
I'm no post whore

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I REALLY wanna be a whore. Teach me Jess....How do I do it?

Well, first of all, you really should qualify "whore" with "post." Otherwise the gutter-minded boys around here will misinterpret what you say.
Lesson 1: Chime in on every thread, whether it's something you care about or not. We'll be doing some readings from the Fowler textbook for this class.
Walk a mile in your enemy's shoes. Then you're a mile away and have his shoes.

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Otherwise the gutter-minded boys around here will misinterpret what you say.

Yeah.... like THAT would ever happen on such a clean and wholesome site.... right Mrs Radloff? :)Speaking of the guy with bigger boobies then most women.... this thread has almost 15 posts and non are his! Is he ok? Call 911, Clays Down!
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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woohoo! I'm post-whore'n! :D I just moved up two more spots on the list in the pub...Although there's three of us with really close numbers (like 1 off from each other) so it probably wont' last long...
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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