
Hockey Playoffs...

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I'm with the announcers and think that Brown will be out for several games. I figured nearly 2 full seconds between Hudler getting rid of the puck and the hit; completely unacceptable and league should agree.

The announcers on the broadcast I was watching didn't figure there should have even been a penalty called! They said he got cut when his head hit the ice, not from the check. I thought it was a clean check...perhaps a bit late but pretty close. Cruising through the middle looking behind you is asking to get creamed...and he did! Brown didn't put his elbow to him but hit him with his shoulder. I don't think a suspension is called for at all.

We had company so I was watching the game out of the corner of my eye but I felt that the Ducks narrowly averted getting blown out. I saw lots of loose pucks that happened to land where the Ducks could clear them but it could easily have led to a lot of Detroit goals. I didn't think the Ducks generated as many opportunities. I don't want the Wings to win but they look like the best team still playing to me.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Whew! Wings pulled that one out! What a nail-biter!


Combination of turning up the intensity a bit in the third and an excellent play by Lindstrom to step into that rebound. The effort in the third this game better be the minimum effort the rest of the series in order to get a series win. The long layoff between Columbus and today showed the early parts of this game.

Go Wings!

That, had me nervous... the 8-day lay-off! The Wings looked a bit dis-organized, or something, in the first two periods but, they looked much better in the third. Lidstrom was just too good! The Ducks started looking a bit tired in the third. Ozzie, did great, through all of it. You can count on him when the going gets tough. After last night, I'm feeling a little better about the Wings chances.


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After last night, I'm feeling a little better about the Wings chances.


Ditto - I expected "best case" to be a split of the first two at home, and regardless of tomorrow they will get at least that. If the Wings can take advantage of the home ice energy and their (hopefully) renewed sense of urgency and hard work, they may be able to travel to Anaheim up 2-0.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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After last night, I'm feeling a little better about the Wings chances.


Ditto - I expected "best case" to be a split of the first two at home, and regardless of tomorrow they will get at least that. If the Wings can take advantage of the home ice energy and their (hopefully) renewed sense of urgency and hard work, they may be able to travel to Anaheim up 2-0.

I think you're right! Even though, we were 3-0-1 in the regular season against the Ducks, the Ducks are a 'different' team, since then. Seems too, they rely too much on Selane. Where on the other hand, Detroit has so many goal scorers, they can keep the Ducks guessing. If, the Wings can keep-up a good defense and avoid penalties, and keep the Ducks 'off' their game, the Wings should come-out of this series on top.


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1st. game between the Ducks and Wings... Brown hits Hudler... Brown is OUT for the game!!! YES!!! Detroit got a 5-min. power-play and tie the score. I hope, the Wings sweep that sorry bunch of goons! While Hudler was being helped off the ice and bleeding from around his eye, the showed Pronger holding back a big grin. The Ducks SUCK!


I'm with the announcers and think that Brown will be out for several games. I figured nearly 2 full seconds between Hudler getting rid of the puck and the hit; completely unacceptable and league should agree.


Sorry bro but that was a clean hit. Not even a full second passed between Hudler passing the puck and impact. When contact was made Brown's arm was pinned to his body. There shouldn't even have been a penalty but in real time it looks like a vicious, illegal hit so I can forgive the refs for the 2 minute interference and 10 minute misconduct.

However, I can't forgive them for the no-call on Franzens obvious check on Hiller after he scored their first goal.

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I DVR'd the game and have re=played that hit several times to see 'if', it could've been a 'clean' hit. The puck was nowhere near Hudler and Brown came from across the ice, dropped his shoulder and slammed Hudler. I don't give a flyin' fuck what that 'goon squad' coach says, it was an ugly hit and it was the right call by the refs. Hudler was hit so hard, his visor cut him above the eye... 10 stitches worth. What really pissed me off was when the camera went to Pronger and he damned sure looked like he was trying like hell to keep from laughing, after that hit! The right team won and I hope, they beat the Ducks in 4! I've tried to be fair about the Ducks but, all they know is just beating-down their opponents.


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Holy Jesus dude... I think you are flying off the handle a bit. This is hockey dontchaknow. The hit was clean. It was .8 seconds from the time Hudler passed the puck to impact. Distance from the puck makes no difference since Hudler just had the puck. Brown pushed once, pinned his arm to his rib cage, moved his stick to the other side of his body, and lowered his shoulder for the check and he finished it. And he didn't even leave his feet btw.

Also the fact the NHL didn't fine nor suspend Brown should make it clear that it was a clean hit.

Of course we don't hear about how earlier in the game Hudler slammed his elbow against the back of Beauchamin's head up against the boards WHILE leaving his feet. Same goes for another wing (forget which) against Carter.

Not to mention Franzen steamrolling Hiller and then has the audacity to accuse the Ducks of chipiness when asked about the Brown hit.

Now I'm not saying the Ducks aren't chippy because they damn well are and they are damn good at it but this holier than thou attitude the rest of the NHL takes (especially the wings) is ridiculous considering they are every bit as bad.

Its freakin hockey. Hulder learned a valuable lesson courtesy of Mr. Brown.

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Obviously, we see this quite differently. To me, when a player gets hit hard enough to require 10-stitches... that's an ugly hit. I do put the Ducks defense right-up there with Donald Brashear, Marty McSorely and a few others. The Ducks barely made the play-offs and 'gooned-up'. Plain and simple. The Wings, I don't feel the Wings have a 'holier than thou' attitude, I would feel the same if Brown hit a Ranger, Oiler, Leaf... whatever. The hit was un-called for. That's just my opinion. Are you referring to when one of the Ducks shoved Franzen over Hiller's pad? The Wings just aren't going to lay down and let the Ducks beat them up. Brown will be back in game 2 so, no big deal.


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Your criteria for "an ugly hit" is stitches? Even if the hit is completely within the rules?

I'm referring to Franzen steamrolling Hiller (hard enough Hiller's facemask came off) immediately after scoring the Wing's first goal. He could have avoided Hiller but didn't. Now I can see Franzen wanting payback for Brown's hit but to go after the goalie? That's a bitch move in my opinion.

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As I recall, There was a lot of activity at that point in front of the net and Franzen was moving pretty fast. I've seen the same thing happen to Osgood, Roy and other goalies. Hiller's big enough... he can take it! Looks like the stage is set for a rock 'em sock 'em seris!:D


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On the CBC broadcast one of the Wings was asked between periods about running Hiller and he smirked and said Hiller had better get used to it. The Wings look ready to play as dirty as they need to in order to win. This is going to be a battle.

If a guy gets stitches on a clean check from getting cut by his visor...that's just too bad.


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I think, that's because the Ducks have a reputation as 'head-hunters'. They're bigger, man for man than the Wings and the Wings are just ready to meet the Ducks style of play. Also, the Ducks seem to have only one 'good' line and make-up for it with 'size'. I guess too, I got a bit 'worked-up' over that hit like a lot of folks have. To me, it just looked like Brown 'intended' to do damage. As for 'running' Hiller, I only saw the one incident in the Ducks net and that did not look 'intentional'. Why didn't the refs call that one? Like I said too, Brown will be back for today's game... no big deal. If, too, that was such a 'clean' hit... why did they give Brown the penalty? Bad reffing? Just curious.
Like you said, it's going to be a battle!


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Your criteria for "an ugly hit" is stitches? Even if the hit is completely within the rules?

I know the question wasn't directed at me, but my answer is absolutely no. Hockey is tough, violent, and as much as no one "likes" injuries, they will happen and will happen on clean plays and legal hits.

On the narrow issue of the Brown hit on Hudler, I still disagree with you and believe that Brown's hit was blatantly illegal, an example of head-hunting, and quite probably an intentional intent to injure.

Though I did agree with the announcers Friday night, and still believe the hit was blatant, I now think that the league did the right thing in non-suspending. In particular I agree with (emphasis mine):


It's hockey. It's violent. Unless somebody can prove with absolute certainty that it was Brown's intent to deliberately injure Hudler, the best reaction is simply moving forward to the next challenge -- especially since Hudler wasn't seriously injured. He took some stitches, but those are standard playoff attire.



What we're seeing is a Ducks team hoping to lower the style of competition to its level because that's the only chance they having of outlasting the Wings through seven games.

Suspending Brown would have only further perpetuated the myth that the skilled, yet delicate Wings require the league's protection against excessively physical force. Now, there's the insult.

The Wings are more than capable of watching their own backs and administering the proper retribution.


Lowering the style of competition won't work this series, especially now that the Wings have overcome the rust of 8 days off and have regained their focus. My original prediction was Wings in 6 or 7 games, I'm revising that to Wings in 5 or 6 and if they win today a very good chance of Wings in 4.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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Your criteria for "an ugly hit" is stitches? Even if the hit is completely within the rules?

I know the question wasn't directed at me, but my answer is absolutely no. Hockey is tough, violent, and as much as no one "likes" injuries, they will happen and will happen on clean plays and legal hits.

On the narrow issue of the Brown hit on Hudler, I still disagree with you and believe that Brown's hit was blatantly illegal, an example of head-hunting, and quite probably an intentional intent to injure.

