
How many of you ladies have "rented" yourself?

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This came up in a discussion a while back with some female friends of mine.

Only a couple were brave enough to admit it, even though they are classy and educated it does not mean there was not a valid reason for it.

One did it just to see if she was still hot after all the years.
(she was very surprised) i guess she thought the guys were lying to her until she actually saw the cash.

I am not trying to demean anyone whatsoever, however there is nothing in life that is free, and pussy falls into that category.

I don't mean you need to out yourself, if you feel you want to say something you can message me and I will sanitize it for dissemination.

Guys try to avoid the temptation to skew the results please so we can get a better picture of the truth.

You know, Ive been getting at this for years with my co-workers (all female). To the guy (at first) you invest your money in a dinner maybe a movie then lets say it ends there. Next date, maybe a "romantic" walk with some wine and fun conversation after. Next date, another nice dinner where she's playing with your johnson the whole time after which you go back to your appt and fuck the holy hell out of her.

To me, it looks like sex does, in fact, have a price. Some pay it up front, some pay it in installments. Oh, and dont even get me started on expensive jewelry. Chicks pretty much have to blow you like Jenna Jamison if you give them a .25kt rock.

Everything is bought and paid for in this game. Weather it be straight up cash, or money and time invested in a "relationship".

That's one sure way of not having to worry about dating coworkers. :P
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You know, Ive been getting at this for years with my co-workers (all female). To the guy (at first) you invest your money in a dinner maybe a movie then lets say it ends there. Next date, maybe a "romantic" walk with some wine and fun conversation after. Next date, another nice dinner where she's playing with your johnson the whole time after which you go back to your appt and fuck the holy hell out of her.

To me, it looks like sex does, in fact, have a price. Some pay it up front, some pay it in installments. Oh, and dont even get me started on expensive jewelry. Chicks pretty much have to blow you like Jenna Jamison if you give them a .25kt rock.

Everything is bought and paid for in this game. Weather it be straight up cash, or money and time invested in a "relationship".

The sad thing about your response is that for years women had a low earning potential, so eating out meant the guy would naturally have to pay. The association with paying for a meal and then deserving sex is terrible, especially when you consider that most women would think eating together means "getting to know" someone better. Inequalities in pay do NOT mean that when you get out the wallet you are indirectly paying for sex - it means you can afford to pay for diner and she can't. Things are changing anyway and bills are more or less split 50/50 nowadays.. Does this mean the sex is now "free"? Or that women are paying men for sex now??

Come on.. Paying for a meal is paying for a meal.
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When I posted that poll option I meant that the woman's reason for sex was that she wanted merely to go somewhere expensive or exclusive.

It's kind of like the vacation shag, it's not exactly being a prostitute, but it certainly does mean that in order to go somewhere you are promising some action.

This is not "hey do you want to accompany me?"

this is more like "take me to _____" and you will be able to nail me all you want.

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Yeah, I think I "get" the gist of your poll, and I'm not at all offended by it. I do think some women use sex as a currency. But the whole "we-pay-for-sex-indirectly-anyway" argument is unfair IMO simply because the circumstances that create the financial inequality has nothing to do with sex. So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.
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I don't judge anyways unless it is a question of hurting themselves or others, or doing something that is plain old disgusting.

And it is pretty hard to disgust me.:|

Like I said, I don't object to your poll. Just that I do get a little tired of hearing people say men "pay for sex" through meals, gifts, et cetera. Just think it's silly, because women contribute a lot in relationships as well, even if not in the form of cash.. I think it's a short-sighted association between unrelated things.

But an interesting poll / topic, anyway :)
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I don't judge anyways unless it is a question of hurting themselves or others, or doing something that is plain old disgusting.

And it is pretty hard to disgust me.:|

Like I said, I don't object to your poll. Just that I do get a little tired of hearing people say men "pay for sex" through meals, gifts, et cetera. Just think it's silly, because women contribute a lot in relationships as well, even if not in the form of cash.. I think it's a short-sighted association between unrelated things.

But an interesting poll / topic, anyway :)

Why would a man pay for a dinner if he didn't expect to get laid?

Why not pay an honest whore to get some then?

Plausible deniability, by paying for random expensive shit the sex-for-cash transactions isn't so obvious that you can't rationalize it away.
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Ho hum and a bottle of rum.
On any given evening from the hours of 6pm-god knows when on a little street in NYC called Stone St you will the young guns who are running the financial system. 90% guys 10% girls. You can tell by the $30k suits. But then look around....if you have a good eye you will see something totally out of place....girls....but not working girls. You can pick out the working girls easy. These girls are your usual middle of the road H&M kind of girls.......they look real happy to be there.

They don't work there, infact they may not even live in NYC.....but just watch. They are "hunting".
Even the girl you would gladly introduce to your mom is willing to do a 99 year lease and look the other way when needed.

But don't get angry at the girls or the guys, it's life, it's biology, it's how things work and will work for many many many years.

We all pay....men pay for sex and women pay in sex for security. Such is life.
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So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.

