
Michael Jackson rushed to hospital

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I'm not weighing in on either side of this argument... but sometimes settling out of court is cheaper than paying the lawyers and helps other things like public relations.

Whether your guilty or not, this is a strategy used by corporations and celebrities in the screwed up American legal system.

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>MJ settled with a large sum of money outside of court to my
>knowledge. wether the parents might be greedy bastards (and let MJ
>have access to the child in question), or not, thats not what i call "not

At least in the US, people are innocent until proven guilty. Indeed, in that case the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.

In the case you are referring to, the father was recorded as saying "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever. Michael's career will be over." When asked how his attempt might harm his son, he said "That's irrelevant to me."

At first his son denied any sexual misconduct. The father then drugged his son and extracted a "confession" from him, using a drug (sodium amytal) that leaves the subject very open to suggestion.

To me, that says that there is more to this than "Jackson molested a kid."

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Try to remember the good he did.

We all make mistakes. His may be true or false. We will never know for sure.

He brought this together. How many lives did he save? MANY! Enjoy. :)

Edited to add: Ptffft you youngsters talking shit probably don't even recognize these classic voices or faces that he brought together.

Jackson made some pretty good records when he was younger and all his work for charities was at the time greatly appreciated.

But I'm thinking the other way around:

Don't let the good things he did when he was younger colour your opinion of him - the evils of his later life were much greater. Even if only one single accusation of child molesting is true, that is more than enough to undo any and all of the 'good' things he has/may have done.
He was a celebrity - that doesn't (or rather SHOULDN'T) mean he can do as he pleases!

Translation: ONE "oh shit" wipes out ALL "attaboys"
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Yeah, no funnies....

someone in my office joked that he was trying to upstage Farrah


That's what I texted Divot when the news broke on TV. What an attention freak! :D After he released his "I'm Bad" single, it was all downhill from there. :P If I'm going to hell, might as well get in some gallows humor jokes before I go. :ph34r:

Seriously, he was one of the greatest entertainers of all time. Nobody could dance and sing quite as good as he could.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It sucks he's dead at 50 - and he had kids. I think it's a shame when someone lives in a way that so many would be relieved that the madness is over.

I was skimming to see if anyone mentioned his children. But, the latter of what you said made me think; I do feel relief, but not for anyone but him. It very much seems he led such a troubled life he could not properly deal with.

Call me silly, but I am more concerned (and curious) as to what will become of Michael's children now and--more importantly--later in life.

While his death was of little matter to me, I have found it difficult to escape with everyone talking.

Thus, after skimming this thread, I found myself wanting to state and now having to stand behind billvon's responses.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Two major icons of Generation X die a few hours apart and a few miles apart. One has the biggest selling poster of all time while the other has the largest selling album of all time. Jackson was in the stratosphere of superstardom while Fawcett was enormously famous in her own right.

Every time I turn on the news, it's all Jackson. I've thought to myself many times, 'What about Farrah?'

I know Farrah's death was expected while Jackson's was unexpected. I know Jackson is the bigger star.

I guess what bugs me is that it is appearing to be that Jackson OD'd while Farrah fought courageously for 3 years against a brutal disease. Despite Jackson being the bigger star, I wish the media would give Farrah some fair coverage for her contribution to the entertainment industry.


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Two major icons of Generation X die a few hours apart and a few miles apart. One has the biggest selling poster of all time while the other has the largest selling album of all time. Jackson was in the stratosphere of superstardom while Fawcett was enormously famous in her own right.

Every time I turn on the news, it's all Jackson. I've thought to myself many times, 'What about Farrah?'

I know Farrah's death was expected while Jackson's was unexpected. I know Jackson is the bigger star.

I guess what bugs me is that it is appearing to be that Jackson OD'd while Farrah fought courageously for 3 years against a brutal disease. Despite Jackson being the bigger star, I wish the media would give Farrah some fair coverage for her contribution to the entertainment industry.

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I'm warning everyone right now to obey Forum Rule #2:

No jokes about or references to pedophilia. None.

I've already deleted 2 posts. Any more jokes along this line will not be tolerated and you will be banned.

I understand the NO JOKES about pedophila rule but no references to it?
Isn't the name itself a reference to pedophilia?
Whether guilty or innocent, public opinion is that he is a pedophile.
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>I understand the NO JOKES about pedophila rule but no references to it?

From the rules:

No References to Pedophilia
References to pedophilia can only be made in a factual context or in discussion of certain political and social issues. Outside of those limited contexts Dropzone.com will have a zero-tolerance policy to pedophilia and any reference thereto will be removed without explanation.

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Try to remember the good he did.

We all make mistakes. His may be true or false. We will never know for sure.

He brought this together. How many lives did he save? MANY! Enjoy. :)

Edited to add: Ptffft you youngsters talking shit probably don't even recognize these classic voices or faces that he brought together.

Jackson made some pretty good records when he was younger and all his work for charities was at the time greatly appreciated.

But I'm thinking the other way around:

Don't let the good things he did when he was younger colour your opinion of him - the evils of his later life were much greater. Even if only one single accusation of child molesting is true, that is more than enough to undo any and all of the 'good' things he has/may have done.
He was a celebrity - that doesn't (or rather SHOULDN'T) mean he can do as he pleases!

Translation: ONE "oh shit" wipes out ALL "attaboys"

In the case of child abuse, yes.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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