amark303 0 #1 September 17, 2010 So, with each passing day, week, month and year lately it seems like things here at home in the good ole USA are definitely “changing”. • Cops are shooting like nut jobs at someone who stole a sandwich • I’m all for 2nd Amendment rights and carry a concealed firearm myself daily but everyday some whacko is shooting up a hospital, school or place of employment. • Unemployment is through the roof. • The foreclosure crisis continues to get worse. • National debt is out of control. • The values of our culture or society seem to be degrading more in the direction of laziness, instant gratification and entitlement. Marry this up with the level of education our kids are getting as well as the cost and this could be dangerous. • Sports celebrities, Jersey Shore characters and rap stars and are idolized far more than most other noble professions. • I know there is government corruption everywhere but damn it seems to be just get worse and worse here at home. • People that have a full squad of kids and never intend on working milk the system and live well off the backs of you and I. I think you know what I am getting at without having to continue with an endless list of the ridiculous things we see personally each and every day as well as what appears in the media spotlight. What ever happened to living a simple life with values, common courtesy and respect? Be good to your neighbors and do the right thing even when no one is watching. Take pleasure from the simple things in life and stop trying to “keep up with the Jones”. Just enjoying your work while living within your means. I am sure I didn’t give what I am thinking the proper description here as I am not nearly as eloquent as my fellow ST’ers here but hopefully you get my meaning. In 50 or 100 years what are people form around the world going to look back on and say about this point in time of our country and culture? Been giving thought lately to the idea of moving overseas. Don’t get me wrong, I love the US and am a Marine that served active duty but things just seem to be getting worse and worse here. • Is it just me? • Am I wrong for thinking this way? • Has anyone else had similar thoughts? • Is it just as bad everywhere else? And no, I am not a "glass half empty" kind of guy. Go ahead….flame away……. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OlympiaStoica 0 #2 September 17, 2010 I have feeling this is going to be moved ... No, it’s not just you!!! Since USA is my adoptive country and the quality of my life has improved hundred-fold since I moved here 15 years ago, I feel like I’m somehow “ungrateful” if I voice my disapproval with where things seem to be heading. This is not to say I’m not bothered by the new levels of “low-ness” our society seems to achieve every day. Just this morning Yahoo News read that “Snookie” is getting big money for appearing at an event. Really? Is that the message we want to give young adults? That being a sluty-trashy-bimbo is the way to get ahead in the world? O Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRich 4 #3 September 17, 2010 Where would you go that you think will be better? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d_squared431 0 #4 September 17, 2010 Are you the guy who posted the add on craigslist? The add went something like this: I am a legal resident in the USA and am looking for a female Canadian 18-52 yrs old to marry me so i can become Canadian. I dont care if you are ugly, fat, tooth less, or the beautiful bomb shell. I want out..TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1 I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amark303 0 #5 September 17, 2010 QuoteWhere would you go that you think will be better? To be honest I have no idea. I am open to suggestions. No serious plans as of now but rather kicking around the idea in light conversations that seem to be more and more recurring. Any suggestions? Denamrk? Vietnam? Central America? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #6 September 17, 2010 QuoteAre you the guy who posted the add on craigslist? The add went something like this: I am a legal resident in the USA and am looking for a female Canadian 18-52 yrs old to marry me so i can become Canadian. I dont care if you are ugly, fat, tooth less, or the beautiful bomb shell. I want out.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amark303 0 #7 September 17, 2010 Damn. Busted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #8 September 17, 2010 I think you would REALLLLLY love Singapore from the sounds of your rant. Have fun....................... Buh Bye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OlympiaStoica 0 #9 September 17, 2010 Quote I think you would REALLLLLY love Singapore from the sounds of your rant. Have fun....................... Buh Bye Singapore is REALLLLY boring ... I was there for 10 days in 2007 - I was ready to shoot myself ... O Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #10 September 17, 2010 Quote Quote I think you would REALLLLLY love Singapore from the sounds of your rant. Have fun....................... Buh Bye Singapore is REALLLLY boring ... I was there for 10 days in 2007 - I was ready to shoot myself ... O Yeah but based on the OP.. that is what the guy is looking for.. a nice safe structured society. where everything runs as it is designed to do... where those who get out of line are dealt with swiftly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amark303 0 #11 September 17, 2010 What in the world makes you believe I am looking for a fairy tale land "where those who get out of line are dealt with swiftly"? Nothing in my OP suggests that that I am aware of and if it does it wasn't intended to. If anything that might be a little presumptuous. -When some young punk kid comes to my house and pisses on my front yard fence in broad daylight that concerns me. -When across the street from me are two registered sexual offenders that spend their day sitting outside and watching my girlfriend come and go, that concerns me. -When my taxes go to support a single mother of 5 in her 30's that has never worked a day in her life and doesn't care for her children but sits at home and gets stoned all day while I bust my ass, that concerns me. I'm not suggesting that there is some fairly tale perfect place. As a young Marine back in the day I traveled to plenty enough shit holes to know better and also appreciate what good there is about the US so I am not just "ranting" negatively about it as an ungrateful citizen. I play a positive role in my community. I volunteer in the community and church. I have served my country as a Marine. I vote and do everything I can to make the place around me a better place in a constructive manner. It just seems that I keep hearing people talk about relocating overseas to retire or start their own business in "emerging markets" and happy with the decision. Looking around me, that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. Since there are a good number of international folks here on I figured I'd throw it out there and see what I can learn. To be honest I have no idea of what countries to consider if I were to get more serious about this. I am open to suggestions which was the reason for the post in the first place. No serious plans as of now but rather kicking around the idea in light conversations that seem to be more and more recurring. Certainly there are others on this forum that are pretty happy with where they are at or have been so I hope to hear their feedback. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #12 September 17, 2010 Quote Quote Quote I think you would REALLLLLY love Singapore from the sounds of your rant. Have fun....................... Buh Bye Singapore is REALLLLY boring ... I was there for 10 days in 2007 - I was ready to shoot myself ... O Yeah but based on the OP.. that is what the guy is looking for.. a nice safe structured society. where everything runs as it is designed to do... where those who get out of line are dealt with swiftly Caned on the ass, specifically. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #13 September 17, 2010 QuoteWhat in the world makes you believe I am looking for a fairy tale land "where those who get out of line are dealt with swiftly"? Nothing in my OP suggests that that I am aware of and if it does it wasn't intended to. If anything that might be a little presumptuous. -When some young punk kid comes to my house and pisses on my front yard fence in broad daylight that concerns me. In Singapore they will CANE that fucker to teach him the error of his ways -When across the street from me are two registered sexual offenders that spend their day sitting outside and watching my girlfriend come and go, that concerns me. I bet they know how to deal with sexual predators quite effectively -When my taxes go to support a single mother of 5 in her 30's that has never worked a day in her life and doesn't care for her children but sits at home and gets stoned all day while I bust my ass, that concerns me. "Welfare has been treated like a dirty word in Singapore--and rightfully so" - PM Lee said. I'm not suggesting that there is some fairly tale perfect place. As a young Marine back in the day I traveled to plenty enough shit holes to know better and also appreciate what good there is about the US so I am not just "ranting" negatively about it as an ungrateful citizen. I play a positive role in my community. I volunteer in the community and church. I have served my country as a Marine. I vote and do everything I can to make the place around me a better place in a constructive manner. It just seems that I keep hearing people talk about relocating overseas to retire or start their own business in "emerging markets" and happy with the decision. Looking around me, that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. Since there are a good number of international folks here on I figured I'd throw it out there and see what I can learn. To be honest I have no idea of what countries to consider if I were to get more serious about this. I am open to suggestions which was the reason for the post in the first place. No serious plans as of now but rather kicking around the idea in light conversations that seem to be more and more recurring. Certainly there are others on this forum that are pretty happy with where they are at or have been so I hope to hear their feedback. Answers above inline for you... BUT... be carefull what you might wish for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amark303 0 #14 September 17, 2010 Funny, but I never suggested on how to deal with those folks. Swiftly or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squirrel 0 #15 September 17, 2010 Quote "• Cops are shooting like nut jobs at someone who stole a sandwich" so dont steal a sandwich. "• I’m all for 2nd Amendment rights and carry a concealed firearm myself daily but everyday some whacko is shooting up a hospital, school or place of employment." true, but i bet if more good people carried weapons, our society would be able to "take care" of these people at the time of the incident. "• Unemployment is through the roof." work for yourself, be flexable. we live debt free, no work, no worries, we go do something else and get going again. "• The foreclosure crisis continues to get worse." get worse? no for us, we list the Repos. and seeing the lending history on these homes, the MAJORITY are walking away from loans that they pulled out of the house. it is their own doing. now, it is a GREAT time to buy! "• National debt is out of control." always has been. live debt free, own your guns, do not depend on society. "• The values of our culture or society seem to be degrading more in the direction of laziness, instant gratification and entitlement. Marry this up with the level of education our kids are getting as well as the cost and this could be dangerous." with this i totally agree. "• Sports celebrities, Jersey Shore characters and rap stars and are idolized far more than most other noble professions." not be me, nor many of the people that actually matter to our society. have you noticed the amount of "bling" ( i hate that word) has gone down due to the economic situation? i like this trend. "• I know there is government corruption everywhere but damn it seems to be just get worse and worse here at home." at least we dont have government hit squads. well, at least we dont "know" about them. "• People that have a full squad of kids and never intend on working milk the system and live well off the backs of you and I." get a better CPA to lower your taxes. but yes, i do agree. "• Is it just me?" No "• Am I wrong for thinking this way?" No "• Has anyone else had similar thoughts? " Yes "• Is it just as bad everywhere else?" No My wife and I are planing to cash out some day and more to Belize. ________________________________ Where is Darwin when you need him? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoobrothertom 5 #16 September 18, 2010 I understand how he feels. I've lived in S.Korea for over 8 years and, cultural quirks aside, I really enjoy it. Over here, there are problems. But they pale in comparison to the US if you believe everything on the net and in the papers. (Which I don't BTW) That said, people here are still lining up to move to any English speaking county they can get into. Secondary choice is any other European country. So, +'s and -'s calculated, most of the world would move to the States in a heartbeat. Except me, that is. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kasch 0 #17 September 18, 2010 QuoteAny suggestions? Denamrk? Vietnam? Central America? Denmark is kinda expensive, that entire region is, but the people I know that have moved there absolutely love it. Central America is an amazing place, I love it down there. I have a lot of friends that moved to Thailand though and from there ended up moving around that area of the world. They say it's cheap, relatively safe, and beautiful. I'd probably move to Colombia. That country stole my heart.Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #18 September 18, 2010 There are happy people in just about every country in the world. In a lot of countries, the institutional systems don't work as well as the US (e.g. you have to bribe someone to get a reasonable appointment to get your driver's license, or not to get ticketed in front of your house). Both of my SIL's (from Brazil) have commented repeatedly on how well things work in the US. That might be a frustration in a lot of countries -- infrastructure is expensive. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beerlight 0 #19 September 18, 2010 Things are fairly normal right now. What if you lived in the 1940's? Much much worse conditions, and the "world" was at war. Did it change afterwards for the better? Damn right it did. Will it get better from here on out? Your guess is as good as mine. However, I LOVE living in America. Freedom isn't just a word. It's also an attitude. Good luck with your situation. Guess it's how you look at it, but I think it's all good. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #20 September 18, 2010 Read "Don't stop the Carnival". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites