k-dubjumps 0 #1 July 14, 2010 I know this is long, but this all occurred in just a little over a 24 hour period. I don't think I've experienced anything this bazaar since I was married to my bipolar ex-husband. So I went on a first date with a guy I met through a mutual friend last night after emailing and talking to him for a few days. We really seemed to click when we spoke to each other and I was looking forward to meeting him in person. We originally had plans to meet Friday. For some reason he originally thought he lived two and a half hours away from me which I didn't realized until he told me he found out we were only an hour apart. So when that epiphany came to light we planed to meet yesterday. Tuesday morning: Him: 8:55 am - I am excited to see u Me: 9:28 am - I'm looking forward to seeing you too Me: 12:07 pm - are you counting the minutes? (what can I say, I sometimes like to tease ) Him 12:08 pm - Yah r u? Him: 12:14 pm - Its ok if ur not but i am but im a big dork Me: 12:16 pm - Sorry, on a call. Definitely looking forward to it Me: 12:39 pm - tick-tock tick-tock Him: 12:40 pm - Aw i hop ur not making fun of me Me: 12:41 pm - Nah, just teasing a little Him: 12:41 pm - :) Him: 12:43 pm - *blush* ok i won't b excited ;) Me: 12:45 pm - You're allowed, I think its cute Him: 12:46 pm - Ok good lol Him: 3:11 pm - Man will tday end? Me: 3:12 pm - lol I was just trying to think of something witty to text you Me: 4:45 pm - are you chomping at the bit? Him: 5:06 pm - K officially on my way There are a few texts here about being stuck in traffic etc. that I won't bore you with. So turns out he was really shy in person. He would blush when I looked at him kind of shy. I didn't call him on it, didn't want to make it worse. I wondered if maybe he was intimidated by me. The night before it came out that I'm a skydiver. So I'm thinking, great, another guy intimidated by the skydiving thing. He did admit he was being shy and even apologized for it. In fact, he said more than once. We had what I thought was a decent conversation and dinner and then went to trivia. The whole team had a good time, but there were a couple of times that he seemed a little more reserved and I just attributed that to being shy and around a bunch of people he didn't know. Me: 10:13 pm - Thanks for dinner and coming out I hope you enjoyed yourself Me: 10:52 pm - btw, Shirley the redhead who sat next to me thinks you are "cute as heck" (Shirley is a 60 something year old pub trivia partner of mine) Him: 11:03 pm - So what did u think? Me: 11:04 pm - I think she has good taste Him: 11:05 pm - U were hard to read (I'm surprised by this and don't know how to respond) Him: 11:17 pm - Seriously were u even attracted to me? Me: 11:20 pm - Yes. did you think I wasn't? (if I could have expressed surprise in a text, I would have) Him: 11:21 pm - I couldn't tell. I thought u found me boring or shy Me: 11:22 pm - well you were shy. even you said that, but I didn't think you were boring (I'm wondering if he has multiple personalities) Me: 11:24 pm - if I had no interest in you I would have walked myself to my car (true statement) Him: 11:26 pm - I had a gd time tnite. So i want to b direct-what r u looking for? Do u want someone to fuck your brains out? Do u want a just a friend? Like what do u want from me? (Me ->) It takes me a bit to figure out how to respond here. If it had been a phone conversation I would have been speechless. He makes it out like I was this cold uninterested person, then tells me he had a good time and do I want someone to fuck my brains out. Seriously, WTF! I decide not to give a bitchy response even though I think I'm justified to if I want to. Me: 11:32 pm - I wasn't looking for anything specific. Whatever happens, happens. Me: 11:33 pm - What do you want? Him: 11:38 pm - Ok ;) i know it was a weird question just curious. I am curious what it is like to kiss u (ok so from fucking my brains out to kissing, maybe it was just a nervous tick kind of thing) Him: 11:40 pm - I want a friend and someone to fuck my brains out and if develops into more as time goes on than good (maybe not) Him: 11:40 pm - What I really want is to get hooked on someone (more confusion ensues) Me: 11:42 pm - were you expecting that to happen after one dinner? Him: 11:43 pm - No def not Him: 11:46 pm - No no i wasnt expecting that at all Me: 11:50 pm - then just let things happen Him 11:58 pm - K sorry for asking questions its just that even tho i found u attractive this was the first time id been on a date in a long time where i had no idea how it went. I couldnt tell if u were shy,aloof,not interested,i seriously had no idea what was going on because every time there ws an akward silence it just kinda reamained that way until i said something. U never really asked me any questions (wait, what? Who was the shy one? I guess I only THOUGHT I asked questions during that conversation. Guess I should have asked more.) Me: 12:04 am - I don't mind the questions. You being shy in person threw me. I didn't know who to take it and I didn't want to be overbearing by talking too much. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. Him: 12:05 am - No its ok :) (OK, time to call him on it) Me: 12:14 am - You do realize that you went from being really shy to asking me if I wanted someone to fuck my brains out, don't you? Talk about hard to read. Him: 12:16 am - Arg sorry Me: 12:26 am - and here I was thinking you needed time to come out of your shell Him: 12:27 am - Im sorry i was a bit shy tnite but im not a shy person in general Me: 12:38 pm- do you still want to get together Friday? (Yes, I am a glutton for punishment. Really I'm just too nice and wonder if he was just really nervous) Him: 12:38 am - Yes do u? Me: 1239 am - Yes, I was just checking Him 12:40 am - :) i had fun (wait he didn't know what was going on, but he had fun?) Me: 12:45 am - Good. There was a reason I asked if you danced. Him: 12:47 am - I suck at dancing lol gnite Today: Him: 10:34 am- How r u Me: 10:35 am - I'm good. Plugging through my day. Wed area always busy for me. Back to back meetings all day - ick Me: 10:35 am - how's your day going? Him: 10:36 am - Im gd thx Him: 10:57 am - So r u taking me out to dinner or cooking friday? (Did he just ask if I (as in ME) am taking HIM to dinner? I read text several times to make sure. I think he might be trying to make a joke) Me: 11:24 am - I thought we were going out? (he originally said HE had wanted to take ME to dinner) Him: 11:27 am - We can Him: 11:33 am - R u taking me out to dinner? (Seriously? He asked again?) Him: 11:46 am - If i dnt like dancing why would u want to take me dancing? I dunno fridays im tired and low key (ummm, then why did you make plans on a Friday? ) Me: 11:53 am - You didn't say you don't like it, but that you weren't good at it. A band that I like is playing on Friday. I thought it would be something you'd enjoy since you are into music. (He plays piano in a band and I have serval friends who love to dance even though they suck at it ) Him: 11:55 am - Oh ok cool Me: 11:58 am - I like to go out and do things after being cooped up behind a desk all week. (I'm also wondering if this is headed back down the fuck your brains out direction and put it out there) If you're looking form someone to take you out and just fuck your tired brains out I don't know if I am the right person for that. Him: 12:01 pm - Thats not what I want Him: 12:11 pm - I dunno u were so aloof and not engaged last nite. U didnt ask me one question about myself the whole night. i dont think getting together friday is a gd idea. (I concur! Not about the stuff about me, but about Friday not being a good idea) Me: 12:15 pm - that's funny cuz I could have sworn I asked if you cooked and about dancing and a couple other things, but I guess I was wrong. Guess I should have figured out a way to make you not be shy. My bad. Hope you find what you're looking for.Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #2 July 15, 2010 I didn't read every word, but I see a lot of self esteem issues and clinginess right away. Don't know why he feels like such a loser, but that is how he sees himself. Either that or he's a very devious, controlling type. Seems like everything is your fault in the relationship so far. I would go with his idea that maybe you shouldn't see each other anymore, unless you're looking for a fixer-upper. People you want to be with aren't like that, especially on the first date, even if they are a little shy or quiet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloudseeker2001 0 #3 July 15, 2010 If you talk to this guy again, you should ask him if he knows an unusual amount of Ted Bundy trivia! "Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance, others mean and rueful of the western dream" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #4 July 15, 2010 So, I hear you're single... How YOU doin?Yeah, I would say stay away from him, he seems weird and his spelling sucks (big pet peeve of mine, I refuse to talk to people tht tlk lke ths, u no??) "I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NewGuy2005 53 #5 July 15, 2010 Run for your life!