
Rig storage question

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What is the best way to store a rig when not in use? My DZ hangs theirs on specially made racks, which I will probably do once I move to a place with more room. Right now, I just put it in a closet, leaning against the wall. Should it be hung, laid flat, leaned against something? If laid flat, on which side?

I know this is kind of an odd question, but since my rig is worn for only a fraction of the time, I want to make sure that I'm storing it in a manner that will not damage it or cause the material to get an unwanted memory.



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If your just no jumping it for a month or so, make sure it's stored in a gear bag in a closet or some place where it's not got to get to hot or be in the direct sun light.
If you not jumping it for a long time. Have a rigger take you cypress out. (in case batteries leak)
It's best to store it unpacked in a bag that won't allow any moisture inside.
Keep it out of the sunlight also.

Be safe.

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It's skydiving gear. It's pretty tough. It should be just fine in a gear bag in your closet for the week. Hanging it just makes it easier to pick up an put on. Also keeps it from getting stepped on in a busy area.

You really love your rig don't you? ;):$

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Preface to say I tend to have OCD when it comes to gear storage.......lol

Sunday night, after last jump, I stick my unpacked canopy in a pillow case, bring it home unpacked, and then lay it out in a spare bedroom on the (carpeted floor). Monday morning before work, I cover it with a blanket to keep any sun light off it that might sneak into the room while I am gone. :(

Then I pack it when I get home Monday night.

All that is just a preventative measure to let any moisture that might be on the canopy from landing sunset load evaporate. I dont like packing up a damp canopy if it is gonna be in the bag for more than a few hours.


My other ride is a RESERVE.

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I made this rig rack that holds both mine and my wife's rig. It's made of solid oak and is just another piece of furniture in the living room.

Looks great, but mey not be the est for all brands of rigs. For instance, I am 99% sure RWS says such hanging of he rig messes up Vector 3's riser covers.

General ruls for storing a gear, especially for a longer time, is DARK, DRY and COOL.

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Interesting point. I've got a Mirage G3. Another reason I'm thinking about getting a mannequin is because I have two cats, so that will keep it out of convenient scratching height for them. The stand above (while very nice) would not.



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Storing a rig is quite simple. Here's the rack my Kick ass Infinity sits on. It's normally kept inside. I put it in the sun for a better shot.

"Rig-Stand" has the best color but the action seemed a little tame.

"RigStand" the action is good but the colors didn't come out right.

"Rig-Stand2" again... good action, but poor colors and it's tough to determine that's my arm

It's a bit too painful to take these type of action shots, especially using a phone so these will have to do.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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