
Favorite Pranks

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I read about 2 guys who had a back and forth gotcha thing going on.

Early one morning, a big truck shows up at one of the guys house and the driver says he has a gravel driveway for him. "Great," says the guy and goes back inside to get drrssed. When he come out, there is a 10 ft. diameter piece of granite in his drivewat with a sign on it indicating that it is a "do it youself" kit.

The next Christmas there's a notice in the newspaper that says, "A scientific experiment needs your Christmas trees, If you bring yours to this adress, on this date, we'll give you a dollar and you'll be helping science." Of course it was the other guys adress. The people didn't get their dollar but they did leave the trees. A lot of trees.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Haha. That is pretty good.
Here is the old flour hair dryer prank, on a hot chick.


Another good one, the garbage can filled with water leaned against the door prank:


If you haven't met Neg, you gotta check him out. A great one:


And a classic, Urban Sprinting:


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Haha. That is pretty good.
Here is the old flour hair dryer prank, on a hot chick.


Another good one, the garbage can filled with water leaned against the door prank:


If you haven't met Neg, you gotta check him out. A great one:


And a classic, Urban Sprinting:


yea neg is a very funny guy. the urban speed smoking was funny too. and the knock and dont run was funny enough to try!... didn't end well...

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