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyrider 0 #6 July 15, 2010 Quote I know this is long, but this all occurred in just a little over a 24 hour period. I don't think I've experienced anything this bazaar since I was married to my bipolar ex-husband. So I went on a first date with a guy I met through a mutual friend last night after emailing and talking to him for a few days. We really seemed to click when we spoke to each other and I was looking forward to meeting him in person. We originally had plans to meet Friday. For some reason he originally thought he lived two and a half hours away from me which I didn't realized until he told me he found out we were only an hour apart. So when that epiphany came to light we planed to meet yesterday. Tuesday morning: Him: 8:55 am - I am excited to see u Me: 9:28 am - I'm looking forward to seeing you too Me: 12:07 pm - are you counting the minutes? (what can I say, I sometimes like to tease ) Him 12:08 pm - Yah r u? Him: 12:14 pm - Its ok if ur not but i am but im a big dork Me: 12:16 pm - Sorry, on a call. Definitely looking forward to it Me: 12:39 pm - tick-tock tick-tock Him: 12:40 pm - Aw i hop ur not making fun of me Me: 12:41 pm - Nah, just teasing a little Him: 12:41 pm - :) Him: 12:43 pm - *blush* ok i won't b excited ;) Me: 12:45 pm - You're allowed, I think its cute Him: 12:46 pm - Ok good lol Him: 3:11 pm - Man will tday end? Me: 3:12 pm - lol I was just trying to think of something witty to text you Me: 4:45 pm - are you chomping at the bit? Him: 5:06 pm - K officially on my way There are a few texts here about being stuck in traffic etc. that I won't bore you with. So turns out he was really shy in person. He would blush when I looked at him kind of shy. I didn't call him on it, didn't want to make it worse. I wondered if maybe he was intimidated by me. The night before it came out that I'm a skydiver. So I'm thinking, great, another guy intimidated by the skydiving thing. He did admit he was being shy and even apologized for it. In fact, he said more than once. We had what I thought was a decent conversation and dinner and then went to trivia. The whole team had a good time, but there were a couple of times that he seemed a little more reserved and I just attributed that to being shy and around a bunch of people he didn't know. Me: 10:13 pm - Thanks for dinner and coming out I hope you enjoyed yourself Me: 10:52 pm - btw, Shirley the redhead who sat next to me thinks you are "cute as heck" (Shirley is a 60 something year old pub trivia partner of mine) Him: 11:03 pm - So what did u think? Me: 11:04 pm - I think she has good taste Him: 11:05 pm - U were hard to read (I'm surprised by this and don't know how to respond) Him: 11:17 pm - Seriously were u even attracted to me? Me: 11:20 pm - Yes. did you think I wasn't? (if I could have expressed surprise in a text, I would have) Him: 11:21 pm - I couldn't tell. I thought u found me boring or shy Me: 11:22 pm - well you were shy. even you said that, but I didn't think you were boring (I'm wondering if he has multiple personalities) Me: 11:24 pm - if I had no interest in you I would have walked myself to my car (true statement) Him: 11:26 pm - I had a gd time tnite. So i want to b direct-what r u looking for? Do u want someone to fuck your brains out? Do u want a just a friend? Like what do u want from me? (Me ->) It takes me a bit to figure out how to respond here. If it had been a phone conversation I would have been speechless. He makes it out like I was this cold uninterested person, then tells me he had a good time and do I want someone to fuck my brains out. Seriously, WTF! I decide not to give a bitchy response even though I think I'm justified to if I want to. Me: 11:32 pm - I wasn't looking for anything specific. Whatever happens, happens. Me: 11:33 pm - What do you want? Him: 11:38 pm - Ok ;) i know it was a weird question just curious. I am curious what it is like to kiss u (ok so from fucking my brains out to kissing, maybe it was just a nervous tick kind of thing) Him: 11:40 pm - I want a friend and someone to fuck my brains out and if develops into more as time goes on than good (maybe not) Him: 11:40 pm - What I really want is to get hooked on someone (more confusion ensues) Me: 11:42 pm - were you expecting that to happen after one dinner? Him: 11:43 pm - No def not Him: 11:46 pm - No no i wasnt expecting that at all Me: 11:50 pm - then just let things happen Him 11:58 pm - K sorry for asking questions its just that even tho i found u attractive this was the first time id been on a date in a long time where i had no idea how it went. I couldnt tell if u were shy,aloof,not interested,i seriously had no idea what was going on because every time there ws an akward silence it just kinda reamained that way until i said something. U never really asked me any questions (wait, what? Who was the shy one? I guess I only THOUGHT I asked questions during that conversation. Guess I should have asked more.) Me: 12:04 am - I don't mind the questions. You being shy in person threw me. I didn't know who to take it and I didn't want to be overbearing by talking too much. