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I'm sorry if your relationship didn't work Sandi, Nataly, ManagingPrime and everyone ... but it seems to me the general attitude is a bit on the pessimistic side.


On the contrary... I've had some amazing relationships and I take the view that they were great while they lasted. That's a positive (and I think healthy) perspective/attitude A relationship doesn't have to last a lifetime to be a positive experience.

I agree Nataly, just because something doesn't last forever doesn't mean it was bad or a waste of time. As I said earlier, I spent 17 years with my ex husband. Many of those years were great. When I got married I thought it was forever, unfortunately that didn't happen.

I don't consider myself to be pessimistic at all, I have a great life now. Sure it would be nice to have someone to share it with, but I can still live a very happy life as a single person.


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i hereby nominate this post for worst analogy of 2011.

it usually understood that the SEALs aren't fighting primarily among team members. :D

Thanks! I would like to thank my mommy who supported me along the way, and all my fans. without you I could never have achieved this! Thank YOU!

and. I didn't mean to say you're all pessimistic, but I read the whole thread and my impression was the general thought was "relationships don't last". I've never been married but my sister is. I could tell from the beginning the guy was nice but he wasn't mature enough to get married. now several years later and with 2 lovely kids, they are still together, but not as happily as when they were wearing the "pink glasses".
now she's disillusioned with the "pink glasses" attitude of happy ever after - but I find nothing wrong with the romantic idea. but then I'm Italian - I still get surprised to hear so many Americans on their 2nd and 3rd marriage... and it's not to disparage Americans - some of my best friends are,and I'm moving to this country very happily :)
glimmering light

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I recently moved to the remote N.cal mountains. People here don't like ANYTHING complicated. A recent conversation I witnessed ......."My relationship ended, I was blind sided"..... "she said it just like that.And I don't know what to do.....I can't be without her!" His childhood buddy (this was a guy in his 40's) said "come on Scotti, you didn't lose your girlfriend, you just lost your turn" And you know what? The guy was 100% serious!!! I LOVE IT HERE.....OFF THE GRID and REAL.....

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