
Cloudy film on new Infinity from Scotchguard??

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I just Scotchguarded my brand new Infinity container (which is black) and when it dried, it dried with a cloudy white film all over it. It looks as if it has been sitting in the sun all summer. Can anyone help me with how to fix this??? It looks AWFUL!!:(

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3M lists no phone number contact, so I e-mailed them with my dilemma - waiting to hear back. My fiance is the one who did the Scotchguarding and he has done it many times successfully with his own container, so I'm sure he didn't use too much. I'm contacting Velocity Sports today. Thanks for your help!

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It sounds like you didn't do several very light coats.

Sounds like it's time to have your rigger bring out the washing tub & Woolite, wash the rig, and do it over.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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It sounds like you didn't do several very light coats.

Sounds like it's time to have your rigger bring out the washing tub & Woolite, wash the rig, and do it over.


This is what I've been thinking but, we don't have a lot of 'facts' here and I don't like 'jumping the gun'. That's exactly what I would do. Sounds as though someone, got in a hurry. Washing it in Woolite, sure won't hurt anything.


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