Will the WFFC ever be back?

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it will never be anything like it once was.
To many places have turbines and larger aircraft.
If it does return it will only be "just another boogie"
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I was hearing rumors for a while and then they died out. I think the city of Rantoul would have us back, but as I have said before, I think expectations of having an event that compared to what it use to be is unrealistic. I think even doing it every two years is a good idea.

While I would be happy to help in anyway I could I would not even begin to compare what I have done to the convention. What Don and his volunteers did to put that event on makes mine look like a Cessna Boogie.

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I was looking thru Pics and found some of the last WFFC, Damn, WFFC and Richmond both gone. The days of the Real Boogies are a thing of the past.

By the past, it depends on how far back ya wanna go. ;)

The Herd's 'Tube Steak' boogies are a long gone dream, the 'convention' has had it's ups & downs, Freak Brothers to WFFC...it will be back no doubt, in some form or another.

But there's always 'Dollar Daze' to tide us over ! B|

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Thanks for the nostalgia and the pics! Just a note, Don Kirlin, the founder and owner of the WFFC, had a death in his family this last month (his father).
I know that Don will appreciate this thread and the good vibes that go with it. I will make sure that he knows that it is here.
If anyone else has some great pics to share, feel free! I love the pic of Annie and Olivia standing on the ramp. Hard to believe that is an aircraft ramp in front of the FBO, instead of a lake somewhere!
That is me by the golfcart talking to the Airboss. I thinking I was saying something like "do you have any idea when these damn clouds are going to lift? We gotta get these guys up in the air!"

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