame and help anyway we can. Peace and love to all, an infidel and proud of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dkearns 0 #100 September 12, 2001 Hey JDBoston,Don't you dare critisize the US for what happened to Japan during WWII. If you remember the Japanese started that mess and they got what they deserved. I have no animosity against any Japanese for what they did to us. Alot of the people posting on this thread seem to think that there are just a few people out there that perpetrate this kind of violence when in fact there are entire countries and governments that help and applaud these kinds of actions. We have to find the animals and all who helped them and snuff them out. If we don't, the next group is going to try something larger. We went to war against Japan for the same kind of attack as this and I think it will work out the same way as before, with our boot on there neck. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites