
Birdman Pants

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I really like mine. I like the way they fit. I LOVE tracking in them. They definitely help when combined with proper body position. I freefly in them sometimes too. Though they have a little more drag then my other freefly clothing, they are slick, so still pretty fast.

Definitely a good all around pair of pantz. :)

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I have a little over 100 dives in mine.

Build quality is superb, with not a single lose thread showing yet.
I use them mainly for AFF and they have MASSIVE leg power when
the student is behaving like an evaluator. I'm always dialed right
back on tracking dives. They really do move, but without the physical load that booties give you. I've managed flat fall rates with light AFF students on 103 MPH and sub 100 when tracking. In a sit they're happy at 150 mph. I like that range.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I have a little over 100 dives in mine.

Build quality is superb, with not a single lose thread showing yet.
I use them mainly for AFF and they have MASSIVE leg power when
the student is behaving like an evaluator. I'm always dialed right
back on tracking dives. They really do move, but without the physical load that booties give you. I've managed flat fall rates with light AFF students on 103 MPH and sub 100 when tracking. In a sit they're happy at 150 mph. I like that range.


Good in a sit any idea on headsdown how they are. Looking for a pair of pants good for all types of dives

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I have a pair, and they were my first acquisition in the sport. I have made tracking, sitfly and headdown skydives with them, and I think they behave accordingly to each skydive. However, if you are planning to do more sitfly and headdown skydives I strongly recommend some regular skydiving pants. It is much harder to learn with tracking pants how to sitfly, or at least that is what I think. It is better to jump with the appropriate clothes for each particular jump so that you can do your best in each skydive.

You know what's out there.
Take it, it's your's INMORTALITY!!!

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be careful on the sizing. i bought a "custom" pair and they were not even close. the tag indicated that they were "s"mall. i gave them every measurement and they were WAY too small. they base (or at least they did) the waist on your height, like on the non-custom pantz. i paid extra for custom and expected as much and was very disappointed.

my buddy at my home DZ had the exact same problem (both of us are about 5' 6" with sneakers on). i sold them to a guy that weighed about 140 and they fit him great, and he loves them. the quality is very good. just be sure to get them to built for your dimensions.

then, i bought the phoenix-fly version (of tracking pants). they fit kick ass, totally custom, and work incredibly well. i also bought the phoenix-fly tracking jacket, and no one can stay with me that has an ordinary suit. they're very cool, but you gotta put your feet on your ass to deploy, or you'll still have significant forward push.

... On landing a wise man once said: "A long walk always beats a short ambulance ride."

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I recommend searching the BASE forum for "smoke pants" and "phoenix pants".

Fashion aside, smoke pants can be made for less than 20 bucks, and perform better than the Birdman version. PF pants are pricey, but perform better than smoke pants (and much better than the Birdman version).

If you're looking for fashion, the Birdman pants may be the ones to go with. For performance, there are probably better options.
-- Tom Aiello


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Good in a sit any idea on headsdown how they are. Looking for a pair of pants good for all types of dives

Whatever trickyness they're accused of in a sit, they make up for by being like training wheels when you're head down.

As Tom said, PF tracking pants or "smoke pants" may outperform them on a track, but for a blend of track pants that are also freefly friendly, they rock.

If you want to freefly only - then maybe you should look elsewhere, but from the title of the thread, that seems not to be the case.

And they do look cool...;)

It's the year of the Pig.

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