
Cell booster antenna's

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a sell phone buster need to be conected to the phone and works in place of the internal attena. it then can alow bosting up to 3 watts. the internal attena max is.5 watts. those little stickers do crap to bost signal strength.

or you can get a cell phone reppeter that dose not need to physical conect to the phone and will do the above. I had a repeter at my Old house cost me $350 for it.
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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>There is absolutely NO boost in signal..at all.

Many do an excellent job. Booster antennas designed for car kits will generally contain a diplexer, a power amp (for more transmit power) and another LNA (for better receive sensitivity.) A newer sort of booster will establish a local "cell" and retransmit calls to the cellular network. They're expensive though.

There are also several external antennas that connect to a cellphone's antenna port and give you a significant increase in coverage. I use one that increases by EVDO coverage pretty significantly in bad areas. At my wife's parent's house, I generally can't get any signal at all. But if I use this antenna and stick it on the railing outside, I get two bars.

Needless to say, a sticker that costs $3 and sticks to the back of your phone won't do a thing.

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Needless to say, a sticker that costs $3 and sticks to the back of your phone won't do a thing.

Which was the exact point of my post...lol
"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie
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>>a sell phone buster<<

Boy, I'd love to have one of those . . . I'd be zapping rude and ignorant cell phone abusers all day long.

NickD :)BASE 194

Funny you say that...i remember a post not too long ago about what you would do to rude cell phone talkers. Blowing up their phone was the general consensus....lol
"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie
"Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye

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are a joke...dont buy one. There is absolutely NO boost in signal..at all.

Just to add -- same goes for all those little mesh stickers and similar devices that claim to "reduce or eliminate harmful radiation". I guess most people finally realized what crap that is, so these things became almost extinct now. It was amazing how many ads for them I saw just a couple of years ago... :S
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are a joke...dont buy one. There is absolutely NO boost in signal..at all.

Just to add -- same goes for all those little mesh stickers and similar devices that claim to "reduce or eliminate harmful radiation". I guess most people finally realized what crap that is, so these things became almost extinct now. It was amazing how many ads for them I saw just a couple of years ago... :S

Yeah i got one of them too in the whole package i ordered for the phone. That went into the trash...lol. The only reason i didnt take booster antenna off is fear of ripping of the HEX number.
"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie
"Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye

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"I had a repeter at my old house cost me $350 for it."

Gosh, I think that money would have been better spent somewhere else. Say maybe buying a freakin dictionary!!

BAH!!! it's highly over rated !!!! and are you making fun of my dislyixa ?
I'm a very senstive person !!! you know how much in thearpy this will cost now ???

Oh and that was my resloution to spell check 10% of my posts this year :P


Spell check my friend, SPELL CHECK!


SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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are a joke...dont buy one. There is absolutely NO boost in signal..at all.

Just to add -- same goes for all those little mesh stickers and similar devices that claim to "reduce or eliminate harmful radiation". I guess most people finally realized what crap that is, so these things became almost extinct now. It was amazing how many ads for them I saw just a couple of years ago... :S

Yep. Everyone finally figured out to just wear their tinfoil hats.

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The best cellphone I ever used was my dad's car phone that was also removable and could be used as a bag phone. It had an insane wattage, something like 4 watts, as opposed to .5 for a modern cellphone. There were less towers, but no matter where we were we always had reception. There are still parts of west TX on I-10 that I don't get cell service.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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So has anyone out there found any type of cell booster/amplifier for a reasonable ($100 range) that helps at all?

I just moved into a new place and I'm lucky to have 1 bar of service if any at all. My cell is my only phone and my lifeline to overtime hours at my EMS job.

I've just ordered a magic Jack to give it a try, but ideally I sure would like to get my cell to work inside!!!
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I have Sprint PCS and currently use their AIRAVE service. Unfortunately it only works for that network :(

prior to that I used a product by http://www.wi-ex.com/index.aspx and it worked well too, but had a shorter coverage area. Granted that was 2 years ago, so the newer products may (and I hope are ) be better.

good luck !

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