Though I did agree with the announcers Friday night, and still believe the hit was blatant, I now think that the league did the right thing in non-suspending. In particular I agree with (emphasis mine):


It's hockey. It's violent. Unless somebody can prove with absolute certainty that it was Brown's intent to deliberately injure Hudler, the best reaction is simply moving forward to the next challenge -- especially since Hudler wasn't seriously injured. He took some stitches, but those are standard playoff attire.



What we're seeing is a Ducks team hoping to lower the style of competition to its level because that's the only chance they having of outlasting the Wings through seven games.

Suspending Brown would have only further perpetuated the myth that the skilled, yet delicate Wings require the league's protection against excessively physical force. Now, there's the insult.

The Wings are more than capable of watching their own backs and administering the proper retribution.


Lowering the style of competition won't work this series, especially now that the Wings have overcome the rust of 8 days off and have regained their focus. My original prediction was Wings in 6 or 7 games, I'm revising that to Wings in 5 or 6 and if they win today a very good chance of Wings in 4.

Like you, your response wasn't directed at me but, you said it real good. I watched that hit on Hudler several times and Brown sees Hudler and races over to him, drops his shoulder and nails him. Hudler was bleeding 'before' he went down. I still feel, Brown had 'intent' to injure. I still feel it was a dirty hit but, folks can argue that till they are blue in the face. I still, would put that hit right-up there with the recent Brashear hit. I feel too, 'the punishment fit the crime'. I agree with you too that, the Wings are not, by any means, 'Nancy Boys' who have to be 'protected'. They can hold their own and have the experience in play-off hockey. Also, the League is really getting serious about 'hits' as well as goalie interference. Franzen, did crash the net and Hiller lost his brain-bucket. Why, that wasn't called... ? I sure don't think the refs were 'protecting' the Wings. I agree also that the Wings could very well, take the series in 4. I do know, I'll be watching the game today!



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Chuck, Mike,

I just got home from the lake to see that the Wings no longer have home ice advantage. 59 shots Hiller stopped? The Wings are far from a sure thing against the Ducks. Both of these games have been close with Lidstrom only getting the winner with 49 seconds left in the first game.

Of course, he'd have only tied it if the refs hadn't called that bad penalty against Brown. B|


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Chuck, Mike,

I just got home from the lake to see that the Wings no longer have home ice advantage. 59 shots Hiller stopped? The Wings are far from a sure thing against the Ducks. Both of these games have been close with Lidstrom only getting the winner with 49 seconds left in the first game.

Of course, he'd have only tied it if the refs hadn't called that bad penalty against Brown. B|

I don't believe, I ever said that the Wings were a 'sure thing'. The Ducks are a tough team and the Wings definately, have their work cut-out for them. Today's game was damned good! I don't think Ozzie saw that over-time goal coming. All in all, the Ducks were quite good at breaking-up plays and really seemed to have control of the neutral zone. The Wings seemed a bit sluggish in the first two periods. They seemed to slack-off on defense going into the third. They need to see more out of Datsyuk and Hossa. I will say again, it's going to be a hard fought series and I'd like to see the Wings win it. There's still, five games left and it ain't over till it's over.


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Chuck, Mike,

I just got home from the lake to see that the Wings no longer have home ice advantage. 59 shots Hiller stopped? The Wings are far from a sure thing against the Ducks. Both of these games have been close with Lidstrom only getting the winner with 49 seconds left in the first game.

Of course, he'd have only tied it if the refs hadn't called that bad penalty against Brown. B|

I don't believe, I ever said that the Wings were a 'sure thing'. The Ducks are a tough team and the Wings definately, have their work cut-out for them. Today's game was damned good! I don't think Ozzie saw that over-time goal coming. All in all, the Ducks were quite good at breaking-up plays and really seemed to have control of the neutral zone. The Wings seemed a bit sluggish in the first two periods. They seemed to slack-off on defense going into the third. They need to see more out of Datsyuk and Hossa. I will say again, it's going to be a hard fought series and I'd like to see the Wings win it. There's still, five games left and it ain't over till it's over.



When I read predictions of 4 games or 5 games, my feeling is that somebody thinks it's a sure thing. Out of the 7 other teams remaining...I think that only the Ducks and maybe the Bruins are teams that can beat the Wings....and I don't know about the Bruins after getting shutout today by the 'Canes.

If the Ducks win Game 3....lookout!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Chuck, Mike,

I just got home from the lake to see that the Wings no longer have home ice advantage. 59 shots Hiller stopped? The Wings are far from a sure thing against the Ducks. Both of these games have been close with Lidstrom only getting the winner with 49 seconds left in the first game.

