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Enjoys bad liquor, indecent exposure and the distant sound of people shouting "cutawaay!"

What can I say? I thought Billy Bob Baldwin was great. :P

Our very own wandering, drunken, beligerent, song writing, guitar playing minstrel.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Will go to amazing lengths to flake on an engagement, but eventually comes through if you stay on her ass :P.

Also, is mildly obsessive, and has to constantly be told to change the subject.

.....Oh, and drinks like a fish, but doesn't eat.

OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Also, is mildly obsessive, and has to constantly be told to change the subject.

.....Oh, and drinks like a fish, but doesn't eat.

I will neither deny, nor confirm the above statements! :):P
"Don't let the bon-bons give you a fat ass. Merry X-mas!" - Skydemon2

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Is a greenie.. in need of an Amazon hug

Gives awesome hugs, so I am told, and I have photographic proof of one of her awesome hugs almost smothering my now hubby to death...but he is enjoying it...;)B|...

~R+R:)...Hey, I want one!!!!!!!!!!:ph34r:
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Deaf dude who hurls in the mens room at the Farm and is louder than anyone!!! "OH MY GOD!!!! HELP MEEEEE!!!!":D:ph34r::D:ph34r:
Who's Deaf Now???? MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!:D:ph34r::D

(I love ya Billy...like a pig loves corn);):D:ph34r:

Umm... I've NEVER hurled anywhere at The Farm. I do remember seeing puke already on the floor there when I went in to take a piss, but I guarantee it wasn't mine. :P It was probably Bolas'. :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I do remember seeing puke already on the floor there when I went in to take a piss, but I guarantee it wasn't mine. :P It was probably Bolas'. :D

Nah, I just puke next to Amanda...
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I do remember seeing puke already on the floor there when I went in to take a piss, but I guarantee it wasn't mine. :P It was probably Bolas'. :D

Nah, I just puke next to Amanda...

Just don't puke next to me and we're cool... :ph34r:
Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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The most amazing Birdie on the Planet! She knew me when I was a newbie and has stuck with me through thick and thin...I love my Birdie!:)

A VERY HOT CHICK who has done the same for me!!!B| I LOVE ROCKY!!!! Especially in anything Hustler...:)...


Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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