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. Him: 12:05 am - No its ok :) (OK, time to call him on it) Me: 12:14 am - You do realize that you went from being really shy to asking me if I wanted someone to fuck my brains out, don't you? Talk about hard to read. Him: 12:16 am - Arg sorry Me: 12:26 am - and here I was thinking you needed time to come out of your shell Him: 12:27 am - Im sorry i was a bit shy tnite but im not a shy person in general Me: 12:38 pm- do you still want to get together Friday? (Yes, I am a glutton for punishment. Really I'm just too nice and wonder if he was just really nervous) Him: 12:38 am - Yes do u? Me: 1239 am - Yes, I was just checking Him 12:40 am - :) i had fun (wait he didn't know what was going on, but he had fun?) Me: 12:45 am - Good. There was a reason I asked if you danced. Him: 12:47 am - I suck at dancing lol gnite Today: Him: 10:34 am- How r u Me: 10:35 am - I'm good. Plugging through my day. Wed area always busy for me. Back to back meetings all day - ick Me: 10:35 am - how's your day going? Him: 10:36 am - Im gd thx Him: 10:57 am - So r u taking me out to dinner or cooking friday? (Did he just ask if I (as in ME) am taking HIM to dinner? I read text several times to make sure. I think he might be trying to make a joke) Me: 11:24 am - I thought we were going out? (he originally said HE had wanted to take ME to dinner) Him: 11:27 am - We can Him: 11:33 am - R u taking me out to dinner? (Seriously? He asked again?) Him: 11:46 am - If i dnt like dancing why would u want to take me dancing? I dunno fridays im tired and low key (ummm, then why did you make plans on a Friday? ) Me: 11:53 am - You didn't say you don't like it, but that you weren't good at it. A band that I like is playing on Friday. I thought it would be something you'd enjoy since you are into music. (He plays piano in a band and I have serval friends who love to dance even though they suck at it ) Him: 11:55 am - Oh ok cool Me: 11:58 am - I like to go out and do things after being cooped up behind a desk all week. (I'm also wondering if this is headed back down the fuck your brains out direction and put it out there) If you're looking form someone to take you out and just fuck your tired brains out I don't know if I am the right person for that. Him: 12:01 pm - Thats not what I want Him: 12:11 pm - I dunno u were so aloof and not engaged last nite. U didnt ask me one question about myself the whole night. i dont think getting together friday is a gd idea. (I concur! Not about the stuff about me, but about Friday not being a good idea) Me: 12:15 pm - that's funny cuz I could have sworn I asked if you cooked and about dancing and a couple other things, but I guess I was wrong. Guess I should have figured out a way to make you not be shy. My bad. Hope you find what you're looking for. I have been with my wife 33 years..and we haven't spoke "that much".... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jim_32766 0 #7 July 15, 2010 That doesn't sound like a good start, or a good prospect. You might want to move on to the next opportunity. The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burtonjm 0 #8 July 15, 2010 Are you sure your date wasn't with Shah? This shit, right here, is OK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,016 #9 July 15, 2010 I guess one good thing about that kind of texting is that you can find out what someone is like _before_ they find out where you live . . . (BTW I'd guess you'll see a lot more texts from this guy along the lines of "do you hate me? We should get together. Why won't you answer me?") Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nanook 1 #10 July 15, 2010 Anti-social and flaky. What a catchOkay, I shouldn't laugh too hard, I've been there. A couple of times I felt like if I didn't leave now I would be made into a lamp shade. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davjohns 1 #11 July 15, 2010 It was just a demo. No need to jump it again if you don't like it. Try another. Seriously - that was odd.I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet.. But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k-dubjumps 0 #12 July 15, 2010 No worries there! I know I totally dodged a bullet. I've got my running shoes on. Especially after an email response I got from him. I kind of felt bad for his social awkwardness and I sent him the following email: If you even care, here's my point of view in a nut shell: Guy is really excited to meet girl. Girl feels put on a pedestal. Guy is really shy in person. Girl wonders if it is her. Girl thinks maybe he won't be so shy next time at least the ice is broken. Guy asks girl if she wants someone to fuck her brains out. Girl is speechless. Guy says he wants someone to fuck his brains out. Girl is still speechless. Guy now says what he really wants to get hooked on someone. Girl is confused. Girl thinks this is really complicated for only being after the first date. Girl wonders if she should run. Guy says he normally isn't so shy. Girl decides to see how Friday goes. Girls hopes things go well because guy seems nice, but apparently