If I woman is using sex to get "stuff"... she is a whore. I am not down on whores. But if woman is giving it up to get "stuff", then she is prostituting herself. I dont see how they arent.


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment

Payment does not have to mean cash.

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Ho hum and a bottle of rum.
On any given evening from the hours of 6pm-god knows when on a little street in NYC called Stone St you will the young guns who are running the financial system. 90% guys 10% girls. You can tell by the $30k suits. But then look around....if you have a good eye you will see something totally out of place....girls....but not working girls. You can pick out the working girls easy. These girls are your usual middle of the road H&M kind of girls.......they look real happy to be there.

They don't work there, infact they may not even live in NYC.....but just watch. They are "hunting".
Even the girl you would gladly introduce to your mom is willing to do a 99 year lease and look the other way when needed.

But don't get angry at the girls or the guys, it's life, it's biology, it's how things work and will work for many many many years.

We all pay....men pay for sex and women pay in sex for security. Such is life.

Well its helluva lot more easier to put on a pretty dress, smile some and then marry some dumbass, divorce him and rob him dry in court, then to actually study, graduate and work your ass off in some boring as fuck grind in an office working 9 to 5.
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So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.

If I woman is using sex to get "stuff"... she is a whore. I am not down on whores. But if woman is giving it up to get "stuff", then she is prostituting herself. I dont see how they arent.


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment

I think you're missing the point.. If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

Besides.. Why are we judging the women who accept payment and not the men who make the payment?? The act has two sides to it!!
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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Payment does not have to mean cash.

That's right! And if the guy has half a brain he would write up one hell of a prenup. And though I did not loose a single penny in my divorce you better bet your ass I'll have one ready to go before I'm dumb enough to ever say "I do" again!

And yeah, the men are sexual perverts who go out and pay for sex...bla bla bla.

Watch any freaking comercial from Zales or what ever store is selling the latest in diamonds. It says the same freaking thing. I give you really over priced hunk of carbon and well......we get to have some fun for a while.

Is it right? No. Is it healthy? NO! But is it how this sick world of ours seems to run? For the most part yes.

As for an older woman doing to see if "she still has it?" well for some older woman just getting a younger guy to spring for drinks is enough to reassure her that she still has what ever it is she thought she had. It's cheap thrills that helps her ego grow.

Shame it doesn't work the other way around.
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The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.

If I woman is using sex to get "stuff"... she is a whore. I am not down on whores. But if woman is giving it up to get "stuff", then she is prostituting herself. I dont see how they arent.


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment

I think you're missing the point.. If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

I'm probably going to regret wading into this topic, but that argument is getting a little old... atleast in our current time and in the "developed world" where women have many oportunities that were not afforded before.

I'm wonder if you would make the same argument for some dude sucking dick in back alleys? It's ok, it's the only currency he has.[:/]

Edit to add:

I see you seem to be taking more issue with some perceived "judgement". I don't think anyone is passing judgement on the woman who due to circumstance only does have sex as their currency.

I do see people (myself included) who take issue to varying degrees with someone who prostitutes themselves and are either not honest enough or too stupid to know that they are on the same moral level (no judgement there) as an escort.

Whatever...The world is full of "fair weather friends".

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So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.

If I woman is using sex to get "stuff"... she is a whore. I am not down on whores. But if woman is giving it up to get "stuff", then she is prostituting herself. I dont see how they arent.


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment

I think you're missing the point.. If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

Besides.. Why are we judging the women who accept payment and not the men who make the payment?? The act has two sides to it!!

The only reason I'm judgmental is because prostitution is the easy and lazy way to get resources/money/whatever, plus as man I don't have that option, which makes me jealous.
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The only reason I'm judgmental is because prostitution is the easy and lazy way to get resources/money/whatever, plus as man I don't have that option, which makes me jealous.

I'm not for it or against it, and I'm certainly not arguing that all women who use sex as currency don't have any other options. But your comment speaks volumes.. First of all, men pay for it, so they can hardly put all the blame on women - there is supply *AND* demand and it's hypocritical to judge only the woman for an act that *both* genders participate in.. And second, you are simply jealous because there is only a very small market for giggolos!!! :D:D
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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So if women *do* use sex in exchange for "stuff" it's perhaps in part because they can't access the money in the first place, and not because they are secret whores.

If I woman is using sex to get "stuff"... she is a whore. I am not down on whores. But if woman is giving it up to get "stuff", then she is prostituting herself. I dont see how they arent.


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment

I think you're missing the point.. If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

Besides.. Why are we judging the women who accept payment and not the men who make the payment?? The act has two sides to it!!

The only reason I'm judgmental is because prostitution is the easy and lazy way to get resources/money/whatever, plus as man I don't have that option, which makes me jealous.

Dude, I worked at a Whore house, (door man/bouncer) thier job is NOT Lazy, and FAR from Easy!

Guys like to think that, but it is a very mentally stressful job...By the end of their shifts, those women needed help, but they just went home, (or to their room) and delt with it...

