
Miss Plastic Hungary 2009....what!

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To qualify for the pageant, the 18 Hungarian residents had to prove they'd gone fully under the knife — mere Botox or collagen injections did not count. Nearly all the contestants showed off augmented breasts, with reshaped noses also popular. One finalist had surgically adjusted toes.

(This I can almost understand due to my wife thinking about having her feet worked on due to bone spurs)

Miss Plastic candidates were at least 18 years old and included a former rhythmic gymnast, a firefighter married to a police officer, a mother of three and several strippers.
(Can't forget the strippers! :)
Pageant queen Reka Urban, a 22-year-old hostess, won an apartment in Budapest, first runner-up Edina Kulcsar was given a new car and second runner-up Alexandra Horvath took home diamond jewelry worth 2 million forints ($10,800). The winners' plastic surgeons also received awards.

I don't know....at some point I think the humanity in beauty pageants will be lost and it will be about who had the most cash for the best doctor. And that's not right.
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[QUOTE]"She really doesn't have a full curve to the calf and it goes straight down to the ankle," said Dr. Michelle Copeland, a Board-certified plastic surgeon, whose specialty is cankles. "In Barbie's situation there might be something that on the inner side that we might be able to improve, but Barbie looks pretty good." [/QUOTE]

BAHAHAHAHA too funny
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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The list of turn offs that I have are a bit long but top five included Cankles. GOD I HATE CANKELS! YUCK!
And go figure I marry a girl with....you guessed it! Cankles!
Now isn't that a kick in the balls!
And FYI there is no plastic surgery for slimming down cankles.
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The list of turn offs that I have are a bit long but top five included Cankles. GOD I HATE CANKELS! YUCK!
And go figure I marry a girl with....you guessed it! Cankles!
Now isn't that a kick in the balls!
And FYI there is no plastic surgery for slimming down cankles.

:)yeah so then how could you "specalize" in cankles then? lol im confused!
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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yeah so then how could you "specalize" in cankles then? lol im confused!

Not tracking? Ohh well you see her's is due to bone structure not fat deposits. So for her there is really nothing they can do. That and at $8k....heck just invest in titties and no one would ever notice those horrifically deformed cankles.

You know....back on topic...it would be cool if these girls has stickers on their buts. You know for sponsorships!
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Ohhh guys.....

This is SO 2 weeks ago.....
Does it really take all this time for European "non-news" to reach the states???? :o

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Ohhh guys.....

This is SO 2 weeks ago.....
Does it really take all this time for European "non-news" to reach the states???? :o

Yes! :|
We just found out about A-Ha!
Can you believe that!
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Actually, FOX had a "reality show" a few years ago- The Swan? A bunch of women who went through all kinds of "transformations." Think extreme makeover to the extreme ......... All of them ended up having a lot of different surgical procedures- boob jobs, tummy tucks, face lifts, and a bunch had lipo on their "cankles". (I had never heard of doing lipo there until that show.) Then the women competed in a beauty pageant to win the title of "Swan".

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Ági Szalontai :)http://www.missplastichungary.com/medias/0000/0287/Szalontai_Agi_CF_web_big.jpg

Helga Geszti

Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Actually, FOX had a "reality show" a few years ago- The Swan? A bunch of women who went through all kinds of "transformations." Think extreme makeover to the extreme ......... All of them ended up having a lot of different surgical procedures- boob jobs, tummy tucks, face lifts, and a bunch had lipo on their "cankles". (I had never heard of doing lipo there until that show.) Then the women competed in a beauty pageant to win the title of "Swan".

"Miss Silicone Valley" might be more descriptive.

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Actually, FOX had a "reality show" a few years ago- The Swan? A bunch of women who went through all kinds of "transformations." Think extreme makeover to the extreme ......... All of them ended up having a lot of different surgical procedures- boob jobs, tummy tucks, face lifts, and a bunch had lipo on their "cankles". (I had never heard of doing lipo there until that show.) Then the women competed in a beauty pageant to win the title of "Swan".

"Miss Silicone Valley" might be more descriptive.

No, this show was far worse. The plastic surgery was basically a "charity" for women with a ton of problems- emotional and otherwise and of course, incredibly low self esteem. All of whom seemed to blame their crappy lives on the fact that they were fat or unattractive (not any choices they made themselves.....) and thought their lives would be so much better if only their boobs were bigger and perkier or if they were "pretty". By the time the show was finished with these women, most of them looked like totally different people. It was disturbing, to be honest.

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Tigra were you watching the same show as I was?
I recall most if not all the women were either middle class moms or had some sort of pre existing condition that their insurance would cover such as weak enameled teeth.
But any how yeah these, I guess you could call them average moms, had all kinds of work done to repair the damage done by having a few kids and not eating healthy and put on one hell of a exercise regiment.
It was amazing what one could do if one had the money.
And some of the women came out OK looking.
I also recall they did it to a few guys as well.
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Nope- you are thinking of Extreme Makeover. A lot of what they did involved helping people with birth defects or scars. Sometimes surgery for people who had done an amazing job losing a lot of weight and now were stuck with tons of saggy skin all over the place. They were mainly helping people who they thought really deserved the help because they were really good people or had already worked so hard to improve their lives.

The Swan was different- they did complete transformations on these women to the point where you would not recognize them and they could not even recognize themselves. I don't know how big a group they started with but each week they would feature two of them- show the "befores", and highlights of their "transformations" (which did include therapy sessions, but mostly just a ton of procedures) then reveal the new improved version, and pick a "winner" at the end. Then all the weekly "winners" completed in a beauty pageant at the end of the season. It was creepy. I think they ran 2 seasons and I remember watching a few episodes.

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Tigra, yes I think you are right!
I did have the two shows confused.

But on a fun note due to the economic downturn I hear most of the plastic surgeons in and around NYC are having sales on procedures. I think I'll buy a breast implant......you know...as a paper weight :)
But no on a + note the price of bunion / bone spur correction has also gone down in price. I think I'll get it for my wife for her birth day. Poor girl, due to wearing improper shoes has some painful bone spurs and bunions.

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My brother in law works for a company that manufactures breast and other types of implants. My SO has a pair of breast implants and I have a pair of ball implants. Mine don't make good paperweights, but they are great stress relievers! :P

Isn't family great?

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Ball implants? Do they come in various sizes? ;)

The foot surgery is actually very interesting and would really help her out. And at about $2k a foot isn't all that bad.

I think boob jobs were running at $8k here for a set. Which is about $2k off from what they usually go for.

But if I had that kind of money to spend I would just buy another bike! Screw the titties, pappy needs a new set of wheels!

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Foot surgery isn't really cosmetic. Insurance should cover it, but the recovery process is long and painful and she might think about just getting one foot done at a time just so she can be a little bit mobile.

And yes, the implants come in different sizes. I opted for a more normal size, but my brother in law gave me a choice.

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Foot surgery isn't really cosmetic. Insurance should cover it, but the recovery process is long and painful and she might think about just getting one foot done at a time just so she can be a little bit mobile.

And yes, the implants come in different sizes. I opted for a more normal size, but my brother in law gave me a choice.

The insurance company may not cover it for her.
It's called the Cinderella procedure and due to her not being totally out of action they may not cover it. Recovery time appears to be about one two two weeks.

It's actually very impressive!

So you went for the "normal" sized balls hu? I would have gone for the XXL. I hear girls are into XXL balls. :P
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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