
If you could rename something...

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what would you call it?

Such as an arm. Why not call it a reacher? And the hand can be called the grabber. Why is a store called a store? Or how about the word shoes? Who came up with all of these. And why are we forced to follow the "norm" and call this things by these "names"?

I say we protest and come up with new names for everything. :D

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Pigfruit....it can be used as a noun,verb or actually anyway you want.
We came up with it in high school and used it all the time!1

It' was the 80's;):D:D:D:D


Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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HA, my Stepson and I did that with the sailboat!

winch = wrap around
Line = rope
Jib = front sail
dock = parking spot
Bow = front
Aft = back
Fenders = bumpers
Cleat = rope rester
Steering stick (can't even remember the correct term)

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Pigfruit....it can be used as a noun,verb or actually anyway you want.
We came up with it in high school and used it all the time!1

It' was the 80's;):D:D:D:D


What would the definition of it be? Use in in a sentence please....;)
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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HA, my Stepson and I did that with the sailboat!

winch = wrap around
Line = rope
Jib = front sail
dock = parking spot
Bow = front
Aft = back
Fenders = bumpers
Cleat = rope rester

Steering stick (can't even remember the correct term)


Mike always gets irritated when I call the lines 'ropes.' Tells me to stay away from them when I say they need to be untangled. :ph34r::D
Be yourself!

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Go to pigfruit!!!

I need another piece of pigfruit.

That was pigfruit!!!

Who's pigfruiting now??

It' pigfruited?

Holy pigfruit!!!

Oh,go get pigfruited!

Let's pigfruit.

I was so pigfruit last night I could not even talk,man

Got any pigfruit?
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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In my family, a banana is called a "ma-dot". Apparently, my sister named it that when she was just learning how to talk. We also call elephants as "elefudgents".

My boyfriend calls the remote control a "moke-a-matrol." I call the computer a "puter".
It's funny how families and/or couples have their own "language".

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Air Conditioner. How many syllables do you need, anyway?

Call it a "cooler". Opposite of "heater".

Some people call it A/C, which I hate. My degree in electrical engineering has me wired - AC = Alternating Current. Pilots call aircraft AC sometimes. Two-letter acronyms have too many different meanings.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Got some pre-existing scouse words for you since I'm not feeling creative:

Divvy - stupid person
Bizzy - police officer
Leccy - electricity
Ozzie - hospital
(anyone see a pattern? ;))

Keks - trousers (pants!)
Sound - good

As for new made up words - sorry, got not'n. :|

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From my neighbor in the next cube who heard me laughing and came to see what was funny:

Spotted dick. It sounds like a disease. Call it currant pudding or currant cake please.


Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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HA, my Stepson and I did that with the sailboat!

winch = wrap around
Line = rope
Jib = front sail
dock = parking spot
Bow = front
Aft = back
Fenders = bumpers
Cleat = rope rester
Steering stick (can't even remember the correct term)


They pretty much hate it when you call all ropes... STRINGS too.

Pointy end and stubby end - works for me too

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Air Conditioner. How many syllables do you need, anyway?

Call it a "cooler". Opposite of "heater".

Some people call it A/C, which I hate. My degree in electrical engineering has me wired - AC = Alternating Current. Pilots call aircraft AC sometimes. Two-letter acronyms have too many different meanings.

How about HVAC... always worked for me.

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