
Hockey Playoffs...

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At least, The 'Joe' Lewis Arena is named for a famous heavyweight boxer!;)
The Wings will let the Pens win one on their home ice which will mean they can raise the Cup at the 'Joe'
I noticed, the Pens appeared more 'physical' last night. Could that mean that desparation is setting-in? The Pens are right where they were this time last year.
The Wings winning back to back games was big for them. That didn't happen very often in the regular season. Hmmm...
Also, I've seen the Pens players help their goalie too, like Zetterberg. They aren't going to leave their goalie hang-out to dry.


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I know, you Pens fans are lovin' it but... where did they find those refs??? The Pens played 21-seconds in the first with 6 players on the ice... NO CALL! You name it and no calls! Helen Keller and Ray Charles could do a better job! I'm beginning to believe the 'conspiracy theorists'. The Pens have had 8-men on the ice, all night... 6-players and 2-refs.>:(



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dude the refs have missed 2 games of hockey, whats another period

they aboslutly blew a hook that lead to the go ahead goal in game 2

might as well leave the zebras at home
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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agreed. refs or not, pens finally put together 2 out of 3 periods of a game

refs did infact miss another good game, missed a ton of calls both sides....and colin campbell with ron after the first was pitiful, flat out made himself look more like an ass....wow
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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The Pens really had it together, tonight. Wings better shape-up or this series is going to slip away.
Campbel had the call on Malkin quickly rescinded at the end of game 2 for really weak reasons. Malkin was mad at Maltby because he was getting under Malkins skin with his 'chatter'. The penalty should've stood!!! That was the one real call, so far in this series. Bettman and Campbell are looking too 'obvious'!


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Thanks! I came-up with zip!
I don't want to come across like I've 'lost it' but, do you get the feeling this finals series is being manipulated? I know, the Wings didn't play like they can last night and I know, Bettman wants a 7-game series but, I really get the impression that Bettman wants his 'golden boy's' team to win this thing.


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I'm not sure if I buy into the conspiracy theory or not. However, I heard or read that when Bettman was asked about the initial June 5th finals start date that he said, "if Detroit would sweep Chicago we wouldn't need to start that late". If those were his words then that is a pretty revealing statement.

One thing is for sure. The officiating in the entire playoffs has been shite. It's gone both ways for Detroit.


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I feel better, now. The conspiracy was gaining ground after last night's game and the lack of officiating. I agree too, it went both ways as far as 'non-calls'. The NHL needs to get refs in there who know what they are doing and have at least, read the rule book. I've noticed the bad or lack of reffing since the start of the play-offs. It's not just this 'series'.


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I feel better, now. The conspiracy was gaining ground after last night's game and the lack of officiating. I agree too, it went both ways as far as 'non-calls'. The NHL needs to get refs in there who know what they are doing and have at least, read the rule book. I've noticed the bad or lack of reffing since the start of the play-offs. It's not just this 'series'.


IMHO, it's not the "non-calls" that are the issue and point to a possible conspiracy. It's the combination of the lack of consistency combined with the well timed non-calls.

The other thing I noticed was the inexplicable number of times a linesman or ref was "accidently" positioned in a way to slow down a DRW pass or rush into the Pit zone. The refs could have called a number of interference calls on themselves.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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Yeah! I've noticed that a number of times! In the first game of this series, one of the Wings was coming along the boards, chasing the puck. The ref was standing near the corner of the boards right in the way. I distinctly heard the player yell-out; 'GET OUT OF THE WAY!!' I think, they got these refs out of the Pee-Wee League.

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The last Ducks game I went to one of the refs ended up with the puck between his skates behind the Ducks' net while Mike Brown was trying to get it. The ref pretty much refused to move and I don't think Brown said a word other than to slap his stick really hard across the ref's shins. Only then did the ref move. That made me smile. B|


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