
Wings container - very long!!!

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Hello all Wings fans and representatives,

With all my respect to the Wings manufacturer I would like to express my huge disappointment in the time respecting of the customer order I have placed to the manufacturer.

First the company is telling me that it will take 5 weeks to manufacture, then i am getting the message of 8 weeks. Now it's already 9 weeks, and the manufacturer is telling me 10 weeks and quoting "...You probably expect it a bit longer because the company has been running behind the schedule...".

Guys, when am I supposed to have my gear ready to jump, in winter???

I am addressing this letter to all Wings representatives here.

I am working for Hewlett-Packard - we DO LOVE our customers, what unfortunately I cannot say about the Wings.


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It bums me out to hear this news. I don't mind waiting if I am given an accurate time frame. If they told you 5 weeks I could see it coming in 6 but not going on 10. But look at the bright side, by everything that I heard you are getting a great container for a great price.

It reminds me when I wrecked my car once. The shop told me it would take 4 weeks. I called evry Monday to check on progress and they said they were on schedule. So I show up unannounced the Friday before nexts week delivery date and they had not even started and gave me some excuse about not being able to find the right parts....which I miraculously found by placing two calls to a car dealership less than 15 minutes away!

So when the Wings reps read this I am still coming to order mine the 2nd week of August so please give me an accurate time frame so I can post praise for you! B|
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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First of all I would like to know where you ordered your Wings from.
We have NOT had a 5 week delivery time since late last year. And ALL rigs has been quoted 10 weeks on the order confirmations.

So if your Dealer has quoted you differently, you can't blame us for that. Like I said our delivery time has and are 10 weeks and it's been like that since pretty much the beginning of the year.

And also we have not been taking any Rush orders and we ALWAYS inform our dealers if we get one so they can inform the customer.

If you want to contact me in person about this please email or call me. ankie@skydivewings.com

Blue skies
Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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Hmmm suddenly light shines through the clouds and more turth is revealed.

I still can't wait to get mine fitted and ordered, because from everyone I've talked to Wings is the way to go.

So it seems that both Ankie and Red Bull will give you Wings!

10 weeks, no worries....Well you know how the saying from that ketchup commercial goes. "Good things come to those who jump. Or something like that.
HackB A.K.A. "Puppy"

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Nope, not EXT model.
I would say I am very patient person, just i don't like the response I am getting from the comapany.
There is no fixed acknowledgment date for my order and this isn't right to my mind.
I still like the company, and I am sure I will be happy with my Wings. Just want to hint the company on their mistakes to deliver the best services.


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Wings is scheduled to be completed on 08/04/05. You should probably
expect it to take a little longer though because Wings has been running
behind schedule."

OK... you do realize that the US uses a Month/Day/year format in their dates?

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So you ordered it around the 20th of may.
And had an order confirmation for the 4th of August.

What is the problem? that is 10 weeks, and that's what we quoted your dealer.
I don't see where you get the 5week delivery from.

Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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Well if I knew...Don't like surprises
Now trying to find who is inconsistent ... Dealer or Wings. But telling the truth hate doing this.

Understand that Wings is a good manufacturer with a very good reputation. That's why I am surprised.

Anyway, happy to get my Wings soon ;)

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I'm not so sure... If it's 9 weeks now then 4th August (08/04/05 in 'US speak') would be 10 weeks... just as apparently quoted... just as the website says... assuming wings wrote the date in 'US speak 'of course.

When did you order the rig shyma? And who told you, Wings or the dealer?

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Ok. Guess have to clarify the whole situatuion.
The order has been done about the 20ths of May. My dealer has promissed me to get the system by the 1st, 2nd week of July.

It's the 28th of July now and I was asking my dealer what's is wrong. He quoted the recent answer of Wings, which I have already posted.

As in conversation with Ankie realised that my dealer ordered through another dealer which makes the picture even more complex.

The whole picture, makes me think that my dealer hasn't been consistent. For what I would like send my appologies to Wings company.


P.S: I still wander what made my dealer give me impossible date of delivery, understanding that every dealer appreciates their reputation as well.

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Great job! Slam a company with a great rep for customer service over the internet BEFORE you a) contact them directly and b) get the full story.

Personally, I think your apology ought to be at least as prominent as your original post.

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You're trying to get the foot out of your mouth now, but I'll state anyway that back in October when Wings was promising 5 weeks they shipped mine out in 4...was actually *too* quick as I hadn't even ordered my reserve yet, or found a cypres.

For anyone that orders in the peak of the buying season, don't be surprised that you have to wait a bit.

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got to say that Wings kick ass in the customer service department and are second to non when it comes to going that extra mile when required.

ditto! :)
sounds like the dealer screwed up - but i wanted to throw in support for wings! B|

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