
Is it xfire2 or xfire1? advise needed

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Hi everyoneB|, I need some help related to canopy identification:$

There is a Crossfire which was claimed as Crossfire2 but there is no "Crossfire2" caption on it.
How can I determine that it is actually xfire2? any advise?

Thanks in advance...
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There is a Crossfire which was claimed as Crossfire2 but there is no "Crossfire2" caption on it.
How can I determine that it is actually xfire2? ...

is it not written on the warning label with the serial number etc ??
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All crossfires made now are crossfire2, so if it's fairly new it's a crossfire2, however Icarus don't bother to put the "2" on the label.

Your best bet if you want to be sure is to check the serial number with Icarus and see what they say.

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must check on my crossfire. I know that on my Safire the orange label shows safire2 139... I have no side label on it.

In my view, the orange label provides info (as complete as possible), the side label is advertising.
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The side label show "Crossfire" on it, the warning label actually indicated crossfire2 but some guys here think that label can be forged...
Check the serial# with Icarus - good Idea, but I wondering if there is some sign in design of the canopy which allow to determine the xfire2?
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the warning label actually indicated crossfire2 but some guys here think that label can be forged...

manufacturing date would also be forged ??? Adding a 2 on the label is easy. Changing the year of manufacturing might be more visible...

I Wouldn't be able to tell the difference in design.
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the warning label actually indicated crossfire2 but some guys here think that label can be forged...

manufacturing date would also be forged ??? Adding a 2 on the label is easy. Changing the year of manufacturing might be more visible...

I Wouldn't be able to tell the difference in design.

Agree, (if only somebody didn't replace the whole labelB|)
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Try looking at the nose. The XF1 has a 'heart' shaped inlet, the XF2 is more diamond or 'eye' shaped.

Other than that, you might be able to get trim specs on both from icarus, and measure them, but that sure is a pain in the ass.

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Professor, flow,

Thanks for info we'll check it this weekend:)

Check the serial number with Icarus.
To pass a XF1 off as an XF2, they'd need the serial number for an XF2 of the same size with the exact same colours. Tricky to find.

Agree with that
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who cares? xfire 1 and 2's are the bomb ass and some prefer the 1 to the 2. there is no reason to forge the 2 for the sake of making out it is a 2.

my friends brand new crossfire2 just says crossfire on the side and crossfire2 on the warning lable. why would you be so suspicious?

i love my crossfire!
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who cares? xfire 1 and 2's are the bomb ass and some prefer the 1 to the 2. is no reason to forge the 2 for the sake of making out it is a 2.

Exñept the priceB|


my friends brand new crossfire2 just says crossfire on the side and crossfire2 on the warning lable. why would you be so suspicious?

Actually it's not exactly my suspicions but some guys here:) I'am jenerally (besides desire to get to the truth:)
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