
Cat urine on rig...

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Nature's Miracle (you can get it at pet stores) is great for dog & cat whizz on carpets & upholstry, but I have NO IDEA whether it's safe for your rig. I'd say find it in a pet store, make a note of its ingredients and then ask your rigger or the rig mfgr.

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Keep your closet closed or keep your rig where the cat can't get to it. At 17 I bet she doesn't climb too well anymore!

Nature's Miracle would probably do the trick, but I'd still check with a rigger.

If its JUST the BOC pouch, it can probably be removed and replaced without too much trouble. But I don't see how the cat could have peed on the boc pouch without getting the pilot chute and the bottom of the rig as well. Might be time to give the rig a good bath and hope for the best. (Or even better, pay your rigger to do it!)

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I've seen this happen before-to the best of my knowledge, the rig had to be washed several times to get the smell out. It wasn't my rig, so I didn't note the details but shoot me a pm to remind me and I'll ask the rig's owner the details this weekend.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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I would guess a miracle pet urine stink removal fluid would be fine for skydiving gear because, for the ones I have looked at, the active ingredient is an enzyme that breaks apart the stuff that stinks.

Theoretically, it is very unlikely that enzyme will break down nylon.

However, because nylon resists dyeing, I would bet the urine has not gotten inside the fibers and therefore a standard thorough unpack-and-Woolite wash would remove the smell.


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I've had two rigs brought to me with cat pee on them....best way I've found to remove it was to spray the rig down good with simple green....let that sit and soak in for about 5 to 10 mins and then put it in a tub of water and woollite.....hand wash it for several mins......then just let it soak in the woollite for a good 10 to 15 mins....then hit it with a soft bristled brush and rinse very well and let dry.....that did the trick on both the rigs that customers brought to me........and I totally agree with the cat beatings...that can be done while the rig is soaking.

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Cat jokes are real cool, but they dont belong here.

What Remi said! :S

This otherwise extremely useful thread was inappropriately and hopelessly hijacked by cat jokes. Most of that content was moved to Bonfire or removed completely to preserve the effectiveness of the original thread and the on-topic replies.

Topical forums are not a place for a ton of one-liners, and completely hijacking a thread is not welcome either.

I'm gonna lock the thread so everyone gets the point, and stick it to the top for a few days to make sure the author and anyone else who can use this information doesn't miss it.
Arrive Safely


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Once the smell is there, they will keep going back, and they can smell it even when you no longer can. Products like Nature's Miracle are supposed to neutralize the odor even for the cats!

The best solution is to keep the rig or gear bag where the cats can't get at it.

And, also, there is usually a valid reason for inappropriate urination. Possible medical but it could be as simple as a dirty litter box.

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