
I'm getting a new rig

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If you lived close to a manufacturer that could be an important point, but is not in your case (it is very nice to easily get repairs/mods done by the mfg).

Many people don't like the tuck-down main flap design of the Jav, but don't think that all tuck-down designs are the same. The Infinity is very secure and not sensitive to how tight the container is filled. Also, I personally do not agree that the tuck-up main flap is inherently less likely to come open, at least for the scenario of someone flopping/scraping across your back.

In my opinion, partially and fully exposed pop-tops are a hassle because they all too frequently need to be adjusted by a rigger to get them to sit down tightly.

I also like the rigs with the secondary main riser covers (Infinity, Vector, Mirage) because the reserve tray 'profile' is not nearly so covered up by the main riser covers. I think that is better for total mal/reserve deployment, especially for smaller containers. The mfgs of course test their rigs for this so it shouldn't matter, but everyone has their own pet peeves.

Buying new gear is a lot of fun. Waiting for it is definitely not.
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Out of those two, i'd choose Mirage:P;) j/k

Seriously, I don't like pop tops personally, so I wouldn't choose either myself. I definitely like the up-tucking main flap much better than Javelin's tuck flap. However, I think the Javelin is better looking than the Wings (except the wings ext, which looks less fat and more normal.)

So, tough decision, i'd say neither:ph34r: I got a Voodoo, It was between that, the Vector Micron or the Mirage G4 for me.


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Ok, i'll be the bastard >:(:
ALCHEMY= Javelin
Who won nationals?:P:D
Coincidence? I think not.:D:P


Ill be a bastard w/ ya.

If I may add to that:
Airspeed (all teams)
Deland Majik
Golden Knights
Sugar gliders
Babbalon (sp?)

The list goes on..

Come to think of it, almost every group pic in the mags. have a Javelin in them

The Odyssey has new features released this month.
To name a few: ok all of them:S
13 week delivery, no really its true!
Easy Grip Toggles (stay open)
Easy grip Dive loops(stay open and padded)
Phat Daddy reserve and cutaway handles (larger grip)
Seamless reserve tray (nothing for the risers to get caught on)
Internal Riser Covers (designed so you don't have to use them if you choose)
Type 7 Harness
Deep Reserve Handle Pocket (the Metal D ring sits in deeper, less snag)
Spacer Foam back pad which also covers laterals and leg pads

Take a close look at the prices, the Odyssey includes parts that others may call chargeable options. There for leveling out the price.

But the bottom line is to determine what you are looking for. Comfort, Price, Design, looks, history, what ever it may be. Then accept the fact you wont get them all, so like Beezy said once pick two and go buy the one that fits those features you want.

Sorry I piggy backed ya Brains.

Couldn't resist

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Also, heard some rumours (on dz.com and at my home dz) of wings having issues on hop n pops

I have a Wings and have done multiple hop 'n' pops and never had an issue with my Wings.
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Since its probally the same person online and at your DZ you might want to see just how large this "issue" is. All rigs can hang up if you put a small PC on and go sub terminal. I've seen just about every rig out there on a load with me at some point and I've never seen an issue yet that was not specific to a rig.
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Word. I totally recommend Wings, I own one and I've never had any flaps open. Not so on the Jav I owned before.
As my Wings was custom made it's an awesome fit. I actually got stressed out on my first jump on it bc there wasn't anything squeezing anywhere and and I hardly felt the rig!
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Also I have heard and seen rumors of unravelin' javelins... Let's spread rumors, it's more fun than substance! :P
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I'm a newbie in the sport, but I absolutely farking LOVE my Jav Odyssey. I did a lot of research / asked all sorts of questions about the different rigs this time last year when I was in the market for a new custom rig.

Things that persuaded me were: quality & Sunpaths reputation for service.

The fact that the vast majority of competition teams jump them.

Nearly everyone at our DZ jumps them (nearly all our camera/AFF instructors/sport jumpers have Javs)

It's true Sunpaths competitors DO have shorter delivery times - so ask Why are Sunpaths delivery times so long. Answer - Because everyone wants one :)

Javs Rock. get one.


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I'm still rooting for the Infinity.

Keep rooting Tim:D
I have only ever seen one infinity in Oz, and that one is very "boxy" in design, and similar to Talons.

Amanduh I currently jump a Jav, and the construction is outstanding, I would recomend it over the wings, but as I sated previuous I just ordered a Micron. For my peace of mind I prefer the way the Vectors are put together 2ndry, riser covers, contoured chest harness (no need for chest rings), very secure main pic protection.

