
Who are the hottest skydivers?

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Pilot, rigger, wingsuit jumper and RW organizer...all that and still single......maybe I'll find a skygodess at Rantoul

Well you're not a FF boy, but how you doin? ;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I would have to say "None of the Above" (or "All of the Above")... I think the hottest skydivers are those who are jumping simply because they love to jump and not trying to impress anyone else with ratings or being a bad-ass... (and I am in no way implying that everyone who is really good is only doing it to impress everyone else) But that's what I find "hot" in a skydiver...

Now if we're talking about a jump pilot who owns a helicopter and a hot air balloon and has lots of money, well I might be able to overlook any personality flaws... ;):D

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I think the hottest skydivers are those who are jumping simply because they love to jump and not trying to impress anyone else with ratings or being a bad-ass... (and I am in no way implying that everyone who is really good is only doing it to impress everyone else)

I'm only in it to impress myself.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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After a couple years of getting uncurrent/recurrent/uncurrent/recurrent/uncurrent/recurrent due to 3 shoulder surgeries, the only ones that apply to me now BARELY beat the freefliers when they're combined! (and only if I cheat a little [:/])
(drink Mountain Dew)

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Post: sure - to other students maybe.

haha... i'm kidding. something sweet about an innocent newbie.

With bigun's and lotsa pierced stuff.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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