
Michael Jackson rushed to hospital

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He's dead and I'm conflicted.

On the one hand a brilliant performer in his youth.
On the other, a millionaire that lured children to a fantasy playground of his own design so he could have sex with them.

I mourn the young. I feel no pain for losing the child molester.

I agree- whatever i will say will get me banned- simple as- shows you how i feel

No conflict here. He was a fucking freak and a child molester. If he had not been rich he would have been in prison. Good riddance.

Dudeist Skydiver #170
You do not need a parachute to skydive, you only need one to skydive again

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It's kind of sad. On msn.com, they have Michael in a big top headline. Farrah has been shoved several items down. [:/]


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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So many people are quick to point out others flaws and wrong doing, especially of a celebrity. Half you people on this site have done or know someone who has made bad choices in life. This is a person just died! Have some fucking respect! You didn't have to have like the man at all but it is a tragic loss of a life. If you have nothing nice to say then don't post.

Ahh, Hitler was such a tragic loss of life too... leader of a nation and all.

Ok so that is a massive exaggeration but some people have a zero tolerance rule when it comes to this guy's character flaws. It's an open forum, no one has to be nice.

The Golden Rule's ship left the DZ.com port a LONG time ago.
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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There's mixed stories on Jeff Goldblum. There's some posts that are saying it's not true and that he's alive in NY somewhere.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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The guy was a nut.

You see his beginnings in the Jackson 5, the Wiz, and to his breakthrough with the Off the Wall album. Then came Thriller - he was at the top.

And then he fell. Just too many issues. Just plain freaking weird.

I'm not gonna miss the continuing oddity that was Michael Jackson.

Dang, y'all are harsh. A man lost his life. Yes, he was different, did some bad things.

I'm stepping out of this thread now before I say something to get myself banned.

Sad that the bad stuff overshadows the good.

I understand a man lost his life. I said both good and bad.

All I said was that I am not going to miss the "Jacko" crap. Seriously - I'm not going to miss it. It's refreshing when there is a brief respite from the Michael Jackson story. But it just keeps popping up, "What did he do now?"

But the guy ASKED for trouble. When Ed Bradley asks a softball question about whether it's right for little boys to be sleeping in the same bed as he is, he denied that it was wrong. Um... Okay.

The running out of the hospital with a baby. Just the outright lunacy!

It sucks that his childhood sucked. He had no choice. But as an adult he had choices.

It sucks he's dead at 50 - and he had kids. I think it's a shame when someone lives in a way that so many would be relieved that the madness is over.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Evidently, some website is trying to get a 'hit crash' or something... *shrug* Take it for what it's worth... if he *had* been killed on a NZ set, I think it would have been confirmed by now.


Only one website is reporting Goldblum's death -- and their site isn't currently up and running. Still, the rumor is that he fell to his death on the set of a movie in New Zealand. Here's another mention. However, his Wikipedia site reports that the news is a hoax.

Another website reports that Twitter posts indicate Harrison Ford died today, but again nobody else is reporting it or passing it along.

Both Ford and Goldblum are currently filming the movie Morning Glory, which only two days ago was being shot in New York City, according to one more reputable website. So chances that either actor are dead in New Zealand or anywhere else seem nearly impossible.

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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And per Google...

Jeff Goldblum alive
Stuff.co.nz - ‎9 minutes ago‎
An online hoax from 1999 which claims actor Jeff Goldblum has died in New Zealand has returned. New Zealand police have been taking calls, as have local ...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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And per Google...

Jeff Goldblum alive
Stuff.co.nz - ‎9 minutes ago‎
An online hoax from 1999 which claims actor Jeff Goldblum has died in New Zealand has returned. New Zealand police have been taking calls, as have local ...

goldblum couldn't have died, its simple logic. these things happen in three's. that's the rule. mcmahon, faucett, and jackson. no slots left.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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And per Google...

Jeff Goldblum alive
Stuff.co.nz - ‎9 minutes ago‎
An online hoax from 1999 which claims actor Jeff Goldblum has died in New Zealand has returned. New Zealand police have been taking calls, as have local ...

goldblum couldn't have died, its simple logic. these things happen in three's. that's the rule. mcmahon, faucett, and jackson. no slots left.

McMahon died the 23rd. Fawcett and Jackson died today.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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As far as I'm concerned he died in the early 90's. That was the musical talent can be separate from the freaky child molester he turned into.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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All I keep hearing in my head is "ding,dong the [freak] is dead!!!" oddly enough-sung by munchkins!!!lol

my apologies to those who loved & mourn him or thought he added something to the world, but he only left a tainted, deranged memory of a circus clown to me. Sad waste of talent!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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