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gotcha. ive been doing alot on the elliptical thing with some good resistance. do that about 3-5x a week. stupid cardio.

bee doing alot of pushups as well since that is a big part of the test. fucked up my right shoulder pushing myself to hard the other day its all knotted, so im letting it rest for a few days, then ill go back to the shoulder/ bi/tri stuff.


PS hooray beer!


Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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L shit i can give u that advice. You want a stilleto with a WL of 2:1. And as far as AADs go. Well those like RSLs are for pussies.


Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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bout damn time

edit because im retarded :


Not exactly.

I need advice on canopy amd AAD selection, so I'm picking petejomes....again


See what I did there?

Oh, and petejones is my next guess (even though he knows NOTHING about the things I talked about in my prior post).
Muff #5048

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im off to wally world shorty to pick up one of those fancy pullup bars that go in the top of a doorway. they sell those at wally world right?
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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You mean this thingy?


Back to u
Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead.
And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.

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