needs to get laid. Girl is OK with this because she does too. Guy want to know if girl is taking him to dinner. Girl wonders if guy is joking. Guy says he is tired on Fridays. Girl wonders why guy made plans on Friday then. Guy says girl is aloof and not engaged and didn't ask him anything even though she did and could swear she was part of a conversation with him. Guy doesn't want to see girl. Girl thinks to self, did guy just blame ME for not being prepared for HIS shyness? Girl wonders what the hell just happened in the past 24 hours. So here's my advice, take it or leave it. 1. It probably isn't wise to ask a woman what she wants immediately proceeding a first date (try waiting til the second date next time, assuming it gets that far) 2. Unless the intent of your date is to hook up for a bootie call, don't ask a woman if she's looking to have her brains fucked out. 3. If two people are kind of quite, it is quite possible that both of them may be suffering from shyness 4. You shouldn't blame other people for situations they have no control over. His response: Quote I'm sorry about the fuck your brains out thing. I shouldn't have used that term. I am NOT looking for that. I'm sorry I even brought that up. That's not what I'm looking for and not what I am expecting. I was using that as an example as one end of the spectrum- meaning I was asking what you were looking for- there's girls that just want to have a friend and nothing more, there's girls that want to date and see if it turns into something, there's girls that just want a booty call. I had no idea where you were in that spectrum. Just thought I'd ask what you were looking for. Not in me but in general. I'm not advocating any of them and no I'm not looking for a booty call. I keep to myself sexually and I don't sleep around. As a man you don't become 32 yrs old and healthy with no kids by accident. No I'm not intimidate by you skydiving or having a license plate that says AMERIKA. When people are shy, that's when you ask questions- try to get people to talk about themselves. I didn't mean to put you up on a pedestal. I'm sorry I was excited to see you. I was just bummed because I drove 2 hrs to see you and spent 75 bucks on dinner and I thought it would have been nice if you maybe paid for the beer or something. I can't stand it when girls think guys are all made of money and have to pay for everything. It would have been nice if you said something like when you come to see me friday I'll get dinner next time or I'll cook you dinner or something. I'm sorry I'm not a rich guy. I'm no mooch, but I don't do cheap. Peace out! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k-dubjumps 0 #13 July 15, 2010 Quote So, I hear you're single... How YOU doin?Yeah, I would say stay away from him, he seems weird and his spelling sucks (big pet peeve of mine, I refuse to talk to people tht tlk lke ths, u no??) Honey, I've been single for almost three years now. Totally a peeve of mine. I always use proper grammar when texting.Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k-dubjumps 0 #14 July 15, 2010 Quote Are you sure your date wasn't with Shah? Bwahahahahahhahahaha *takes breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha This guy was way too tall to be Shah, but maybe a cousin? Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #15 July 15, 2010 Quote His response: Quote I'm sorry about the fuck your brains out thing. I shouldn't have used that term. I am NOT looking for that. I'm sorry I even brought that up. That's not what I'm looking for and not what I am expecting. I was using that as an example as one end of the spectrum- meaning I was asking what you were looking for- there's girls that just want to have a friend and nothing more, there's girls that want to date and see if it turns into something, there's girls that just want a booty call. I had no idea where you were in that spectrum. Just thought I'd ask what you were looking for. Not in me but in general. I'm not advocating any of them and no I'm not looking for a booty call. I keep to myself sexually and I don't sleep around. As a man you don't become 32 yrs old and healthy with no kids by accident. No I'm not intimidate by you skydiving or having a license plate that says AMERIKA. When people are shy, that's when you ask questions- try to get people to talk about themselves. I didn't mean to put you up on a pedestal. I'm sorry I was excited to see you. I was just bummed because I drove 2 hrs to see you and spent 75 bucks on dinner and I thought it would have been nice if you maybe paid for the beer or something. I can't stand it when girls think guys are all made of money and have to pay for everything. It would have been nice if you said something like when you come to see me friday I'll get dinner next time or I'll cook you dinner or something. I'm sorry I'm not a rich guy. I'm no mooch, but I don't do cheap. Peace out! Give him 8 more years, he will be the 40 year old virgin. ... keep to myself sexually... psh!"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davjohns 1 #16 July 15, 2010 Thanks for reminding me why I don't date. Wow.I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet.. But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