Of course, he'd have only tied it if the refs hadn't called that bad penalty against Brown. B|

I don't believe, I ever said that the Wings were a 'sure thing'. The Ducks are a tough team and the Wings definately, have their work cut-out for them. Today's game was damned good! I don't think Ozzie saw that over-time goal coming. All in all, the Ducks were quite good at breaking-up plays and really seemed to have control of the neutral zone. The Wings seemed a bit sluggish in the first two periods. They seemed to slack-off on defense going into the third. They need to see more out of Datsyuk and Hossa. I will say again, it's going to be a hard fought series and I'd like to see the Wings win it. There's still, five games left and it ain't over till it's over.



When I read predictions of 4 games or 5 games, my feeling is that somebody thinks it's a sure thing. Out of the 7 other teams remaining...I think that only the Ducks and maybe the Bruins are teams that can beat the Wings....and I don't know about the Bruins after getting shutout today by the 'Canes.

If the Ducks win Game 3....lookout!

There can be 4 game sweeps or 5 game series that can be very hard fought and very much not a sure thing. Remember the 1997 Duck / Wings series - a "four game sweep" that had 3 full scoreless overtime periods, and 3 partial overtime periods during which the game was won. That was nearly a 6 game 4-0 sweep"


1997 Ducks vs. Red Wings Western Conference Semifinal Series
Anaheim was eliminated from the 1997 Playoffs by the eventual Stanley Cup champion Detroit Red Wings in the CQF, 4-0. The Mighty Ducks extended the Red Wings to overtime in three of those contests, including one double overtime game and one triple overtime game. Two of those overtime games came at Detroit. Guy Hebert and Mikhail Shtalenkov combined for a 2.45 GAA and .942 SV%. Only St. Louis had a better GAA (2.18) vs. Detroit in the postseason, while Anaheim was tops in save percentage vs. the Wings. The Mighty Ducks converted 36.4% of their power plays in the series – the highest vs. Detroit in the playoffs.


Edit to add the reference I finally found.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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We both know, there ain't no such thing as a 'sure thing'. You can put all the theories, crunch the numbers and throw-in some science but it all boils down to one thing... any team can beat any other team on any given day. Predictions go with crystal balls. Predictions are what we would 'like' to see... that's it!
I'd love to see this series go 4-5 games but, if the Wings hold-out, it'll be more like 6-7 games. Who knows???


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I just wanted to respond to your question about stitches and illegal hits. My answer... Yes! Check-out the NHL rule book. If, when a hit is made and blood is drawn, that is grounds for a major penalty. (not a quote) A minor penalty may be increased at the discretion of the referee, to a major penalty 'if' the referee feels there was intent to injure. Blood would be rather good evidence.
I am well aware that hits are part of the game. They've been allowed since the Montreal Maroons days. In yesterday's game, Brown didn't seem affected by the penalty.


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Hat trick vs. hat trick. The stars are shining in the Pens Caps series!!!

Go Pens (we're in deep water now!!!)B|

There's another good series! Maybe, I should be watching it. Have you noticed, since the 'strike' and the 'salary cap' how the teames have been balancing out, as far as skilled players?


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I just wanted to respond to your question about stitches and illegal hits. My answer... Yes! Check-out the NHL rule book. If, when a hit is made and blood is drawn, that is grounds for a major penalty. (not a quote) A minor penalty may be increased at the discretion of the referee, to a major penalty 'if' the referee feels there was intent to injure. Blood would be rather good evidence.
I am well aware that hits are part of the game. They've been allowed since the Montreal Maroons days. In yesterday's game, Brown didn't seem affected by the penalty.


I suppose I would be far less bitter about this if equity was shown by the refs. The hit Kronwall put on Carter, which was unequivically illegal, resulted in Carter's nose being broken. Ironically Brown's hit on Hudler was retaliation. So it seems Detroit ain't as saintly as you would like to think. 10 stitches? Ejection from the game. Broken nose? No-call.

Game 2....70 minutes without a call on Detroit. Refs need to learn to call an unbiased game. :S

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Hat trick vs. hat trick. The stars are shining in the Pens Caps series!!!

Go Pens (we're in deep water now!!!)B|

There's another good series! Maybe, I should be watching it. Have you noticed, since the 'strike' and the 'salary cap' how the teames have been balancing out, as far as skilled players?


Sidney also got a hat trick but Ovechkin put on the SHOW!

CBC commentator and former goalie, Kelly Hrudey, said the two that Ovechkin got from the hash marks area were goals that just put fear into goaltenders as there is nothing you can do but hope that your positioning is good because you don't have time to react on blasts like that.

Nice to see the big names perform...not like buying World Series tickets to see A-Fraud :D

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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