
Do you clean or do you clean clean when.......

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your parents are visiting?

There is a difference.:P

Most people will just tidy up a bit but others will spend weeks deep cleaning each room. I just watched my sister steam clean her whole house last week because my mom and step dad are visiting. She even went thru- my niece and nephew rooms and pulled out 4-5 bags of what she said was trash.

I swept and vacuumed the floors, stuck the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and wiped the counter tops. I think that is good. :D
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I don't clean anything, and haven't in years! No seriously... I don't. My wifey does it all, and insists on it. I will occassionally help with dishes or cooking and stuff, but thats just so I can get laid.

I can bring folks over to the house most anytime and it will be clean. Slightly lived in w/a 9 and 12 yr old kids running around, but clean where it wouldn't take more than a minute to tidy up.

My wifey isn't what I call a 'Clean Freak'; well, not to her face anyway :P. It took me years to get her to understand that the world isn't gonna implode if she leaves the house w/out making the bed, that it's ok to leave a couple of dishes on the counter and go to bed, and that there really isn't any need to dust the top of door jambs every single day.

She takes care of the inside of the house, and I take care of the outside. It might not work for most folks, but it works for us, and has for 20'ish yrs and counting... :)

Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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your parents are visiting?

Neither. The cleaning service comes every other Friday. If my parents visit immediately follows that it might be clean. Otherwise it'll be clean enough.

The bed will be made because we like what it looks like and that keeps the crums off when we eat in front of a movie.

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Why the hell can't the cats do some housework every once in a while? I go to work everyday to pay the bills, and they just lay around the house.

And shed their fur all over too.
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Most people will just tidy up a bit but others will spend weeks deep cleaning each room.

I "deep clean" twice a year (over the course of a week) and since this is the time of year when we are likely to have more guests, it is always early December and early June I do that.

I spend about 30 minutes every day keeping things clean and then a couple hours once/week cleaning those things even more including keeping up with a rotating "deep clean" schedule of things in between the official semi-annual "deep clean".

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Most people will just tidy up a bit but others will spend weeks deep cleaning each room.

I "deep clean" twice a year and since this is the time of year when we are likely to have more guests, it is always early December and early June I do that.

I spend about 30 minutes every day keeping things clean and then a couple hours once/week cleaning those things even more including keeping up with a rotating "deep clean" schedule of things in between the official "deep clean".


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Why the hell can't the cats do some housework every once in a while? I go to work everyday to pay the bills, and they just lay around the house.

Tell me about it.

Mine even try to stop me from doing housework and cleaning up after them!

Zoe' has an obsession with getting "made up" in the bed.

Sabre is unphased by the vacuum and will stare at it laughingly as I push it inches from his kitty face hoping he will move.

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Only time I clean is the night before my house cleaners are coming.

LOL...I used to do the same thing, until my mom commented one night...you clean up for your cleaners?! :S

"Love is doing small things with great love."

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