npgraphicdesign 3 #17 July 15, 2010 Quote His response: Quote I'm sorry about the fuck your brains out thing. I shouldn't have used that term. I am NOT looking for that. I'm sorry I even brought that up. That's not what I'm looking for and not what I am expecting. I was using that as an example as one end of the spectrum- meaning I was asking what you were looking for- there's girls that just want to have a friend and nothing more, there's girls that want to date and see if it turns into something, there's girls that just want a booty call. I had no idea where you were in that spectrum. Just thought I'd ask what you were looking for. Not in me but in general. I'm not advocating any of them and no I'm not looking for a booty call. I keep to myself sexually and I don't sleep around. As a man you don't become 32 yrs old and healthy with no kids by accident. No I'm not intimidate by you skydiving or having a license plate that says AMERIKA. When people are shy, that's when you ask questions- try to get people to talk about themselves. I didn't mean to put you up on a pedestal. I'm sorry I was excited to see you. I was just bummed because I drove 2 hrs to see you and spent 75 bucks on dinner and I thought it would have been nice if you maybe paid for the beer or something. I can't stand it when girls think guys are all made of money and have to pay for everything. It would have been nice if you said something like when you come to see me friday I'll get dinner next time or I'll cook you dinner or something. I'm sorry I'm not a rich guy. I'm no mooch, but I don't do cheap. Peace out! That's...bad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #18 July 15, 2010 You should introduce him to the Cougar Help chick from the Women's Forum. Oh and ya coulda stopped here, maybe added "ever. She thinks you should already know." Quote 1. It probably isn't wise to ask a woman what she wants Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k-dubjumps 0 #19 July 15, 2010 Dude, I totally went Matrix on his ass and dodged a bullet! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
npgraphicdesign 3 #20 July 15, 2010 Quote Dude, I totally went Matrix on his ass and dodged a bullet! Yes you did...congrats. I know what you need...you need a tall, dark and handsome Russian skydiver. In fact, I even know someone like that... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #21 July 15, 2010 Quote Quote Dude, I totally went Matrix on his ass and dodged a bullet! Yes you did...congrats. I know what you need...you need a tall, dark and handsome Russian skydiver. In fact, I even know someone like that... Still high from the drugs huh?"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
npgraphicdesign 3 #22 July 15, 2010 Quote Quote Quote Dude, I totally went Matrix on his ass and dodged a bullet! Yes you did...congrats. I know what you need...you need a tall, dark and handsome Russian skydiver. In fact, I even know someone like that... Still high from the drugs huh? Hahahaha...sheddap. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #23 July 15, 2010 Quote Thanks for reminding me why I don't date. Wow. I really don't think you'd be a dork like that.You know, it was dating that led me to marrying Vskydiver. It ain't all bad. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #24 July 15, 2010 Quote and spent 75 bucks on dinner and I thought it would have been nice if you maybe paid for the beer or something. Okay, the women may flame me for this, but I say never spend a lot of money of the first date. Casual dinner, maybe a movie, but you're setting the bar, and expectations, too high. The first date is a "get to know ya" time, not the Senior Prom. Keep it light and easy.And if you end up in the sack, cool. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k-dubjumps 0 #25 July 15, 2010 Quote Quote and spent 75 bucks on dinner and I thought it would have been nice if you maybe paid for the beer or something. Okay, the women may flame me for this, but I say never spend a lot of money of the first date. Casual dinner, maybe a movie, but you're setting the bar, and expectations, too high. The first date is a "get to know ya" time, not the Senior Prom. Keep it light and easy.And if you end up in the sack, cool. Dinner wasn't that much (for Monterey, CA). I think his 75 bucks included the tip or is a little exaggerated. My entree was a whole whopping $18, plus a salad Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites