
How to Poop at Work

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Since we are speaking of pooping at work....

Can someone please explain to me why, after two and a half months of summer vacation, the school where I work decided to replace the stall walls and doors in the faculty bathroom during the first two weeks of school???


I can't stand pooping next to students....


I'm a Doll!!!!

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i know that you wouldn't want to do this one at work, but when you really don't like the place that your at you can do what's known as the UPPER DECKER. This is when you remove the upper lid of the toilet and shit in there so it can't leave and is a real pain in the ass to clean up.(just for the record, i have never done this to anyone)

woa....that was cool....

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This is all very entertainingg. But I would like to bring up a serious problem and that is Poop-Stacking this usually occurs on construction sites when the only available Place to Poop is a Port-a-John. There is nothing worse than having to pile your poop on top of someone else’s poop. There should be a law against this or at least some kind or ordinance.

Blue Skies Black Death

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This is all very entertainingg. But I would like to bring up a serious problem and that is Poop-Stacking this usually occurs on construction sites when the only available Place to Poop is a Port-a-John. There is nothing worse than having to pile your poop on top of someone else’s poop.

Don't tell me you don't have a piece of scrap 2X4 to knock down the pile a little.:P:S:D

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It is my duty to provide the toilets at work with the stinkiest most watery poop available. That would be my defense mechanism. After someone walks into the bathroom and catches a whiff of the stench, they will either fall over dead right there.. or think twice about entering the bathroom again for some time. That in turn gives me a chance to poop in private. It must be similar to pissing out of your ass for the desired results to be met.
Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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