skyflower_bloom 0 #1 January 2, 2011 Ok I know it's skydiving related thus "General Skydiving" works, but really, I may be an idealistic newb but I still know not many who want to see another "yay my gear is here!" post, wonderful as you all are, lol.. that said I couldn't avoid posting altogether (sorry guys) so here's a happy medium. Responses not necessary- I mean, a congrats is nice and all, lol, but, well, at least in bonfire, you can respond just to say boobies if you feel the need and it's just as legtimate. Or ignore it altogether. Regardless, I could not resist my impulse to create a thread devoted solely to my beee-yooou-tiful parachuting apparatus aka rig that will be in my arms (and my spare carseat while driving home, and next to me in bed...) tomorrow at noon! I did find out (GRR) that the used CYPRES I got on here on classifieds, good through the end of 2011 (mft 9/99), hasn't had *any* service done (I was given the impression 4 year was done) and no battery change since '02, so will need to get sent back to manufacturer Airtec in Germany after it reaches SSK.. I was going to hopefully demo a canopy in it tomorrow, but now without the Cypres to be installed (yes, I have naughty flashes of trying to convince my rigger to install it anyways, or jumping without... but I am pretty certain there will be none of that lol- I'll behave myself) So, may not get to jump my darling rig, but I will get to love it... and kiss it... and hug it... and squeeze it.... and tell it that I LOVE it.... Yay! Happy me! It's a Vector3 v348 or 350 (ok I should know this but don't recall what we ended up going with for size) for a main 168/170, with a Skyhook and all the bells and whistles.. color is black base color with the leg straps and top panel is purple, and then purple and white alternating triangles on the other-other flap (they're all flaps to me lol.. mudflap? please don't get muddy... Well, after tomorrow maybe I'll get to take some time with my owner's manual so I don't sound like a dumb-arse when referring to components of my own rig.. that would be a good thing. Anyway sized for and includes a PD 176 reserve but I don't know what color- should I have specified? Or would they have laughed at me? I kinda wanna purple one! But I really kinda just want one that'll save my arse.. Ok, and really irrelevant, but I had a nightmare last night that I had it but was in a hurry so I stuck in the back of my car, and drove off, then pulled over to take a look and when I pulled it out it was not my rig!! It was one of those standard/stock designs, really blah green V and black everything else, with a freefly pud handle instead of the monkey fist/hacky I ordered, etc. It was pretty traumatic actually lol I was like NOOOOOOOOO... then I woke up. Lol. /bragging and rambling p.s. <3 <3 <3"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sandi 0 #2 January 2, 2011 Congratulations!! I remember when I got my first rig, everything was used but I loved it. Then when I got my custom container (for the first time I jumped with a harness that actually fit me) I was just incredibly happy. Enjoy your beautiful new rig and put lots of jumps on it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #3 January 2, 2011 Quote Then when I got my custom container (for the first time I jumped with a harness that actually fit me) I was just incredibly happy. That's the great thing about being a standard size guy in our sport, and tough being a woman, is most gear is made to fit me, not all you petite women. You're right. There's nothing better than a rig that fits you right. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ifell 0 #4 January 2, 2011 Quote Anyway sized for and includes a PD 176 reserve but I don't know what color- should I have specified? Or would they have laughed at me? I kinda wanna purple one! But I really kinda just want one that'll save my arse.. I hope you never see what color it is Mine is orange Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 816 #5 January 2, 2011 Interesting. My gear seems to fit petite women quite well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycamefalling 0 #6 January 2, 2011 You gotta be kidding me.......I read through that entire post and no pics to go along with it?? But seriously, congrats on getting your first rig. I just got my first rig back in October and the feeling of knowing that it is all mine, is great!! It is nice going to the DZ and knowing that I dont have get there really early just to snag up one of the only 2 rigs that have the size canopy suited for my experience level. Now I can go there at what ever time and start jumping. Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 816 #7 January 2, 2011 You read that ENTIRE post??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycamefalling 0 #8 January 2, 2011 Shhhhh......I was trying to be nice Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nataly 38 #9 January 2, 2011 A 170 sounds like a reasonable size - if I remember correctly you're rather petite. Good for you for not getting something too small. . I still jump the rig I bought when I had twenty-something jumps... It's a Sabre 135 and honest to god I nearly shat myself the first few times I came in for landings... . I was lucky I learned to fly it without getting any injuries - what a dumbass. Hope you enjoy your new baby "There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse." - Chris Hadfield « Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. » - my boss Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #10 January 2, 2011 Quote Shhhhh......I was trying to be nice Lol. I will post pics tomorrow, but I don't have it yet in my possession it's at the DZ!!! Sorry. Or did you mean boobie pics.. cuz I have those Just messin with you... Off to bed..."You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #11 January 2, 2011 Quote A 170 sounds like a reasonable size - if I remember correctly you're rather petite. Good for you for not getting something too small. . I still jump the rig I bought when I had twenty-something jumps... It's a Sabre 135 and honest to god I nearly shat myself the first few times I came in for landings... . I was lucky I learned to fly it without getting any injuries - what a dumbass. Hope you enjoy your new baby Thanks! Yeah, I am thin but tall, I will be loading it at 0.9, the 176 reserve loaded obviously a wee bit lighter but comparable.. A 135!? Yikes!! I know it can be tough for lighter women though, because a typical 1:1 first rig/A license wing loading is often already putting one into what they consider the "HP" canopy range/150 or below.. A couple instructors had recommended a 150 as being a reasonable option for me to start with in my first rig, but canopy skills are not quite my strong point lol, getting better there though, and I figure I don't want to be pushing things too much.. so, I am happy with the sizing! Thanks all for sharing in my joy *tomorrow needs to come sooner.. twelve hours to go...