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Besides.. Why are we judging the women who accept payment and not the men who make the payment?? The act has two sides to it!!

Ask yourself this -

Who gets the longer jail sentence? The dealer with the product to sell - or the user who partakes in it occaisionally?:ph34r:
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

It just isn't fair;
Women have something they can sell;
Men have something they can hardly give away.[:/]
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If sex is the only currency a woman has, judging her for using it is a bit unfair..

It just isn't fair;
Women have something they can sell;
Men have something they can hardly give away.[:/]

Try gay bars, your luck will improve!:S You may not care for the offers though...:ph34r:;)

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OK, OK...I tried like hell to stay out of this thread. Why?
1. I don't wanna know.
2. Maybe I'll find out something (see #1).

But I just couldn't help myself.

Any suggestions on whom I should spend my hard-earned dollars? Caveat: I'm strictly hetero and I like long walks on the beach.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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I don't judge anyways unless it is a question of hurting themselves or others, or doing something that is plain old disgusting.

And it is pretty hard to disgust me.:|

Like I said, I don't object to your poll. Just that I do get a little tired of hearing people say men "pay for sex" through meals, gifts, et cetera. Just think it's silly, because women contribute a lot in relationships as well, even if not in the form of cash.. I think it's a short-sighted association between unrelated things.

But an interesting poll / topic, anyway :)

Why would a man pay for a dinner if he didn't expect to get laid?

Why not pay an honest whore to get some then?

Plausible deniability, by paying for random expensive shit the sex-for-cash transactions isn't so obvious that you can't rationalize it away.

A friend of mine way back in Korea carried a card in his wallet that read: "If you're going to say no, say it now before I spend all my g**d***ed money on you"

A guy I worked with in Kosovo told me this about the call girls he patronized: "You're not paying them to have sex - you're paying them to go away afterwards." DYOC

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The only reason I'm judgmental is because prostitution is the easy and lazy way to get resources/money/whatever, plus as man I don't have that option, which makes me jealous.

I'm not for it or against it, and I'm certainly not arguing that all women who use sex as currency don't have any other options. But your comment speaks volumes.. First of all, men pay for it, so they can hardly put all the blame on women - there is supply *AND* demand and it's hypocritical to judge only the woman for an act that *both* genders participate in.. And second, you are simply jealous because there is only a very small market for giggolos!!! :D:D

In Sweden a woman can prostitute herself as much as she wants to. If a man buys her services he is going to have trouble with the law. In other words its legal to sell but illegal to buy.

The feminist crazies have been, for years, trying to push a similar law in my country(Finland) thankfully, so far, they've been unsuccessful.

In this part of the world its the men who are being demonised because of prostitution, not women.

Women are always victims. Its because of a pimp/human trafficking/the evil patriarchal society which oppresses women and denies them changes to have a proper job which causes women to become prostitutes. Not because they're grown ups who can make decisions for themselves.
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The only reason I'm judgmental is because prostitution is the easy and lazy way to get resources/money/whatever, plus as man I don't have that option, which makes me jealous.

I'm not for it or against it, and I'm certainly not arguing that all women who use sex as currency don't have any other options. But your comment speaks volumes.. First of all, men pay for it, so they can hardly put all the blame on women - there is supply *AND* demand and it's hypocritical to judge only the woman for an act that *both* genders participate in.. And second, you are simply jealous because there is only a very small market for giggolos!!! :D:D

In Sweden a woman can prostitute herself as much as she wants to. If a man buys her services he is going to have trouble with the law. In other words its legal to sell but illegal to buy.

The feminist crazies have been, for years, trying to push a similar law in my country(Finland) thankfully, so far, they've been unsuccessful.

In this part of the world its the men who are being demonised because of prostitution, not women.

Women are always victims. Its because of a pimp/human trafficking/the evil patriarchal society which oppresses women and denies them changes to have a proper job which causes women to become prostitutes. Not because they're grown ups who can make decisions for themselves.

Hey that is traditional.

You do not want to go against all those traditions that our society relys upon now do you???


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In Sweden a woman can prostitute herself as much as she wants to. If a man buys her services he is going to have trouble with the law. In other words its legal to sell but illegal to buy.

The feminist crazies have been, for years, trying to push a similar law in my country(Finland) thankfully, so far, they've been unsuccessful.

In this part of the world its the men who are being demonised because of prostitution, not women.

Women are always victims. Its because of a pimp/human trafficking/the evil patriarchal society which oppresses women and denies them changes to have a proper job which causes women to become prostitutes. Not because they're grown ups who can make decisions for themselves.

Well, men may (in your country and/or Sweden) get a slap on the wrist by the law, but to say (or imply) that the women bear no risks is silly.. Prostitutes may not get arrested, but they do get beaten, hurt, killed.. And in *most* countries, the law regularly reprimands prostitutes, but not the "consumers"..

There is an awful lot of inequality/unfairness/hypocrisy around this subject, I think. Bottom line is, it takes 2 to tango..
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« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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