
5 minutes before the crash

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Just look the wuffo right in the eye and tell them " Didn't they give you yours at the check in counter?"

Damn near got me thrown off a flight sayin' that to a little ole lady, as I stuffed a rig in the overhead! >:(

She actually went back to the counter during boarding and raised some shit. :):S

The fat guy in the red blazer brought her back down and 'we spoke'...[:/]

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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The next person to wear a rig on board or bring one "not in a gear bag" gets their ass kicked.

you supplying the gear bag? no, didnt think so, i'll carry mine on just like the guy in the pics, i might even put the legstraps on and route the chest strap ;)

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The next person to wear a rig on board or bring one "not in a gear bag" gets their ass kicked.

you supplying the gear bag? no, didnt think so, i'll carry mine on just like the guy in the pics, i might even put the legstraps on and route the chest strap ;)

Oh what the hell you dont mind waiting till the next day for that flight do you;)

These days after 9/11 its BEST not to scare the sheep on the flight in any way... just put it out of sight and out of their pea brains.:ph34r:

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I just think its EASIER to NOT carry it "naked." I have a really old and super cheap carry on suitcase with wheels. I can fit my rig, freefly suit, shoes, plus helmet, alti, etc. It's easier to get through security, easier to carry, doesnt attract unwanted attention, and you dont have to worry about snagging anything.
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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I was at O'hare in Chicago waiting for a flight and saw a guy bragging/showing off his rig to a couple of chicks,,,,the rig was sitting on the chair and as he was yacking to one of the girls,,,the other asked if she could try it on,,he said yes and went back to yacking ( she was hotter looking ) so the other chick went to pick it up by the reserve handle,,,,B| and you all know the rest of the story.....:D

smile, be nice, enjoy life
FB # - 1083

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I was at O'hare in Chicago waiting for a flight and saw a guy bragging/showing off his rig to a couple of chicks,,,,the rig was sitting on the chair and as he was yacking to one of the girls,,,the other asked if she could try it on,,he said yes and went back to yacking ( she was hotter looking ) so the other chick went to pick it up by the reserve handle,,,,B| and you all know the rest of the story.....:D

Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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>I just think its EASIER to NOT carry it "naked."

Agreed 100%. It's easier, safer, more considerate and protects the rig. Only downside is no ego boost available.

:$:$:$ ~ Well...my gear bag has 'Liberty Parachute Team' embroidered in large letters, as well as various sponsors patches on it.

Keeps the rig clean & snag free AND offers the prerequisite ego boost! ;)B|:ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Sometimes you don't have a choice. I was checking mine on my orlando trip, They said my bag was over weight so I had to pull it out and throw it over my shoulder. Funny thing is I didn't have a single conversation about it. :)

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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So, I suppose you guys would be against me editing my plane crash compilation video on my laptop during mid flight? B| I'm just asking??

Last August I went to Spain to make few jumps following our week of opening the EAA Oshkosh airshow...I was on the aircraft in first class, editing some free-fall video I took during some of the performances when the guy sitting next to me pulls out HIS laptop and shows me some video of the same jump he'd taken from the ground! B|B|

...and yeah, we traded vids! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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So, I suppose you guys would be against me editing my plane crash compilation video on my laptop during mid flight? B| I'm just asking??

Last August I went to Spain to make few jumps following our week of opening the EAA Oshkosh airshow...I was on the aircraft in first class, editing some free-fall video I took during some of the performances when the guy sitting next to me pulls out HIS laptop and shows me some video of the same jump he'd taken from the ground! B|B|

...and yeah, we traded vids! ;)

First Class??? How many jumpers fly First Class? Not this one. Did you mention First Class just to make us feel bad?

The only big airliner I've ever been seated up front on was the Perris DC 9-21 at WFFC.

Actually, Twardo married a hot airshow acro pilot who now flies big Boeings for an international airline. Bet that SOB rode up front for free.;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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If egos were parachutes we'd all have REALLY low wing loading numbers. Swooping would be impossible.

Back in the day, carrying a rig into an airline boarding area was guaranteed to get women interested.

Now it's just a trouble magnet.

I ALWAYS bag my rig when carrying on.

Q: "whats in the bag?" A: "Sport aviation gear"

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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