*"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycamefalling 0 #12 January 2, 2011 Quote Quote Shhhhh......I was trying to be nice Lol. I will post pics tomorrow, but I don't have it yet in my possession it's at the DZ!!! Sorry. Or did you mean boobie pics.. cuz I have those Just messin with you... Off to bed... Make sure you post the pics in the correct order..... 1. Boobies 2. Boobies 3. The rig (I guess)Now who votes yes for some boobie pics??Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead. And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #14 January 2, 2011 Quote Quote A 170 sounds like a reasonable size - if I remember correctly you're rather petite. Good for you for not getting something too small. . I still jump the rig I bought when I had twenty-something jumps... It's a Sabre 135 and honest to god I nearly shat myself the first few times I came in for landings... . I was lucky I learned to fly it without getting any injuries - what a dumbass. Hope you enjoy your new baby Thanks! Yeah, I am thin but tall, I will be loading it at 0.9, the 176 reserve loaded obviously a wee bit lighter but comparable.. A 135!? Yikes!! I know it can be tough for lighter women though, because a typical 1:1 first rig/A license wing loading is often already putting one into what they consider the "HP" canopy range/150 or below.. A couple instructors had recommended a 150 as being a reasonable option for me to start with in my first rig, but canopy skills are not quite my strong point lol, getting better there though, and I figure I don't want to be pushing things too much.. so, I am happy with the sizing! Thanks all for sharing in my joy *tomorrow needs to come sooner.. twelve hours to go...* I would recommend you stick with the lighter/lesser wingloading of the 170 for a while.... Congrats on the new rig! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #15 January 2, 2011 Quote Quote Quote A 170 sounds like a reasonable size - if I remember correctly you're rather petite. Good for you for not getting something too small. . I still jump the rig I bought when I had twenty-something jumps... It's a Sabre 135 and honest to god I nearly shat myself the first few times I came in for landings... . I was lucky I learned to fly it without getting any injuries - what a dumbass. Hope you enjoy your new baby Thanks! Yeah, I am thin but tall, I will be loading it at 0.9, the 176 reserve loaded obviously a wee bit lighter but comparable.. A 135!? Yikes!! I know it can be tough for lighter women though, because a typical 1:1 first rig/A license wing loading is often already putting one into what they consider the "HP" canopy range/150 or below.. A couple instructors had recommended a 150 as being a reasonable option for me to start with in my first rig, but canopy skills are not quite my strong point lol, getting better there though, and I figure I don't want to be pushing things too much.. so, I am happy with the sizing! Thanks all for sharing in my joy *tomorrow needs to come sooner.. twelve hours to go...* I would recommend you stick with the lighter/lesser wingloading of the 170 for a while.... Congrats on the new rig! Thanks for the back up DSE lol- this fellow (for better or worse) has seen my canopy "skills" haha. I am actually not sure if we even sized my container for the 150, or if I would need a totally new one if I chose to ever jump a 150- I believe that the final discussion came down to me deciding between a 190 and a 170, NOT the 170 and the 150, so we may have sized 190 full/170 standard.. I'll find out in... two hours! Hehe. But honestly I did buy this rig with an eye to NOT downsizing for a long time if ever, since I want to work on four way and eventually freestyle and not really swoop or anything, just land safely-- we all take risks but with a family I'd rather be more conservative with wing-loading than may eventually be necessary, than if I did not have children.. But I could be insanely naive, and 100 more jumps I'll be talking downsize- be that the case, please feel free to slap me upside the head But yeah, I'll still be on "student transition"/rental gear while my AAD is serviced in Germany, so I have time to make sure I get the right main in there... Thanks for looking out DSE "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #16 January 2, 2011 It's not a lack of canopy skills (although you could use some focus there). It's more that you're not going to be skydiving every day, and I suspect you'll be traveling to a lot of DZ's with different density altitudes. As you go to higher altitudes, you'll want the larger canopy. You're already near sea level, so you won't need to worry about coming back to Elsinore or being @ other DZ's that are near sea level. If your rig will hold a 170, it'll likely hold at least a few of the 150's out there. But again...I think you're premature to go there, especially with your currency and skill levels _at this time_. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZigZagMarquis 9 #17 January 2, 2011 Congrats! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #18 January 2, 2011 I'll go with DSE on this one and say the only time it's better to have too small of a canopy instead of too big a canopy is when you're getting drug by the wind after you land. A landing that hurts your pride on a larger canopy can hurt a lot more than that on a smaller canopy. You made a good choice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
petejones45 0 #19 January 2, 2011 QuoteI did find out (GRR) that the used CYPRES I got on here on classifieds, good through the end of 2011 (mft 9/99), hasn't had *any* service done (I was given the impression 4 year was done) and no battery change since '02, so will need to get sent back to manufacturer Airtec in Germany after it reaches SSK.. why does it need to go to germany? ssk was supposed to do that stuffLook out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jim_32766 0 #20 January 2, 2011 Congrats on the new rig! I got mine recently too. It's nice to have a good fitting rig, and double nice to jump your own gear. We are all eagerly awaiting pics. The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nataly 38 #21 January 2, 2011 Quote If your rig will hold a 170, it'll likely hold at least a few of the 150's out there. But again...I think you're premature to go there, especially with your currency and skill levels _at this time_. I agree. Plus you did well to get a rig you really like - you will be less eager to get rid of it and downsize... I approached getting my first motorcycle with the same rational... Got something that looks really good but is pretty tame... I do want more power but I still really love the bike so I keep delaying the upgrade - which is a good thing "There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse." - Chris Hadfield « Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. » - my boss Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #22 January 18, 2011 Quote Quote I did find out (GRR) that the used CYPRES I got on here on classifieds, good through the end of 2011 (mft 9/99), hasn't had *any* service done (I was given the impression 4 year was done) and no battery change since '02, so will need to get sent back to manufacturer Airtec in Germany after it reaches SSK.. why does it need to go to germany? ssk was supposed to do that stuff i talked to ssk. because it had NEVER been services or seen since manufacture for either 4 or 8 years, apparently they had to send it to airtec directly as well as do their thing. so it would cost the 200 i spent on the AAD (with about 15 mos at the time of purchase left), 80 batteries (not changed since 02 according to sticker), 160 servicing, and the shipping to ssk and to airtec/germany. with those costs we figured i'd be better off getting a cypres 2 new, since it would wind up being half the cost of a new cypres total for getting this one legal for jumping, and a long wait time.. my cypres 2 is already in and installed. but yeah re: your question i am unsure about the germany thing other than, that is what they told me had to happen in this case if i wanted to get it back up to standards. if i do not get a satisfactory reply or refund from seller i will share the info as a scam, i did purchase this aad on dz classifieds and feel it was misrepresented as stated, but i don't know and don't want to speculate, since it was canada and not US and i know things work a bit different- but it's hard to imagine the seller did not know that it was not legal for use here or serviced safely.. but i too was dumb, and waited to check, didn't think to call ssk and double check the serial number etc. until recently due to the wait time on my rig anyways Thanks again guys... pics attached!! And yes I realized part of the riser covers/flaps under the riser covers got folded weird/incorrectly, I fixed it after the pics were taken, I was wondering why I was having trouble getting the magnetic riser covers to stay put and why it seemed asymmetrical, and upon closer inspection I figured out the issue. Just not until after my li'l photo shoot haha. I do need to continue familiarizing myself with the gear though, and have a rigger talk me through it-- though since it is very similar to the student and rental gear i have jumped and packed for the most part- Vector 3s with skyhooks- I do feel that I have at least some slight knowledge base to continue building on which is nice- I still suck at packing it though, soooo frustrating (I imagine until it's broken in?)"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #23 January 18, 2011 Quote I'll go with DSE on this one and say the only time it's better to have too small of a canopy instead of too big a canopy is when you're getting drug by the wind after you land. A landing that hurts your pride on a larger canopy can hurt a lot more than that on a smaller canopy. You made a good choice. Thanks John, Nataly, DSE, and all! Agreed; conservative is all good by me (and my wind tolerance/limits are pretty low anyway, so I am not overly concerned, but definitely something to be aware of!) I actually wound up getting a used (RAINBOW colored!!) Tri175 with around 400 jumps on it, so my main's even a bit bigger and more docile than the others I was considering (sabre1/2 170 or pilot 168).. That Pilot 168 ZPX is still my dream canopy, but, well, it's pricey, and I think it will be good to learn packing better and practice my canopy control skills on something used and a bit more docile like the Tri. So, all's well... Just gotta get some warm weather and JUMP now Blue skies~ R"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Celtics85 0 #24 January 18, 2011 BoobiesHallucinations are bad enough. But after a while you learn to cope with things like seeing your dead grandmother crawling up your leg with a knife in her teeth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyflower_bloom 0 #25 January 18, 2011 Well hmm... I did post this in bonfire... have it your way :) Since I like purple so much, here's more purple to enjoy... Not saying if they're mine or not... What's kinda sad is I am having trouble deciding if the first set of pics or the second one are sexier... I am pretty enamored with my rigs (and yeah I am a chick but I can appreciate boobies too. so there.) "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites