
Lets see your tattoo, piercing or other body mods

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Here's my back peice, still in progress...I just had some work done on the top, but don't have any pics of that yet[:/]

Edit to add: guess I can't post it as file is too large and I can't can't figure out how to reduce it...computer infantile here...:S

Dudeist Skydiver #0511

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I just got some more work done on my chest.


I thought this one was you?

Nice inkwork, dude!

Hahahaha thats hilarious... I wonder what kind of replys I would get to a post your bad/crappy tattoos.

I know I got a my crappy tattoo while drunk as fuck in mexico...

I need to get this one fixed sometime... The quality of work wasn't great to start with. Then I didn't take care of it all afterwards. pretty much did everything your not supposed to do after getting a tattooB|
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Here's my back peice, still in progress...I just had some work done on the top, but don't have any pics of that yet[:/]

Edit to add: guess I can't post it as file is too large and I can't can't figure out how to reduce it...computer infantile here...:S

easy way is to open image with paint, then resize images until it is less than 150kb
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Sure, lets get married... its cool that I've never met you or anything... no big deal right??? Ha ;)

If you start to read the forums regularly you'll learn I'm only serious about 10% of the time. :P

Dude - proposing to a hot chick and than immediately rescinding it is not cool
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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here is my tramp stamp! :P

Those aren't "tramp stamps" that you and Chiquita have...they're very nice targets. ;)
LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"

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No fancy piercings though, just a single bar through my eyebrow.

Just wait until the baby reaches up and grabs that! Babies are quick!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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