
pd demo chutes

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The best place to get the correct answer is to call PD and ask. When I demo'd a PDR 143 it came on risers but with no d-bag or pilot chute. As for the paying shipping both ways I believe I paid between 20 and 40 for the demo and had to pay shipping back.

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Probably been answered but i cant find it ,when I rent a sabre2 for demo does it have the pilot chute and d bag or do i use the one in my rig.Also do i pay shipping and hadleing both ways.Thanks

They don't come with D-bag and pilot chute like other have said, but even if they did it would still be better to use your own. Your D-bags was made to fit in your main pack tray, a Javalin D-bag does not fit very well in a Mirage, just like a Wings doesn't fit very will into an infinity. This could cause the flaps not to close correctly and increases your risk of having a malfunction.
Fly it like you stole it!

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