
Official JFTC Fundraising thread

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I hear there is a "minimum due" deadline this weekend for the ladies who are fundraising for the JFTC. This will be the official thread where participants can ask for help if they are still trying to meet that goal.

For those who are reading this; if you have a few spare bucks, help a sista' out. B|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thank you so much for doing this for us, Andrea. I have about $814.05 left to raise before Saturday. Therefore, I extended my JFTC raffle until this Saturday. The following are the prizes:

* 10 minutes of tunnel time - iFly Hollywood
* 35% off certificate - Jumpshack Racer
* 35% off certificate for a Custom Racer
* 30 % off certificate for a new Infinity Rig
* 3 x certificates for 25% off Aerodyne Rig
* 25% off certificate on Firebolt Elliptical 9-cell canopy
* 25% off AngelFire Reserve
* FREE Jumpshack T-shirt
* FREE Liquid Eyewear (Tinted Glasses w/ case, pouch, cord & Liquid sticker)
* JFTC Pink Ribbon ducks + dinner paid by me post jump day at SD Elsinore or Perris

Please PM me for raffle tickets, and I'll PM you your raffle ticket numbers. I'm having the raffle on Saturday at approximately 3 pm, but please try to purchase tickets online by 2 pm to be safe.

You may use my JFTC link (see my sig line), or for faster payment & ticket info, you may also paypal me. Vanillaskygirl_Ro@yahoo.com is my paypal email address. Thank you!

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My photographer friend, Jeff Bender, is also selling his signed prints of some celebrities and donating 90% of the funds to JFTC!!!

Here are the ebay listing item numbers....

150365879231 - No Doubt

150365879920 - No Doubt

150365880214 - No Doubt

150365881806 - Gwen Stefani

150365882710 - Johnny Knoxville

Please let me know, if you have any more questions. Thanks!

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The JFTC Raffle is tomorrow afternoon - Aug. 15th!! Please donate to a worthy cause and also get the chance to win 10 minutes of tunnel, 3 chances at 25% off Aerodyne prod, several Jumpshack % off certificates for Main, Rig, Reserve, 30% off Velocity Certificate, FREE Liquid Eyewear, case, etc. & The LATEST prize is:

50% off Tony Intro. or any Tony Suit

See photos of some winning items attached! :)
I will check my paypal and messages in the afternoon at approx. 3 pm - California time. You may send in donations to my link or to my paypal address: Vanillaskygirl_ro@yahoo.com and raffle ticket requests can be texted (if you have my #, facebook messaged or DZ.com PMed. Thank you for your support!!!

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Donate! Donate! Donate!

Seriously, if you like hot female skydivers and BOOBS! BOOBS! BOOBS! Donate, donate, donate!

If you don't know anyone that is participating, go to www.jumpforthecause.com, click on participants and click on someone that hasn't met the minimum! Or if you know someone, and they have met the minimum, donate through someone who hasn't. This is a totaly group, team effort! But above all, DONATE!!

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What Lynn said! Donate to a friend's JFTC page, if possible. I'm going to continue to donate to all of the ladies' pages, that I can afford to donate to, after obtaining my minimum. It all goes to the same place & is for a great cause. We are all helping one another with this.

JFTC Raffle:
Sorry for posting one more time regarding the raffle, but many people are still buying JFTC raffle tickets by PMs here or via my facebook. You may purchase tickets by donating via my sig line & sending a PM.

I keep pushing the raffle back because I don't want people to miss out on the prizes. I'll have the raffle at midnight on Aug. 17th (late Sunday evening), since so many are still buying. Plus, I am sick & stayed home from the DZ, so I'm giving people a chance to buy tickets online.

I'll post a list of winners both here and on my facebook. Right now, if you purchase raffle tickets, I take pictures of your raffle ticket numbers & send it to you. See attachment for example.

Good luck, everyone! :)

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Hello everyone,
Paypal has made it difficult for me to sell JFTC raffle tickets, so I ended that.

Raffle winners:

* 10 minutes of tunnel time - iFly Hollywood:
Joe Monreal (Yuma, AZ)

* 50% off certificate - for Tony Intro or any Tony Suit
Israel Camacho

* 35% off certificate - Jumpshack Racer:
Shawn Vineyard

* 30 % off certificate for a new Infinity Rig:
Mirela Mattos

* 3 x certificates for 25% off Aerodyne Rig:
Winner #1: Cindy Scuba
Winner #2: John Olson
Winner #3: Damien Germano

* 25% off certificate on Firebolt Elliptical 9-cell canopy:
Mike McLean

* 25% off AngelFire Reserve:
Benjamin Forde

* FREE Jumpshack T-shirt:
Brian Boger

* FREE Liquid Eyewear (Tinted Glasses w/ case, pouch, cord & Liquid sticker):
Bill Morrison

* JFTC Pink Ribbon ducks +post SD Perris or Elsinore dinner paid by me (next group dinner):
Adam Bishop

Thanks for all of the love, support and donations, everyone. A huge thank you goes out to all of the amazing sponsors! Now, if possible,
please click on any lady's JFTC page and help her to raise funds for a wonderful cause. You may also make a general donation at:


Thank you from all of us Girls in Pink!

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The Brit Chicks raffle is still ongoing and will be drawn at JFTC (26th Sept). :)
Top prize is an entire Icon rig with Aerodyne canopies plus Vigil AAD. Runner up prizes are Larsen & Brusgaard Alti-Track and 2K Composites Fuzion helmet.

Tickets can be purchased online at www.britchicksforthecause.co.uk or in person via a Brit Chick - either beforehand or at JFTC itself.

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