As for the post stating "world champions Jump Javs" well they're also sponsored rigs, so take that into consiederation aswell.;)
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Javelin and Wings are my two favorite container choices. I went with Wings because it had all the options I wanted, as did the Odyssey, but the cost was significantly less (than the Odyssey). I LOVE my Wings and will buy another one when I'm ready for a new container.

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I chose Wings because they have everything I'm looking for, a great reputation in every category, and come highly recommended. But the price and delivery time put the final stamp on my decision. Though I have never jumped one, I'm banking on other's opinions. Ordered mine four weeks ago, It'll be done in two; three weeks early. That's enough for me.

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The Wings has a better design and it's also one of the least expensive rigs, but it doesn't have the option for chest rings.

That's because it doesn't need them to articulate correctly. 99% of harnesses that offer upper rings do so to allow articulation that is restricted by the use of a non round ring at the hip. There's nothing wrong per se in doing that, but if it's not necessary because you used a round ring at the hip junction, it would only add weight and cost to the system.

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That's because it doesn't need them to articulate correctly. 99% of harnesses that offer upper rings do so to allow articulation that is restricted by the use of a non round ring at the hip. There's nothing wrong per se in doing that, but if it's not necessary because you used a round ring at the hip junction, it would only add weight and cost to the system.

A Wings harness would articulate exactly the same with a slotted ring. The big difference between a Wings harness and most other articulated harnesses it that they articulate between the main lift web and the horizontal strap.

I love Infiity. Chalk another vote up for that. The rigs are gorgeous and comfortable. The customer service is just outstanding as well. I couldn't be happier. I've never heard an Infinity jumper say differently.

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A Wings harness would articulate exactly the same with a slotted ring. The big difference between a Wings harness and most other articulated harnesses it that they articulate between the main lift web and the horizontal strap.

Actually, this is incorrect, as with a flat sided ring, mobilty is decreased once tension is applied to it, effectively locking down one side of it. If you want articulation in all 360 degrees, it's best to use a round ring for obvious reasons.

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Actually, this is incorrect, as with a flat sided ring, mobilty is decreased once tension is applied to it, effectively locking down one side of it. If you want articulation in all 360 degrees, it's best to use a round ring for obvious reasons.

You seem to be implying that every piece of webbing that touches the ring slides on it at all times- essentially saying that the ring stays stationary while the three pieces of webbing slide around it, which is impossible if it's floating. When there's tension on it, it will always stick to the one peice of webbing that has the most friction and the other pieces of webbing will slide on the ring. No different than with a slotted ring where one piece of webbing is held stationary in the slot and the others slide in the ring.

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Actually, this is incorrect, as with a flat sided ring, mobilty is decreased once tension is applied to it, effectively locking down one side of it. If you want articulation in all 360 degrees, it's best to use a round ring for obvious reasons.

You seem to be implying that every piece of webbing that touches the ring slides on it at all times- essentially saying that the ring stays stationary while the three pieces of webbing slide around it, which is impossible if it's floating. When there's tension on it, it will always stick to the one peice of webbing that has the most friction and the other pieces of webbing will slide on the ring. No different than with a slotted ring where one piece of webbing is held stationary in the slot and the others slide in the ring.

Tell you what, as we seem to be going round and round on this.

Next time you're at the DZ, get two rigs on different jumpers, one with a round ring, and one with a flat ring. (Don't use a Wings, as the articulation is two point as you noticed.) Get the jumpers to tighten their legstraps and chest straps as ready to jump, then get them them to bend and touch their toes.

Then go look at the respective delfections in the main lift web. You'll see what I'm talking about then....

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Tell you what, as we seem to be going round and round on this.

Next time you're at the DZ, get two rigs on different jumpers, one with a round ring, and one with a flat ring. (Don't use a Wings, as the articulation is two point as you noticed.) Get the jumpers to tighten their legstraps and chest straps as ready to jump, then get them them to bend and touch their toes.

Then go look at the respective delfections in the main lift web. You'll see what I'm talking about then....

I think what you're trying to say is that on say, a standard Infinity, Vector, Jav articulated harness with no chest rings, you'll see a buckle in the main lift web when you bend over, which is true. But you imply that if you change the ring, the buckle will go away, which it won't because what causes the buckle is the fact the MLW is sewn to the horizontal strap at a predetermined angle. Now, on my rig, my MLW is threaded through the slot on the ring, and my horizontal strap, and front and rear legstrap are threaded through the round portion of the ring. When I bend, you won't get a buckle in the MLW because it is not anchored to any other one strap. So, it is the style of junction that determines the articulation, not the style of the ring.

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