
I'm getting a new rig

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If you're buying new, and intend to use an RSL, the Vector III with a Skyhook is a good choice.

If the Skyhook isn't your thing, look into an Infinty as well. I just got one, and the build time was SHORT, the cust service was A-1, the price was good, and the finished product was very nice. I've inspected many rigs, inside and out, and this one is as good or better than any I've seen. Very well constructed and nicely finished.

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Um, I don't have either - but only hear great things about Wings & it's less expensive & it has all the optinos Jav's have.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

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be nice to your rigger and go with the Javelin

where does that come from? I find both rigs to pack just as easily.

I own both and I like the Wings better for the following reasons (all my opinions by the way so don't flame away;)):

-Better design yoke, reserve top flap, and riser covers.

-Better main top flap, tucks up and under.

-Better wrap around corners, jav don't have them.

-Stronger reserve front risers, newer jav use type 6 instead of type 7. Wings use type 7.

-Better articulation without the need of chest d-rings.

-Better design reverve free-bag.

-Beefier cutway handle.

-Better looks :P

-Not to mention cheeper and faster delivery time.

-Some riggers have problems making the reserve PC sitting right on the Wings. I don't find this problem.

Don't get me wrong, the Jav is a fine rig but I think the Wings is superior.
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Why limit yourself to those two options?

In my ever-so-humble opinion, the Javelin has the second most outdated design of all the rigs on the market, specifically the main closing flap. Strangely, it's one of the more expensive rigs on the market.

The Wings has a better design and it's also one of the least expensive rigs, but it doesn't have the option for chest rings.

The Aerodyne Icon, RWS Vector III, and the Mirage are all in the same price-range of the Javelin, and have superior main closing flaps, and a hidden reserve poptop. Why rule out those three options?


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If you're buying new, and intend to use an RSL, the Vector III with a Skyhook is a good choice.

If the Skyhook isn't your thing, look into an Infinty as well. I just got one, and the build time was SHORT, the cust service was A-1, the price was good, and the finished product was very nice. I've inspected many rigs, inside and out, and this one is as good or better than any I've seen. Very well constructed and nicely finished.


I have about 3900 jumps less than you, but I agree.:P

I know a lot of high jump individuals who praise the RSL as either the only RSL they would jump or as the RSL of their next rig.

I am not a big Javelin fan after jumping one for about 10 jumps. It just did not fit me (even though it was sized right for me.) That I think is completely body size/shape, like I can’t wear Reebok but can wear Nikes.

After jumping a bunch of rentals/demos, I narrowed it down to Infinity and Vector (I never had the opportunity to jump a Wings)

I also found the Infinity staff to be exceptional, and the demo unit I jumped for a weekend was awesome… In retrospect, I think I would have gotten an Infinity over the Vector because of all the hassles I had on the ordering of the Vector… For an example, my new Vector was shipped late AND without the freebag and reserve PC… Kind of a major oversight in my opinion that I find hard to explain. Add that to the fact they added weeks to the estimated delivery after they had my money, I lost faith in the company’s customer support… Not to say I lost faith in the technology.

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Ok, i'll be the bastard >:(:
ALCHEMY= Javelin
Who won nationals?:P:D
Coincidence? I think not.:D:P

In all seriousness, i jump Javelins. That is my choice. I have put some jumps on wings rigs and i liked them. I have several friends that jump wings and i have never seen or heard anything bad about them. I would go with what you think is best for you. I don't think you could go wrong with either one.:)

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Hi Amanduh,

In the 9+ years I've spent in the sport I've jumped Dolphin, Javelin, Jav Odyssey, Vector II, Vector III, Talon II, Quasar, Eclipse, Racer, Mirage, Atom Legend, and Wings. After I jumped a friend's Wings, I loved it so much that I became a dealer for them!:D

In my experience (and my opinion), you cannot beat the quality, comfort, workmanship, and price of the Wings container. Their custumer service is awesome and their delivery time is ridiculous. Right now it's at 6 to 8 weeks...with most closer to the 6 week mark.

PM me if you want to know more details... I'm not sure if we got a chance to meet at Dublin, but I was the guy who had the cut-away/reserve ride last load of the day Saturday flying the Birdman Suit (with my trusty Wings H/C system);). LOL... or you may remember me form the bonfire Sat nite as the guy wearing the string of shamrocks wrapped around my chest and arms, no shirt. :o. :)


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Word I heard at Dublin is that Sunpath is working on new secondary riser covers similar to the Micron. If they work out then Jav has one more thing going for them.

If I was to order a rig today Bill Booth would be getting my business. He already build my GF's rig. :)
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Sunpath unvieled the new internal riser covers at the symposium. They are almost identical to the infinity internal riser covers. I think they become standars on april 1st, along with new beefier handles standard and new toggles and dive loops as "swoop options".

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I have owned both Javelin and Wings. I am a rigger and for my money, Wings is it. They are more comfortable than Javelins and cost less with a better delivery time. I bought my first Wings as a second system. It fit so much better that the Javelin that I gutted the Javelin and bought a second Wings. PM me if you want more details.:)
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
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I appreciate all responses. I am not limitied to these two. I have been jumping a Javelin Odyssey and I love it. I have not jumped anything else. It was just mentioned to me that Wings would be cheaper and fits better. I am new to the sport and I trust the people that recommended the wings, but I know I've jumped the Javelin and love it. I don't know anythign else (Fit wise, etc).

If any of you would like to give me more detailed words of wisdom PLEASE send me a PM at your will. I am using this information for myself, and myself only.

I appreciate all responses! Thank you!!!!

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I have 2 Javs and 1 Icon -- The Icon is just as comfortable and has better pin protection --
Comes fully loaded--stainless/hip rings/cut-in lats -you've seen the ads and delivery is 12 weeks

If only they were more flexible with the color patterns it would be one of the top rigs on the market

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There are no cut in laterals for the Icon I5 and the I6. Most probably the size he's going to order. The I4 is for a 135-150 main I believe and is the biggest container which has cut-in-laterals.


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