
[please review] how to propack a parachute video

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Hey guy's!

I put together a packing video for a few people that were asking me what I do specifically, like holding the stack with my chin rather than my knees, here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zG-FfA2EYQw

I know that my techniques work, but I would really like some feedback on my delivery, explanation and any input to make myself a better packer!

I got positive feedback from who the video was intended for so I decided to clean it up and post on youtube and maybe make some more videos, I already know I need a better microphone and cleaner rigging area, but any constructive criticism or ideas is VERY welcome!

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No mention of quartering the slider or making sure it is deep in the pack job (or unstowed), no mention of slider grommets up against the canopy. This reefing is one of the most critical parts of the pack job.

Your risers are also uneven when you wrap the tail, this shows up again when you're done with your stows and wagging your finger while saying nothing is not enough.

You rely too much on the band to close the bag.

There are other issues but you say it's not about flaking etc.

My 2c, because you asked.

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+ 1 everything what dorbie said.

Your flaking is messy at best.
If your slider is 5 inch higher up on one side something is wrong with your packjob, wouldn't you say so? Your S-folds are far from perfect, your canopy is still halfway out the bag and you are already trying to close it, palavering about an issue with the rubber bands that wouln't be there in the first place if your packjob were even rudimentally tight and in order.

There is quite a big number of other issues with your packing, that you don't talk about or seem to ignore. Please don't try to teach anybody else until you fixed them. There are some cool packing videos out there, search for Nick Grillet pro packing on youtube for example.

If you want to show your technique how to bag a canopy with your chin/chest only show that and leave the rest out until you got better at it.

Btw, it looks rediculous and I had a good laugh ^^ But if it works for you...

To absent friends

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+ 1 everything what dorbie said.

If you want to show your technique how to bag a canopy with your chin/chest only show that and leave the rest out until you got better at it.

Btw, it looks rediculous and I had a good laugh ^^ But if it works for you...

yeah I know its an interesting yoga form :P , but it does work for me and it makes keeping a canopy twice the size of mine a lot easier to the get in the bag for anyone i've shown struggling on their knees, I figured it out struggling with a brand new set 400 I had to put in a 365 bag everyday, but it works great on all bigger canopies to keep the stack tighter than putting a knee on it....for me

and thanks for the input!

I rushed through the rest of it since I wanted to do it twice from different angles. I am going to go back and re do this with a large student canopy or a tandem and just start from laying it down, or take the time to do it ALL right every take and not just rush through it to show how to bag it. I knew the skill level of the person this was intended for and what they were having issues with and focused on those, if I am going to post something publicly I should take everyone's skill into account, not just the person I know who is struggling to learn how to bag tandems, I deleted my post but I guess it did not delete the thread, i'll repost the link when I make an update.

Yes if I had stacked nicer the rubber band issue would not exist, but I see tons of people dragging bands across nylon and the damage from it when I pack for fun jumpers so I do think its important to show a way to avoid damage when your having a hard time with it.

oh and not saying anything about what happens when you dont tie your risers and how if you should check the length and repack if super uneven like shown was an editing mistake, the clips there but muted for some reason thanks for pointing it out!

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oh and not saying anything about what happens when you dont tie your risers and how if you should check the length and repack if super uneven like shown was an editing mistake, the clips there but muted for some reason thanks for pointing it out!

Is that what you mean at 9:38 in the video?

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