
Do you change your underwear every day?

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It's come to my attention that sometimes you men don't change your underwear every day. (I haven't heard of any of my female friends doing this yet). My question is WHY not? That's disgusting! :| It's a sweaty party of your body, full of bacteria and underwear doesn't even cost that much or take up much room in the laundry.

Is this a normal guy thing?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Yeah everyday. My wife cannot go shopping without bringing me home a pair of goofy boxers. I got boxers for every holiday, different cartoon characters, hearts, goofy ass sayings you name it.
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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got boxers for every holiday, different cartoon characters, hearts, goofy ass sayings you name it.

Please wear a special pair tonight, I want to see them!

Edit: Shit, that kind of sounds bad. :$
Before you people get any naughty ideas, I'm hanging out with Rick AND his wife tonight. Wait...and not in THAT kind of way, we'll be in public!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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got boxers for every holiday, different cartoon characters, hearts, goofy ass sayings you name it.

Please wear a special pair tonight, I want to see them!

Edit: Shit, that kind of sounds bad. :$
Before you people get any naughty ideas, I'm hanging out with Rick AND his wife tonight. Wait...and not in THAT kind of way, we'll be in public!

We have an open bar for 3 hours who knows how the night will end up:):P
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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reminds me of the old joke.....

Mario Luigi and Antonio are all brothers...

and when pressed by their Mama who asked,,,
" Boys-a tella me... do you Change-a Yu Under Wear,,,, Eva-ree Day"?

Mario replied...
" Ova Corse-ah Mama"
" I change-ah wit-a Luigi...
Luigi, he change-ah wit-a Antonio,
annna Antonio, he Change-ah wit-a Me.."....."EhhVarry Day"


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What else do you want on there? "My wife won't do the laundry"?

Or how about those that don't wear underwear? I almost never change underwear...I dont usually wear them.

For all yall goin commando

You do know that when you have a SHART ..... it will show thru your pants right??

Just sayin......


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It's come to my attention that sometimes you men don't change your underwear every day. (I haven't heard of any of my female friends doing this yet). My question is WHY not? That's disgusting! :| It's a sweaty party of your body, full of bacteria and underwear doesn't even cost that much or take up much room in the laundry.

Is this a normal guy thing?


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