airdvr 210 #1 December 8, 2010 After a story this morning about my female co-worker getting a warning for 82 in a 55 I wondered. Personally, I've never gotten a warningPlease don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #2 December 8, 2010 In my personal experience a driver's sex, age, how good they looked (or how bad they looked), if they cried and their fame/fortune is not a factor for having received a warning or a citation.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Southern_Man 0 #3 December 8, 2010 QuoteIn my personal experience a driver's sex, age, how good they looked (or how bad they looked), if they cried and their fame/fortune is not a factor for having received a warning or a citation. What is a factor? I've never gotten away with a warning. Well, not for speeding. I once got a warning for having the license plate light burnt out, but that stop was a pretense to check for drunk driving (and I wasn't)."What if there were no hypothetical questions?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #4 December 8, 2010 I've gotten TONS of warnings, once 3 in one stop! Had a tail light out, was speeding, and didn't have proof of insurance. Can't remember when I've gotten a ticket, except when I rear-ended that police :) linz-- A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #5 December 8, 2010 I've received warnings from male cops, I've received warnings from female cops. I've received tickets from male cops and I've received tickets from female cops. Of course somewhere along the line I pretty much stopped speeding which has meant no tickets and one warning in the last 13 years. The warning was on a street where I genuinely didn't know that I was speeding - I would have taken my lumps on that one because I was well over the limit (40+ in a 25, IIRC - but since it was a quiet industrial area - not a residential area - the fact that it was 25 caught me off guard)."There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davjohns 1 #6 December 8, 2010 I was a cop years ago. Some guys are going to write the ticket no matter what. I was one that avoided writing a ticket if you were just a normal person who needed a reminder. If I pulled you over for something and you also had a suspended license, you needed more than a reminder. If you started the conversation with, "What the hell do you want?" (No kidding. It happened.) Then you clearly wanted a full vehicle inspection. Each department has different rules. Some supervisors or departments expect you to write a ticket to justify the stop. They think it helps reduce their legal exposure. To the OP - most cops are male and human.I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet.. But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManagingPrime 0 #7 December 8, 2010 Got away with lots of warnings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCaptain 2 #8 December 8, 2010 You forgot to add options for being either sex and have been given warnings. I have received 6 warnings in my life. I received 3 of those warnings while driving a 1970 Cuda. One was when I punched up to 120MPH for just a moment, cop was stuck in traffic and could not pace me. Another I was following a cop in the fast lane doing 75 MPH in a 55MPH. The last one in the cuda I was doing 50 in a 35MPH the cop pulled me over then noticed I had a child in the back seat they were just really happy they where buckled in. Sometimes it may be based on your personal attitude and what kind of story you can create. I also got pulled over once for almost passing a cop doing 90MPH in a 55, I did everything possible to not pass him once I knew it was a cop and this was on a two lane road(one lane each way). The cop took the next street to get behind me and I just pulled in behind him and stopped before he turned on his lights ( I got off on with a warning) Kirk He's dead Jim Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #9 December 8, 2010 Offhand, I can think of 3 warnings I've gotten in lieu of tickets; once in my 20s, once in my 30s and once in my 50s. Each time I was very respectful and apologetic toward the officer. My daughter, a very attractive (if I may say) college student, got a ticket for not wearing her seatbelt in a state where that is a primary offense. She only had it off for a few moments to take her jacket off while stopped at a red light. That was the moment she got nailed. She tells me that she explained what happened to the officer, she was very apologetic, and even cried a bit. He was very nice and understanding toward her. But he gave her the ticket. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #10 December 8, 2010 I have been pulled for 68 in a 55. Only ticket I ever got, late to a post op appointment. I have been warned for; -60/25(campus police/sheriff's deputy) -96/65 (same cop, 3 years later, he's now a state trooper) -69/45 - just recently - made the cop follow me an extra few hundred yards - when he asked why I told him it was to make sure I had a place to pull off and keep him safe / honest truth - we were in a blind curve - and I've been a medic, and damn near killed on the side of the road, so it was the truth. Kinda took him by surprise I think. Lucky is better than good sometimes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #11 December 8, 2010 QuoteQuoteIn my personal experience a driver's sex, age, how good they looked (or how bad they looked), if they cried and their fame/fortune is not a factor for having received a warning or a citation. What is a factor? I've never gotten away with a warning. Well, not for speeding. I once got a warning for having the license plate light burnt out, but that stop was a pretense to check for drunk driving (and I wasn't). Sometimes it depends on the totality of the situation. Going 10mph over may get a warning. Going 10mph over in a school zone while aggressively changing lanes would probably get a citation. Attitude is everything. Not ass-kissing, but simply put, being respectful and understanding that the officer is out their doing their job goes a very long way. If a motor conducts 30 stops in a day, you can figure that about 20 of them will have very rude and condescending people. That or there will be people who believe themselves to be too "something" to be bothered by being stopped. That something could be important, rich, famous...just about anything justified in that person's mind. Understand that there are times that no matter what you do or say, you are going to receive a citation. Also, don't think that other cops or firefighters get off easy. Although an officer may choose not to issue a citation to another officer or firefighter, that other officer's department may be notified. That could have long term effects on that officer's career! Which may cost that officer much more money in the long run than the $150 for a speeding ticket.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #12 December 8, 2010 Hahaha me and the GF always talk about this. Because I never get a warning (always a ticket) and she has been pulled over twice once doing 75 in a 40 and once doing 65 in a 40 zone. The cops are usually very nice to her and they just say please slow down. I think that’s life man hot chicks gets things easier, off course like any thing else it has its bad side too.