
Why can't I pop a woman in the mouth?

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Shah's post gave me the courage to post this. As of late I've been wondering about this. Women are allowed to vote now, women hold many of the same jobs as men (yes pay is still unequal), some men stay home while their wives go to work, women can hold most positions in the Armed Forces. So for the most part women have gotten their equal rights. Since that's the case shouldn't part of that equality be my right to pop the B**** in the mouth for talking smack? Not from a legal stand point of course but from a strictly socially acceptable standpoint. While not everyone would agree it's socially acceptable to pop someone in the mouth for talking shit, a lot of guys would agree it's ok to pop another guy in the jaw.

Until that day comes it's not really equality is it...

ETA: I haven't yet and don't ever intend to, but I should have the option should the need arise.

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If you have the nerve to pop a girl in her mouth, then you have to have the nerve to stand in front of her father and tell him why you just hurt his baby girl. Now, in my case my dad is a 6'5" Marine. I'd like to see that, actually. The entertainment value would take away any pain in my jaw.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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Legal equality is not the same as

ethical or physical or emotional equality.......

in some cases men and women ARE equal, but in many cases,,,, ( at least in MY book, ) women are MORE equal...

hahaha in other words,,,, certain simple courtesies should ALWAYS be extended to women BY men,,,, :|
(and also, i suppose vice versa...)( though the courtesies are sometimes not the same )

I think that you and i are from different generations skittles,, But FLASH!!!!!....

"you Never hit a girl "....>:(

EVEN the ones who YOU may think "are Bitches"...:S

equality in legal matters, the work place, certain social situations, and ESPECIALLY at the DZ.... are important and necessary..
But men and women ARE different and sometimes should be treated as such...

It's called Chivalry...
and it's not dead...;)
it's trying to get shoved aside, by the current generation, but as long as there are still SOME old school types around,,,;)B| it's hanging in there....:|

i know that your post is merely meant to start a discussion of the subject, and that you'd never resort to what you propose........

however if it were to happen..... you'd be demonstrating that Men are the Lesser important sex....and rank below women on the "let's all get along " scale.

sure sure. in fairness, there MAY be alot of girls/women,,, who feel it's OK to hit a man, to slap a man, to lash out when angry.... but an even-handed review of THAT behavior ... should also show it to be Unacceptable....

The abilty to resist physical retaliation, to avoid 'knee-jerk' like responses, and to control ones behavior is all we have left, in maintaining a healthy attitude toward one another.. male AND female....

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well you can pop a woman in the mouth. just like you can shoot it out with the cops, rob a bank. what ever. you just have to deal with the repercussions of your actions. if I see you pop a woman in the mouth. I'm gonna pop you in the mouth. been there done it a few times over the years. now 99% of the time the woman instead of thanking her rescuer. will attack said rescuer cussing, and screaming clawing and scratching. "how dare you hit my boyfriend":| still don't change the fact if you do it in my presence your gonna get smacked back.

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Since that's the case shouldn't part of that equality be my right to pop the B**** in the mouth for talking smack? .

Hitting anyone for "talking smack" is the sign of an ignorant immature person
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I've met women who would do just fine in a bar room brawl.

I know lots:ph34r: Just walk into any suburban Pub in Australia:ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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If you have the nerve to pop a girl in her mouth, then you have to have the nerve to stand in front of her father and tell him why you just hurt his baby girl. Now, in my case my dad is a 6'5" Marine. I'd like to see that, actually. The entertainment value would take away any pain in my jaw.

I 100% agree, except my Dad was a 5'10" cop who could intimidate the hell out of people with just his stare. I loved that. :D

In high school, in the hallway between classes, I got to witness my brother beat the fuck out of a dude who started a rumor that he banged me at a party. I saw my brother go after the guy and didn't know the reason until I got home from school.

My Dad would also tell my new boyfriends, "If you EVER raise a hand to her they'll never find your body".
Always be kinder than you feel.

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That's beside the point. I'm talking specifically from an equality point of view. Even with all the equality talk why is it still not acceptable?

Generally, there is a BIG physical inequality, as a big solid guy would you smack on a little skinny guy?
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Generally, there is a BIG physical inequality, as a big solid guy would you snack on a little skinny guy?

I don't think Skittles goes that way. ;):P:D
I'll bet is secretly does;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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i first read : Why can't I poop a woman in the mouth... :S

as I understand, your question is why can't you hit a woman ? in the face ? If you need to ask the question on the internet, you certainly missed something in the education you recieved.

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sometimes, regardless of our age,,, we can all use, a little "growing up"...
but in fairness to skittlesofSDC he only mentions the idea, in the context of the improving trends we see regarding Equality.

if it's all supposed to be a level playing field, then why isn't ANYthing, allowed...???

still sorta stumped,,, cause i guess it means he approves of smacking a GUY in the chops .... :o:|:| should the need arise.....
\though as mcswervey points out,,, if the glare of the eye, and the use of words fails to get the right results,>:(>:(
then other measures may be considered..
men fighting men seems to be in our genes and men fighting women may also be there......:(:(
But in a decent and civil community and society.. ( which we are supposed to be trying to create),,,,
a Man should never hit a women>:(>:(
it's about as basic , as it gets...


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Since that's the case shouldn't part of that equality be my right to pop the B**** in the mouth for talking smack? .

Hitting anyone for "talking smack" is the sign of an ignorant immature person

Agreed. It really isn't acceptable to hit people in general, especially not for a lameass reason like that.

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In defense of Skittles this is not an unreasonable place to raise this issue as a purely academic exercise. Nothing he has said indicates he is contemplating hitting anyone.
As far as hitting anyone he is far from the only dude on this site that has espoused the concept of men hitting each other as a fairly normal part of society. For those of you threatening him, who is doing the escalating?
As for the question itself the physical inequity is the easy answer, but more to the point it is part of society that we have established as never being violent, why would we want to backslide on that. The idea is to push the boundaries of civilization forward. Just as suing the guy who hit you in the intersection is now standard practice, why would we want to go back to gathering up our brothers and going to burn his house down. There are parts of the world where that would be your only recourse but we have progressed. Returning to a society where we push women around as well as expend considerable energy protecting the women in our own family would also be a step backwards.
That said are their exceptions? Yup, you bet. I would not hesitate to hit a woman to protect a child. I think if a woman rips you off in a drug deal she gets no immunity. Since it has been over 20 years since I've witnessed a drug deal let alone participated, that one doesn't really apply to me. I am sure there are other situations, but as a civilized man I have worked to avoid the type of lifestyle that contains that sort of example. But for talking smack? Never!

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If I'm right (and I might not be), it seems as if people are failing to recognize the satire in your post. They think you are actually being serious, where I think its a smallish joke to the joke that was Shah's last post.

But I may be wrong.
And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
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