
Is there a source for accident statistics?

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Hi everyone!

Is there a place that I can find stats on accidents? I'm finding these narritives helpful and interesting but looking for some "big picture info" For example how often was equipment malfunction a factor? Was low and aggressive maneuvering the most frequent cause? What is the average # of jumps for most mishap jumpers...stuff like that.


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Actually, the 2015 statistics are available as a download on the USPA website. Search Safety Day and you'll find the power point presentation for 2015.
Charlie Gittins, 540-327-2208
AFF-I, Sigma TI, IAD-I
MEI, CFI-I, Senior Rigger
Former DZO, Blue Ridge Skydiving Adventures

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Thanks wbk, that's EXACTLY what I was looking for!

Most surprising was average age...47 (2012) I would have thought younger


I am guessing that 47 is the average age of licensed jumpers. The bulk of fatalities are licensed jumpers screwing canopies into the ground.

Despite vast increases (since 1980) in the numbers of students, student fatalities have remained steady (low) because of more reliable parachutes and better instruction.

We also see seasonal peaks in fatalities. There are usually a few deaths during Christmas and New Years boogies (at big DZs).
The second seasonal surge is around Easter (end of March) as smaller DZs reopen and rusty jumpers blow off the rust.
The third spike occurs during August when jumpers get hot, tired and over-confident.

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