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #13 December 8, 2010 Quote Attitude is everything. Not ass-kissing, but simply put, being respectful and understanding that the officer is out their doing their job goes a very long way. If a motor conducts 30 stops in a day, you can figure that about 20 of them will have very rude and condescending people. That or there will be people who believe themselves to be too "something" to be bothered by being stopped. That something could be important, rich, famous...just about anything justified in that person's mind. Thanks for confirming what I've always believed. I don't believe I've ever been manipulative or tried to use my gender to get out of a ticket - the only time I cried was when I was pulled over at 16 and the tears were genuine - it was my first time getting pulled over and I didn't want my parents to find out! (Got a warning that time - it was for failure to come to a complete stop before a right turn on red). But I have always been honest and respectful to the officers - sometimes to their surprise - I still remember one guy asking me how fast I was going - I replied with the number (low 60s in a 45, I believe) and he was surprised that I was straight up about it. And I got a warning in that situation."There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airdvr 210 #14 December 8, 2010 I've been respectful and humble every time I've been pulled over and every time I got the ticket. One time in Pa. at an auto auction I got a ticket for driving a car that I had just bought about 500 feet on the road without a dealer plate so I could get it to the car hauler and I got a ticket. That was chickenshit and I let the officer know it too. I'm starting to be convinced, as it is with the big loads tits matter Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #15 December 8, 2010 What is this "warning" stuff of which you speak?My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futuredivot 0 #16 December 8, 2010 It is different growing up in a small town, I got way more warnings than tickets. We had one cop that pulled me a couple of times a month and always gave me a warning (he used to date my sister) and another one that pulled me twice for same or similar offenses and gave me max fine both times (I used to date his sister). In all cases I was doing what I was stopped for.You are only as strong as the prey you devour Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unstable 9 #17 December 8, 2010 Whenever I've been pulled over, I've gotten a ticket. Usually for BS stuff - a. Coming to a rolling stop at a 4-way on a rural Kansas Road with no other cars for miles ~ $150 b. Going 75 in a 65 Zone on the Interstate in Iowa Coming back from Freaks. c. 78 in a 70 zone on I-70 coming back from seeing a GF at the time ~ What is Bullshit is that in that County, Tickets didn't start until 10 over. So I got a $75 'Court fine' with no speeding fine. WTF? I've been pulled over over 9,000 times here in this College town, but they are always just checking to see if I've been drinking. They see I'm sober, smile, and off I go.=========Shaun ========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futuredivot 0 #18 December 8, 2010 QuoteWhenever I've been pulled over, I've gotten a ticket. Usually for BS stuff - a. Coming to a rolling stop at a 4-way on a rural Kansas Road with no other cars for miles ~ $150 Rolling ain't stopping-that's why the octagon doesn't say "slow" b. Going 75 in a 65 Zone on the Interstate in Iowa Coming back from Freaks. Because the speed limit signs in Iowa say "Approximately X MPH"? c. 78 in a 70 zone on I-70 coming back from seeing a GF at the time ~ Variation of above statement I'm thinking ya really got no reason to bitch, so that must have been a whineYou are only as strong as the prey you devour Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #19 December 8, 2010 QuoteWhenever I've been pulled over, I've gotten a ticket. Usually for BS stuff - a. Coming to a rolling stop at a 4-way on a rural Kansas Road with no other cars for miles ~ $150 I got to help cut a dead 17yr old girl out of a car for doing the same thing in Texas. Funny how "no other cars" translates to "I didn't see it" when you don't come to a full stop. What did you miss? Who knows, but we all know that you didn't stop long enough to even see a cop.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kasch 0 #20 December 8, 2010 i got a warning once. but i the cop who pulled me over i worked with when i was in highschool. still can't believe he gave me a written warning though. i was only speeding cause my battery AND alternator were dying and if i went under a certain rpm my car would start to die on me. it was also in the single digits in the winter in NH and i had to drive with the windows down so the windows didn't fog, the defroster would have killed the engine. RIP thunderbirdSex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amstalder 0 #21 December 8, 2010 2 warnings and 2 tickets. Both tickets were by state troopers of holiday weekends (yeah I am a dumbass). I will admit that at the time of the second one I was pissed off. They pulled me (and about 20 others) over about 10miles from where an airplane had clocked me. Within a mile of where they had clocked me, I had slowed back down to the speed limit. Grrr, but whatever, I deserved it. The two warnings I got were given by Military Police. The most recent of the two, about two weeks ago, I ran a stop sign. In my defense, the sign was not there the day before, it is smaller than your average stop sign, and is not reflective (this is the one that really gets me, come on people!). I damn near puked on the kid though due to a change in my meds. I'm sure that wouldve really won him over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyrider 0 #22 December 8, 2010 I've only gotten one speeding ticket in my life , never once pulled over for speeding, (and for a biker that is od) The one I got, I was dead to rights breaking the limit...the officer changed it from 68 in a 45 to 52 in a 45...Just because I was not an asshole to him... BUT...Sexism??? You'd have to be brain dead, to not know that happens..Bad part is, Most(yes I mean most) female cops, (break out the flame throwers) are it kind of reverses in those cases! They Hate men..yer fucked... BUT, women may walk... HEY...WTF???? women alwasy get the pass Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #23 December 9, 2010 Hey, you could have been this guy:"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuckyMcSwervy 0 #24 December 9, 2010 Don't forget that many police officers/state troopers are wired for sound, too. I had a note on a piece of parer in my console that said something like this: "My husband is Lt. Scott from XYZ Police Department. Business phone 609-xxx-xxxx Cell phone 609-xxx-xxxx " Always be kinder than you feel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #25 December 9, 2010 >a. Coming to a rolling stop at a 4-way on a rural Kansas Road with no >other cars for miles ~ $150 Uh - who gave you the ticket then? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites