
First Rig container: Mirage, Icon or Infinity

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Hi there,

I'm heading out to Eloy for a solid week of jumping soon. I want to buy my first rig whilst I'm out there. I really liked the Mirage that I jumped and thought the Javelin was pretty good.

The Icon and the Infiinity look pretty nice too, but I haven't jumped them.

Can anyone comment on how the Mirage (G4), Icon and Infinity compare against each other?

If it's relevant, I'm about 5'10 and athletic build, about 155 pounds. I'm planning on putting a 170 main in there once I've flown a few demo mains. Maybe too much info...

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That's a pretty difficult comparative test. Not only does each manufacturer carry their own strengths, but the only opinion that matters is how one fits you.

While you're at Eloy, they will be happy to let you try several. Make the decision that's best for you.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Why buy a copy? If u like Mirages why don't you get the state of the art version: Vector III:)

ehm because mirage g4 looks better, doh... :P and they are both about same quality.


How about because Vectors are easier to pack than Mirages?
Infinities are also easier to pack than Mirages.
After I pack my first Icon reserve - today - you can ask my opinion about how easy Icons are to pack.

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Why buy a copy? If u like Mirages why don't you get the state of the art version: Vector III:)

ehm because mirage g4 looks better, doh... :P and they are both about same quality.

:oemmh, and mirages have skyhook, emmh and they haven't just had a service bulletin , mmmh and they're not a 2 year behind copy of a vectorIII , and mirage put alll the R and D in not RWS mmmmh.........I wonder
Practise the 6 P's!

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They are all Great Rigs with excellent reputations.

I choose an Icon because it was a well built rig for a great price backed by a company with excellent customer service.

You could do a Comparison:
Rate each one on a scale of 1-5 based on
1. Standard Features.
2. Vendor Reputation.
3. Anticipated Resale Value
4. How you think it looks.
5. Estimated Delivery Time.
6. Price

Add it up and see which one wins.

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:oemmh, and mirages have skyhook, emmh and they haven't just had a service bulletin , mmmh and they're not a 2 year behind copy of a vectorIII , and mirage put alll the R and D in not RWS mmmmh.........I wonder

For someone with less than 100 jumps, 1 year in sport, and no rigger's ticket, you sure do seem to think you've got it all figured out.:S

Less talking and more listening on your part would be a Very Good Thing (tm).

As for the original poster, they are all very fine rigs, have a look at all of them while you're at Eloy. Take a look at their options and put together a pro/con list and do some research. Either way, you can't go wrong with any of them.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Here we go , another you've not got as many jumps so you shouldn't comment post.
I simply pointed out that the mirage is a copy and the vector has some advantages. You've got 400 jumps so you must know the dog bollocks...not!
Practise the 6 P's!

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Here we go , another you've not got as many jumps so you shouldn't comment post.
I simply pointed out that the mirage is a copy and the vector has some advantages. You've got 400 jumps so you must know the dog bollocks...not!

You just don't get it...do you?

Well, to put it in perspective, over those 400 jumps amassed across 6 years, I've had the chance to travel, to meet others, to even meet the people that made my rig, and those that make the Vector (Bill Booth will gab at length about his Vector, make sure you've gone to the bathroom before he gets started;)), and the Talon/Voodoo (Sandy Reid was a big help when I had questions about my first rig, a talon...he sat down with me and discussed thoughts and issues I had at length at WFFC 2000), and the Javelin, and the Wings. I've also talked to several riggers about the pros and cons of different rigs as applies to my needs, and I've read the information that has come across this website over the past 4 years.

I have also been present to witness the skyhook in action, and I can talk about the reserve system on a Mirage because I've used it twice and packed it myself more than a few times with the help of a rigger.

So, yes, I would put my opinion and experience over yours.

As for the copy comment, you could say that about just any rig on the market these days. There's very few real innovations around, but each manufacturer has their own special mojo that they put into their rigs.

I love my Mirage, and I do wish it had a skyhook for the times I jump it and I don't have a camera on my head, but it has other features *I* prefer over the Vector.

Instead of getting all bent out of shape, you could be using that time to learn.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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;)Judging by the length of your post, you're the one who seems to have got bent out of shape!
I get it alright. What u don't seem to get is unlike yourself I never said my opinion was better, I simply posted some comments about the mirage, as I have recently brought a rig and did a fair bit of research (and extensive advice from very experienced people). I've always got my ears open, shame yours aren't to people with lesser experience.

chill man
Practise the 6 P's!

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Lets get back on topic...

I got a Mirage (G4) for my first rig and although I'm not sure I like the Split main packing bag (its kind of a pain to get the first rubber band closed because you have to get it through two grommits) overall it seems to be a great rig. Quality workmanship, good attention to detail, etc...

If I had to do it again I would have gotten the Unisyn (I think thats right) or Hip rings but in general the rig fits really well...

I don't know anything about how hard it is to pack the reserve as I'm not a rigger... (maybe someday)

I've heard good things about Infinity and as I understand it Icon's are good rigs too.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Why buy a copy?

Pretty much every rig out there is a "copy" of something else in one way or another. Articulated harnesses (ie hip and chest rings)? "Copied" from RI's Flexon. Exposed reserve pilot chutes? "Copied" from an early "poptop" chest mount reserve. I'm sure others who've been in the sport awhile can point out numerous other advancements in harness/container design that have been adopted by manufacturers other than the ones who introduced them.

Pretty much every harness/container manufacturer has issued a service bulletin or two.

Re: the original question - personally I love my Infinity but I'd be just as happy with many other harness/container systems. They're all good rigs.

The right rig for me may or may not be the right rig for someone else for a number of reasons. My opinion on what's important for someone to consider when choosing their container can be found here.

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I simply pointed out that the mirage is a copy and the vector has some advantages.

Oh really. And who fed you that line of BS?

There is NOTHING new under the sun. Everyone borrows from everyone else.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I got a Mirage (G4) for my first rig and although I'm not sure I like the Split main packing bag (its kind of a pain to get the first rubber band closed because you have to get it through two grommits)

I love the fact we all look at things differently.:)
I love the split bag, it makes bagging my fat little 93 Xaos a breeze.B|
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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