
Enlistment and weight requirements

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BTW, several years ago the Marine Corps adjusted its ht/wt tables -- just in time for me to hit 35 and put on about 15 lbs! Lucky for me. ;) I was always closer to my minimum weight than to my max up until then.

For the OP: I would DEFINITELY recommend having your boy lose the weight before starting training. I have NOTHING against the job the instructors do (and respect the hell out of them for the huge variety of crap they have to deal with while working inside a "fish bowl"), but they are not trained in fitness and healthy weight loss. The general answer to weight loss is to work out more, and just eat less -- sometimes to the detriment of the process (metabolism shuts down when not enough calories are consumed). I am impressed, however, that we've started to incorporate sports trainers (treating the soreness and aches) into the fitness centers of our major bases and recruit training bases.

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My suggestion is that unless he is morbidly obese, he's not going to have a problem losing the weight at basic training. Also, have him start doing PT before he gets there, it will make his life a lot better.

There are height/weight requirements. However, at basic training and Advanced Individual Training those standards dont really apply. That is because the higher ups have realized that we have big boys coming into the Army these days.

If you have more questions or concerns, PM me. I have a lot of intimate knowledge of Basic Training.
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My son is seriously considering the armed forces. I heard through 2nd hand sources that they have a ht/wt requirement and if they accept you when you don't meet this requirement you'll be tagged as having a problem. True?

If he REALLY WANTS to go into the armed services, then good on him. As for his physical fitness standards, in the AF (I know the easiest branch) they require you to get a 75 or better on your PT test. At my age/height/weight I did 50 pushups in 1 min, 57 situps 1min, ran 1.5 mi in 10:22, and with a 32" waist that got me a 96.3. He MAY not be able to do all these things at first, but if he signs up one of two things will happen. Basic will MAKE him fit, or, he'll wash out with a failure to comply. These are AF standards only though. I doubt the Marine Corps would fing what we do "acceptable".
Muff #5048

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